
Yssup Rider's Avatar
IGNORE list, son.

You've already gotten too much of my attention.
If you are ignoring me, please do not send me private messages. I was just having some fun not looking for a penpal buddy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hijacking? Please....I am simply replying to your post. If anything, we did it together....what happen to ignoring me? You got curious didn't you? lol and why are you calling me little man? Are you trying to make me feel inferior? Cause I have to say, it's not working at all LOL
gfejunkie's Avatar
NOPE. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You got that right!

All I can say is that Conservatives keep bringing up Reagan like their hero, but if you look at Reagan's record today he would be called a flaming liberal by today's conservative standards:

- Tripled the national debt in 8 years - Only liberals do that right? a Conservative is fiscally responsible, right?

- Gave amnesty to 3 million illegals - Only liberals do that right? a Conservative would've sealed the border and deported every single one of them, right?

- Increased taxes - Only liberals do that right? a Conservative would've eliminated all taxes.

- Said deficit spending during a recession was good - Only liberals do that right? a Conservative would've balanced the budget and cut all social programs immediately.

Folks, you've been duped by both parties. There are no conservative/liberal politicians. The only person politicians care about is themselves and whoever pays the highest bribes, sorry, they're called lobbyists these days. Every single working American and small business owner is left to his/her own to survive.

Stop calling each other names and figure out a way to develop a viable third party so we can kick all politicians out and really do something that benefits the majority of the population.

My .02 cents.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I've been advocating for a third party for a long while now.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Are there any conservative sites on the internet? Does Google link to them? Or only Yahoo

BTW F-Sharp, don't you think that's a lot of people working to do what Wyldeman is doing so well by himself?? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Munchmasterman's Avatar
All I can say is that Conservatives keep bringing up Reagan like their hero, but if you look at Reagan's record today he would be called a flaming liberal by today's conservative standards:

Folks, you've been duped by both parties. There are no conservative/liberal politicians. The only person politicians care about is themselves and whoever pays the highest bribes, sorry, they're called lobbyists these days. Every single working American and small business owner is left to his/her own to survive.

Stop calling each other names and figure out a way to develop a viable third party so we can kick all politicians out and really do something that benefits the majority of the population.

My .02 cents. Originally Posted by thehobbydude
Unemployment was 9% or above from Mar 82 to Sept 83

10% or above from Sept 82 to June 83
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Unemployment was 9% or above from Mar 82 to Sept 83

10% or above from Sept 82 to June 83 Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

By the time he left office unemployment was at 5.5% and he brought down inflation from 12.5% to 4.4% in his last year in office.

Did he grow government yes and so has just about every President.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
By the time he left office unemployment was at 5.5% and he brought down inflation from 12.5% to 4.4% in his last year in office.

Did he grow government yes and so has just about every President. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
The last two-three years of his presidency, he was suffering from advancing Alzheimers and, according to aides, didn't know where he was half the time.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Did you get that out of his sons book???

There is no proof he had Alzheimers at that time.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Did you get that out of his sons book???

There is no proof he had Alzheimers at that time. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
That's correct. There is no solid proof. Without a CAT scan or autopsy there is no hard evidence.

Many qualified people have stated that from direct observation and from seeing footage of him that he had varying degrees of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.

There is a chance that there may be hard evidence but that it is sealed for a period of time after his presidency. When you consider what the Clinton impeachment put the country through, think what a mental competency challenge would do.

In an aside, how would you like to have your name remembered/associated with some brutal syndrome or disease?
budman33's Avatar
Physicians diagnosed Reagan with Alzheimer's approximately five years after he left office but the date of the onset will likely be pondered by political historians and medical experts for years to come.


But the facts also show the notion of trickle down economics started this clusterfuck.

To me the main reason we have lost so much is that people dont pay their fair share. Corporations pay less than I do on taxes by offshoring profits.

The bottom line for me is that its not the republitards or the demicraps that are ruining this country. and certainly not a President with a 4-8 year lifespan that really only serves to deflect observation from the real problem.

Lobbiests, they have been running this country for quite some time, right into the fucking ground.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Physicians diagnosed Reagan with Alzheimer's approximately five years after he left office but the date of the onset will likely be pondered by political historians and medical experts for years to come. Originally Posted by budman33
I should have stated while in the White House.

Even though we have a high corporate tax rate, after all the loopholes and exemptions, and the bobbing and the weaving, I believe they average out at @20%.
Our tax code supports an army of accountants and tax lawyers. A tax code that changes every couple of years. With 100,000 people looking for any possible loop hole, they will find it if there is one.

Like the Terminator, that's what they do. That's all they do.

And incidentally, that's how a national health care bill ends up being 2000+ pages. One "or" where there should have been an "and" and you lose 5 billion dollars in tax revenues(hypothetical scenario). Reverse that and an industry could be crushed.

That is why Herman Cain is full of shit (i.e. a politician) or painfully naive. His call to make all bills physically small (number of pages), especially coming from a former CEO of a corporation that would have hundreds of tax lawyers as well as litigation attorneys who take care of law suits and other legal matters, defies the imagination. A bill should be as big as it needs to be, 3 pages or 3000. It depends on the complexity of the legislation.