MY WISH { I WiSH We CoulD ReViEw CliEnTs}

if you don't like the thread just go away! if you aren't capable of defending your point of view with intellent words and resort to name calling, go away.
rharley, you're not going to win friends or influence people by telling them where they can post and how they can post.

Having said that... everyone is free to post and discuss the topic and adjacent issues related to the topic. But, keep the personal attacks out of here guys. If you don't like someone or what they post, hit the ignore button.
bigryan..........darlin', why even try to reason with him? Its like ramming your head into a brick wall continously and expect a different outcome each time.

The smart ladies who run this like a business know what to do and what not to do. The ones who wish to put a review of their clients out there will see the err of their ways sooner or later. Originally Posted by MsElena
Here's a prime example for the argument that women never should have been taught to read and write in the first place! just sayin....
dirty dog's Avatar
Here's a prime example for the argument that women never should have been taught to read and write in the first place! just sayin.... Originally Posted by rharley
Here is a prime example of why we as Americans need to fund the March of Dimes and their fight against birth defects.
"here" meaning YOUR profile?
And this thread is still open because? I don't see anything about the original topic being discussed. I think everything that needed to be said has already been said in 17 pages even with all the fussing.
ezgoindude's Avatar
And this thread is still open because? I don't see anything about the original topic being discussed. I think everything that needed to be said has already been said in 17 pages even with all the fussing. Originally Posted by Allie_Kat
I agree Allie. It's just fodder for the troll now.
Some men can't handle when a lady is smarter than he is.

Sucks to be him.
whos the dumbass that invented the womans shoe????
ezgoindude's Avatar
whos the dumbass that invented the womans shoe???? Originally Posted by rharley
rharley, you are like a 5 year old. If you can't get attention by being good you will get it by acting up. Now go to your room. Time for bed.
rharley, you are like a 5 year old. If you can't get attention by being good you will get it by acting up. Now go to your room. Time for bed. Originally Posted by ezgoindude
change your name to whiteknight
change your name to whiteknight Originally Posted by rharley

Sometimes I wish I could post stuff from the lounge and pm.
ElumEno's Avatar
OMFG I wish the OP would ask for this thread to be closed - um that is right she can't...

Do you all have any idea how hard it is to try and follow a conversation when you can only see part of it...