Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

c'mon Scribe, LOL.. you are suggesting that people who have their guns taken away, would resort to knifings and beatings, etc., in a manner that would NOT decrease violent crime in general?? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That is exactly what he's saying. That's the first thing people like him yell, they will just find some other way to commit the crime. I don't think a kid would be able to walk into his school and kill five or six kids with a baseball bat, and I would much rather have a better chance of being knifed than being shot.
This is not a gun debate. It’s a thread about a DPD cop being seriously incompetent and her huge mistake. If you aurgue that guns are the problem in this case you are saying cops should not have guns.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 09-26-2018, 01:45 PM
This is not a gun debate. It’s a thread about a DPD cop being seriously incompetent and her huge mistake. If you aurgue that guns are the problem in this case you are saying cops should not have guns. Originally Posted by FunMonday
I disagree. The horrible situation could have just as easily been created by someone licensed to carry a gun instead of an off duty cop. Her wearing a badge had little to do with this tragedy.
I disagree. The horrible situation could have just as easily been created by someone licensed to carry a gun instead of an off duty cop. Her wearing a badge had little to do with this tragedy. Originally Posted by Crock
I agree this cluster fuck could have happened by someone carrying a gun but she is for a fact held to a higher standard like any other cop. This situation did not take place because she had a gun or a knife or if she knew Kung Fu. It happened because she is incompetent.

In fairness I can understand being tired and stressed. Maybe to the point of going to the wrong apartment but she made a huge error in judgment. The round that missed him was just as lethal to someone as the second round that killed him. That’s wholesale incompetence gun or no gun

DPD was equally incompetent by not immediately arresting her. They should have at least held her to limit their liability and to avoid the court of public opinio.
  • grean
  • 09-26-2018, 03:57 PM
DPD was equally incompetent by not immediately arresting her. They should have at least held her to limit their liability and to avoid the court of public opinio. Originally Posted by FunMonday

If all police in these instances were treated like everyone else without a badge, that would make a huge dent in the mistrust issue. It's supposed to be a thin blue line, after all.

Based on her statement at the scene, that should have let any reasonable person know, cop or otherwise, that it's highly likely the shooting was unjustified.
TexTushHog's Avatar
This is not a gun debate. It’s a thread about a DPD cop being seriously incompetent and her huge mistake. If you aurgue that guns are the problem in this case you are saying cops should not have guns. Originally Posted by FunMonday
Finally, somebody gets it all right!!!
  • grean
  • 09-27-2018, 08:00 AM
This is not a gun debate. It’s a thread about a DPD cop being seriously incompetent and her huge mistake. If you aurgue that guns are the problem in this case you are saying cops should not have guns. Originally Posted by FunMonday
Any guesses of how many police will remain if they aren't allowed to carry?

I'm going with ZERO.

Police can and should be held accountable.

It's silly to discuss disarming them.
If you do your research you will find that compared to other large police departments and counties Dallas PD has a significant number of fuck ups. Granted there are arguably more fuck ups in Dallas as compared to Collin but the frequency in which the city fucks things up never ceases to amaze me. Only in Dallas to do see school budgets pillaged, the feds swarming the home of a city council member (Willy Price), a revolving door in the DAs office, a DA off to to rehab and total chaos year after year. Sure we have Ken Paxton’s felony indictment in Collin but is anyone really surprised that a Dallas cop shoots and kills an innocent black man in a total fuck up and not even get arrested until the Texas Rangers step in?
  • grean
  • 09-27-2018, 10:21 AM
If you do your research you will find that compared to other large police departments and counties Dallas PD has a significant number of fuck ups. Granted there are arguably more fuck ups in Dallas as compared to Collin but the frequency in which the city fucks things up never ceases to amaze me. Only in Dallas to do see school budgets pillaged, the feds swarming the home of a city council member (Willy Price), a revolving door in the DAs office, a DA off to to rehab and total chaos year after year. Sure we have Ken Paxton’s felony indictment in Collin but is anyone really surprised that a Dallas cop shoots and kills an innocent black man in a total fuck up and not even get arrested until the Texas Rangers step in? Originally Posted by FunMonday
I'm not sure how any of that is an argument for why police shouldn't carry.

DPD admittedly needs more training. The police still need to be armed.
Obviously the police should have guns. I firmly support that. I’m saying DPD and the city needs to take a hard look at themselves and realize they are incompetent. Not detaining an officer after she shoots and kills someone not in the course of her duty should be treated as any other criminal investigation. Not waiting around for several days. This delay not only looks incompetent but it potentially spoiled evidence (primarily toxicology) that could have been used to convict her or even free her on an innocent (but very stupid) mistake. Now the public is left wondering. The complaining witness cannot speak. He’s dead. Apparently there are no witnesses and the cop has already made conflicting statements. That’s a very incompetent way to manage this situation.
DPD is another reason I don't do Dallas. They don't want to pay their cops. They have better things to "waste" taxpayer money on. The smart cops get a job in the surrounding cities and make more money with less stress. Dallas has to be the bottom of the barrel to be in law enforcement so they get what they (don't) pay for.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Great Post MT.. Originally Posted by billyjames
MT Pockets's Avatar
Someone should explain this to the right to bear arms morons who think they are going to have some armed insurrection against the government. I still wait for the day that the Minutemen run out there and get mowed down by a few Apache helicopters. Originally Posted by marvelousntx
No kidding! While I am a gun owner and hope to stay that way. There is no way the Citizens could "rise up".
MT Pockets's Avatar
If you do your research you will find that compared to other large police departments and counties Dallas PD has a significant number of fuck ups. Granted there are arguably more fuck ups in Dallas as compared to Collin but the frequency in which the city fucks things up never ceases to amaze me. Only in Dallas to do see school budgets pillaged, the feds swarming the home of a city council member (Willy Price), a revolving door in the DAs office, a DA off to to rehab and total chaos year after year. Sure we have Ken Paxton’s felony indictment in Collin but is anyone really surprised that a Dallas cop shoots and kills an innocent black man in a total fuck up and not even get arrested until the Texas Rangers step in? Originally Posted by FunMonday
Spot on!
  • grean
  • 10-09-2018, 01:39 PM
Van Dyke ruling in Chicago doesn't bode well for this ex cop....

People are beginning to call bs on bad judgment by police.