Enough is Enough

dearhunter's Avatar
Just get a few more build-a-bears on board.......we almost have enough to run Wakeup out of town on a rail.......maybe we could get the hooktards to quit taking appointments in a show of support..........no justice, no piece.
Wakeup's Avatar
...wakeup...or several other who came over from ASPD who have zero qualified reviews. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
What the fuck...I have reviews that have qualified for Premium Access...
chicagoboy's Avatar
At the end of the day, nobody will ever miss me, wakeup, dearhunter, chicagoboy, or several other who came over from ASPD who have zero qualified reviews. Perhaps this board would be better off without all of us. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
DJ is big on doing the right thing - he could set a good example by going first.

I can't speak for the mods, but it seems like one mod for sure has their back.

The hostility is limited to about 10 posters, so it's not a whole board thing. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
DJ's signature asserts his principled preference for "Honesty over popularity any day." Why, then, does he not name those he accuses? He could even publish a Top Ten list.
That and visit forums in other cities , and see it is board wide . Mods are pretty much the same everywhere , well because they all talk in staff areas , and discuss interpretations of the guidelines . hehehe which has gotten some of my points reversed .
The hostility is limited to about 10 posters, so it's not a whole board thing. No doubt this board makes revenue for the ladies. Good reviews can be worth a whole lot of money to them. (six degrees of separation) Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
So, who are the 10 or so hostile posters in your opinion?

Why don't you put list them and if others on the board do not reply or comment on their posts you kill the thrill. The emotional satisfaction comes not mainly from posting something inflammatory, but for the rise they get out of people. Reply to them and you're playing their game.

Or is it time for a poll?
I do too.
At the end of the day, nobody will ever miss me, wakeup, dearhunter, chicagoboy, or several other who came over from ASPD who have zero qualified reviews. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I am pretty damn sure I would miss wakeup and dearhunter.


Old Dingus
No doubt this board makes revenue for the ladies. Good reviews can be worth a whole lot of money to them. (six degrees of separation) Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Many believe there is no such thing as bad publicity.

Old Dingus
  • Alli
  • 09-15-2013, 06:37 PM
As you look around this site, you start to question what the hell is wrong with people. I am sick and tired of seeing guys act like asses, treating women like dirt and going on their merry little way. I am tired of the smart ass comments that do nothing but attempt to hurt someone. So here and now, I am asking that everyone that was raised, start speaking up. I am asking you all to stop the bullies, stop the personal attacks, and help clean this place up a little. Let me share a little of what I am talking about....

1. Just because a woman is a hooker, it does not mean she is a whore. A person's profession does not dictate who or what they are. In fact, if you do not know them in the real world, you do not have a leg to stand on to begin with.

2. The smart ass comments (fat, ugly, etc.) when someone is looking for assistance, advice, or posts a thread is childlike and unproductive. If you can't say something nice, then you should not say anything. If you are adding useful information, please do so in a respectful way. There is nothing wrong with sharing a useful opinion but, it can be done in a mature way without degrading someone.

3. Respect is a two way street. While I am asking the guys to respect the ladies, I am doing the same for the ladies towards the guys. If a guy is being respectful, then be nice back. There is no place for a lady to tear into a guy, just because he gave her a bad review as long as he did not lie.

4. Can we get back to a little honesty. While I have no doubt that there are guys out here with better sexual skills than I have, I still find it highly doubtful that they hit 12 positions, came 7 times, and got her to have an orgasm 11 times in 15 minutes. For reviews to be worthwhile, they need to be honest.

This goes both ways. Ladies, if you are actually 180 pounds, then own it. Do not let a guy show up expecting a spinner and getting a BBW. There is nothing wrong or right with either one, they are preferences. Just please make sure that we are one the same accurate page together.

5. Show a little common courtesy. I know you have seen 1000 newbies post the same question. They do not know that because they are new. Help them if you can. If they are just being lazy, you can call them on it but, you can do that in a nice way.

It does not matter if it is a guy taking shots at a lady, another guy, or just acting a fool, he should be called out for this and be told by everyone that we will not accept this behavior. If a lady does it, then they should be treated the same.

I am happy to say that I have met a lot of great people on here. I believe there are more good people than bad. The issue we have is that we let those with the biggest and most inappropriate mouths take control. We need to take the board back and hold these people accountable for their actions. We need to start being polite on both side, and we need to treat others the way we want to be treated. If you can not do that...maybe you are not in the right spot.

I get it. Some people act this way because they can get away with it. However, if the good people stood up and put a stop to it, I think you would be amazed to see how many more of us than there are of them.

Thank you for reading this and I hope to see some of the hostility cleared up soon. Originally Posted by Adabear
I totally agree with you! Most of us are on here because we need something from each other, providers need the hobbyists and vice versa. It would be nice if everyone could get along. Unfortunately there are too many mean and ugly people on here who get a kick out of humiliating or "trying" to make people feel bad about themselves.
Adabear's Avatar
Thank you. I think it is possible to be a little nicer and still have everyone on the board contribute. Everyone places their part. Maybe they are the ones to call out bullshit, maybe they are the "Can't we all just get along" type, or maybe they are the lurker who is afraid to speak up.

Overall, it seems that there are others that think this way too. Now we just have to work together to hold people accountable for the kind of site we want. A place where you are welcome to your opinion (even if I hate what you say)....just in a more civil way.

The more we all can get along and communicate, the more interactions. The more interactions, the more the site is used. The more the site is used, the more money for the owner, the more money for the ladies and the more choices for the guys. Sounds like a win for all.
Wakeup's Avatar
Yeah...fuck that noise...
Thank you. I think it is possible to be a little nicer and still have everyone on the board contribute. Everyone places their part. Maybe they are the ones to call out bullshit, maybe they are the "Can't we all just get along" type, or maybe they are the lurker who is afraid to speak up.

Overall, it seems that there are others that think this way too. Now we just have to work together to hold people accountable for the kind of site we want. A place where you are welcome to your opinion (even if I hate what you say)....just in a more civil way.

The more we all can get along and communicate, the more interactions. The more interactions, the more the site is used. The more the site is used, the more money for the owner, the more money for the ladies and the more choices for the guys. Sounds like a win for all. Originally Posted by Adabear
Until you put up a list of the Trolls, you got jack. Also, it takes two to tango. Acknowledging their posts is playing their game.
And don't forget to list the Troll Enablers, the people who keep arguing with the Trolls endlessy. Without them, Trolling would be boring.

So, here you go:

Troll: Wakeup
Troll Enablers: Olivia Howard, Dear John, Champagne Brown
chicagoboy's Avatar
Now we just have to work together to hold people accountable for the kind of site we want. Originally Posted by Adabear
Build-A-Bear, please tell us more about how, you thinck, folks should be 'held accountable'. The devil is in the details.

Back in January 2011, St Christopher asked the Houston crowd whom they wanted as a new moderator. Horsefly campaigned for the job, and couldn't have made his agenda clearer:

I nominate me.

There's still a lot of clean up to be done in this town. Even though the #1 Hater on this board, dearhunter, has finally been banned, his minions are still here. Give me the job and I'll clean this place up. There will be no more piles of dog shit or cat shit stinking up the Houston forums. Originally Posted by Horsefly
I'm serious. I nominate me. I'll clean up the dog shit and cat shit that's stinking up the Houston forums. That gang of thugs will be finished. Originally Posted by Horsefly
BS, I totally disagree. After you clean it up, we have a thriving board where people exchange hobby info without the bullying and thuggish disrespectful bullshit that exists now. Clean it up and it will be good for business. There's only a small handful that cause all the trouble. My approach would be to warn them all - once, and then the first time they shit on the floor, they're history - permanently banned. Originally Posted by Horsefly
In the subsequent poll, Horsefly got three votes. Wakeup got 27; dearhunter got 15. Hell, even I got six votes. We wound up with SMI and JAD, who are good men, although they're no Pistolero.

Perhaps the site owners and their admins/mods already have a pretty good sense of what the membership does - and does not - want, what stirs up interest, and what maximizes profits. They certainly have access to more data than you or I have.
And don't forget to list the Troll Enablers, the people who keep arguing with the Trolls endlessy. Without them, Trolling would be boring.

So, here you go:

Troll: Wakeup
Troll Enablers: Olivia Howard, Dear John, Champagne Brown Originally Posted by Licketyslit
That's 4 , only 6 more to go ? Well only 1 if you don't use the enablers , never heard any mention of enablers before . Only chummy mods .
Been reading this thread and toss in a comment.

Controversy breeds business... Mods who are involved with the users in one form or another won't get a fair shake because "they are friends with that person" or "they wrote her a good review"

Personally.. I think the Houston Mods should not be IN Houston.. the Mods should not have any physical contact abilities with people in the city forums they oversee.

Years ago when dial up was the rage there were multi line chat boards.. with the operators rubbed elbows with the users and were friendly... it created more drama than you have ever seen..

Administrators do not hang out with users... not in corporate America. Reason is that their job is the system stability, safety operation. Users tend to be the thorn in their side.

When a user needs punishment an ADMIN usually is the one doing it. ( account disablement, access levels lowered etc) and they do not consider WHO it is, they just do it.