LexusLover's Avatar
I'm still waiting on you to prove god exists. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I'm still waiting for you to prove he doesn't. 1001, 1002, 1003, ... times up!!!!

Just like your "little partner" ... Shamless ... you are shown to be a fool and then you change the subject....

.. oh by the way ... since you are a self-proclaimed wordsmith ...

.. you might want to tell Shamless what "tout" means!!!!

The photos I posted were "touted" to be the Keystone XL.

The stats I posted were industry approved ... not some liberal shit.
LexusLover's Avatar

This is a pipeline. What happens if it ruptures or leaks? Originally Posted by LexusLover
If I were your "chief" ... you'd be gone long ago!!!

Who is the IDIOT that posted this?

"Not to mention that most railroad accidents happen on the surface, which makes them easy to clean up. Pipeline accidents, on the other hand, seep inside the ground (and very often) into lakes and other bodies of water. Remember the spills in the Kalamazoo and Yellowstone rivers?"

Here's another pipeline picture!!!!

Originally Posted by LexusLover

The photos I posted were "touted" to be the Keystone XL. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Except the above pictures and they are of the Alaskan pipeline ...

....to address the whining bullshit of the Little Shameless kindergarten dropout who prides himself with playing dumbass little childish games on the internet, but can't find his way out of a paper bag in reality.....who you have gladly embraced as a mentor.

He doesn't even know what "irrelevant" means, if he thinks any of the pics I posted are "irrelevant" to the dumbass response he made, which is ..

"Not to mention that most railroad accidents happen on the surface, which makes them easy to clean up. Pipeline accidents, on the other hand, seep inside the ground (and very often) into lakes and other bodies of water. Remember the spills in the Kalamazoo and Yellowstone rivers?"

Which is not quite as dumb as what he said below ... but certainly close!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
You are actually going to provide another opportunity to show just how utterly devoid of intelligence you are? You are well beyond STUPID. No wonder you can't get a job.

"Pipelines have been used to transport American natural gas or oil, including from Canada to the United States, for three quarters of a century. Almost 500,000 miles of interstate pipeline crisscross America, carrying crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas. This extensive and operational infrastructure network is heavily regulated by the Department of Transportation, which monitors the very issues central to the Keystone controversy: safety and reliability."

Originally Posted by LexusLover
May be this "source" is more "credible" for some of you whiners:


"The severity of the Lac-Megantic incident forced the National Transportation Safety Board, in conjunction with the Canadians (where crude by rail is also booming), to issue a 15-page document recommending increased safely measures. The report finds that "railroad accidents involving crude oil have a potential for disastrous consequences and environmental contamination equal to that of the worst on-shore pipeline accidents." Despite the urgency, the report says not enough has been done to properly equip US railways to face the increasing demands: "Although railroad accidents involving large numbers of crude oil tank cars can have similar outcomes [to pipeline spills], oil spill response planning requirements for rail transportation of oil/petroleum products are practically nonexistent compared with other modes of transportation."
lustylad's Avatar
Perhaps you don't change your mind once in 7 years.... Not everyone has an opinion on everything.... He's POTUS. What have you done? Originally Posted by WombRaider

Wow. See how the lying limpdick freelance faggot from Arkansas defends our lying limpdick POTUS in the lamest possible terms - "not everyone has an opinion on everything..." We used to be a great country. Now we are over-populated with pussies like undercunt who will defend the feckless Piece of Shit in the White House for NOT having the attributes we used to consider a prerequisite for the highest office in the land.

Back in the old days when Democrats actually knew what it meant to have fortitude and convictions and cajones, there was a Missouri haberdasher named Harry who quipped "....if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

Today we see only weak and pathetic faggoty dimocraps like undercunt and shammytard, who have hijacked Harry's famous line and replaced it with:

"....if you can't make a decision about what you think you might believe on an important national issue without offending one of the suckers you deceived into voting for you, PROCRASTINATE for 7 years!"

LexusLover's Avatar
"....if you can't make a decision about what you think you might believe on an important national issue without offending one of the suckers you deceived into voting for you, PROCRASTINATE for 7 years!" Originally Posted by lustylad

Michelle Obama: "...the road ahead is not going to be easy”. “It never is,” she said, “especially for folks like you and me. Because while we’ve come so far, the truth is that those age-old problems are stubborn and they haven’t fully gone away. So there will be times ... when you feel like folks look right past you, or they see just a fraction of who you really are.”

I guess she is still not proud of being a citizen of the United States.
  • shanm
  • 05-12-2015, 10:48 AM
Except the above pictures and they are of the Alaskan pipeline ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lmao lexietard, there's a reason you're so easy to argue with. All you have to do is repost until you get over your idiot irrelevant picture meltdown. First things first

Lmao lexie, keep posting away. Maybe, if you bury it under a hundred more posts, no one will click back a few pages to see how utterly fucking moronic you are. Originally Posted by shanm

But we don't want to let that happen now do we?

The keystone pipeline is touted to be built almost 4 feet under the ground, you retrograde idiot. Or do you think they'll have a 1000 mile stretch of pipe running above ground across half our country?

The pipeline will be buried about four feet beneath the ground and require a 50-foot permanent right of way along its entire course.

Keep posting your irrelevant pictures you knuckle-dragging retard. Originally Posted by shanm
You know that no one is surprised. For a "knuckle dragging retard", I'm actually quite impressed. Your mistake is in believing that a 1200 mile pipeline that runs across the face of America, and through some of our populated and industrialized areas, will require the same construction layout as an Alaskan pipeline, that runs through a stretch of barren land.

Is that a "nuance" we can expect a "knuckle dragging retard" to understand? Of course not!

But as you usually say: "carry on!"
  • shanm
  • 05-12-2015, 10:53 AM

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Did you send this to President Obama yet? I am sure he would love to hear what IBJunior has to say!

He must be ashamed of himself to have let down such an upstanding member of our society.
Wow. See how the lying limpdick freelance faggot from Arkansas defends our lying limpdick POTUS in the lamest possible terms - "not everyone has an opinion on everything..." We used to be a great country. Now we are over-populated with pussies like undercunt who will defend the feckless Piece of Shit in the White House for NOT having the attributes we used to consider a prerequisite for the highest office in the land.

Back in the old days when Democrats actually knew what it meant to have fortitude and convictions and cajones, there was a Missouri haberdasher named Harry who quipped "....if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!"

Today we see only weak and pathetic faggoty dimocraps like undercunt and shammytard, who have hijacked Harry's famous line and replaced it with:

"....if you can't make a decision about what you think you might believe on an important national issue without offending one of the suckers you deceived into voting for you, PROCRASTINATE for 7 years!"

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Drag up some old dead fuck that no one gives a shit about. 'An old coot, from missouri, named Harry'. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK!

You've hijacked logic and reason and replaced it with your warped world view. He made a decision. He said no.

Michelle Obama: "...the road ahead is not going to be easy”. “It never is,” she said, “especially for folks like you and me. Because while we’ve come so far, the truth is that those age-old problems are stubborn and they haven’t fully gone away. So there will be times ... when you feel like folks look right past you, or they see just a fraction of who you really are.”

I guess she is still not proud of being a citizen of the United States. Originally Posted by LexusLover
With people like you in it, who could be? You lack a very basic human quality; empathy. You are unable to see things from any point of view other than your own. You're also unable to place yourself in someone else's shoes, to see the situation differently. These are failings that you refuse to address.
LexusLover's Avatar
With people like you in it, who could be? You lack a very basic human quality; empathy. You are unable to see things from any point of view other than your own. You're also unable to place yourself in someone else's shoes, to see the situation differently. These are failings that you refuse to address. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Do you charge for your lameass psycho-analysis of posters on a hooker board blog?

Do you charge for your lameass psycho-analysis of posters on a hooker board blog?

YOU ARE STUPID. Originally Posted by LexusLover
continued proof of your absolute lack of any logic or reason. You have never displayed anything but racist, misogynistic tendencies.
lustylad's Avatar
Did you send this to President Obama yet?

He must be ashamed of himself to have let down such an upstanding member of our society. Originally Posted by shanm

In order to feel the proper shame, Odumbo would first have to have a sense of pride in this country, shamelessfucker. As Moochelle has already admitted, it is a rare day when either one of them feels a smidgen of pride in this country.
lustylad's Avatar
Drag up some old dead fuck that no one gives a shit about. 'An old coot, from missouri, named Harry'. WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK! Originally Posted by WombRaider
Shame on you for speaking ill of a faithful member of your own party, who didn't let his convictions sway with the polls and knew how to make hard decisions without procrastinating for 7 years, undercunt!

I am told your messiah has a sign on his desk that says "the buck gets passed on here!"
lustylad's Avatar
With people like you in it, who could be? You lack a very basic human quality; empathy. You are unable to see things from any point of view other than your own. You're also unable to place yourself in someone else's shoes, to see the situation differently. These are failings that you refuse to address. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You lack a very important quality known as common sense, undercunt. How else can anyone explain the way you keep returning to have your ass reamed over and over and over again - on the same point? A smidgen of common sense would allow you to say "oops, my bad - I picked the wrong study, that one doesn't support my argument!" But when you lack common sense, you can't do anything except bend over and get fucked in the ass - again and again and again!

Every time I try to feel empathy for your situation, my own ass hurts!

You lack a very important quality known as common sense, undercunt. How else can anyone explain the way you keep returning to have your ass reamed over and over and over again - on the same point? A smidgen of common sense would allow you to say "oops, my bad - I picked the wrong study, that one doesn't support my argument!" But when you lack common sense, you can't do anything except bend over and get fucked in the ass - again and again and again!

Every time I try to feel empathy for your situation, my own ass hurts!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
You've been proven wrong. Your inability to grasp this is not my problem.