Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

Olivia, as to your points.
1. Fine, as long as you make my Plumber and Auto Mechanic do the same.
2. Clinics. Good Lord, girl, you have been to the inner East Side of Houston. Clinics, where very little money changes hands, are everywhere. Plus, there is the County Hospitol System, which I assume will disappear if Obama Care stands. Afterall, they are supported by tax dollars, and are there for those who can't afford private care, or refuse to pay for it.
3. I agree
4.I am not quite sure what "everyday medicine" is.
5. I agree. I have heard it reported that the average person who does not die instantly will spend 75 percent of all of their health care cost in the final month of life.
6.I am old enough to remember PE in school. You got hot, sweaty, and yes, in shape.
7. Sliding Scale? Just like the current income tax system. Those that rely on the government handout will turn in to those that vote for a living.
8.We will have to figure out a way to make the kids eat it.
9.The rich will be able to afford all the tabacco they want. Know any poor smokers?
10.Is health care a Right. How about a Constitutional Amendment making it so. If it is, someone still has to pay, which takes us back to statement #1.
Olivia, as to your I points.
1. Fine, as long as you make my Plumber and Auto Mechanic do the same.

I think health care is different in many ways. One, preventative health care saves the system in the long run. Two, sick people get other people sick. Three, sick people that get treated go back to work. Sick people that don't stay home. Four, sick kids keep parents home when they could just get a handful of antibiotics for their children and get back to work.

2. Clinics. Good Lord, girl, you have been to the inner East Side of Houston. Clinics, where very little money changes hands, are everywhere. Plus, there is the County Hospitol System, which I assume will disappear if Obama Care stands. Afterall, they are supported by tax dollars, and are there for those who can't afford private care, or refuse to pay for it.

Those are for the poor. What about the working poor, working class and strapped middle classes. Everyone needs the access to health care that the wealthy, insured and poor receive.
3. I agree

4.I am not quite sure what "everyday medicine" is.

Shots, treatment for minor injuries, antibiotics for maladies, eye exams, dental care, reproductive care (both sexes), med checks, physicals and the like

5. I agree. I have heard it reported that the average person who does not die instantly will spend 75 percent of all of their health care cost in the final month of life.

6.I am old enough to remember PE in school. You got hot, sweaty, and yes, in shape.

Fat kids make even fatter adults.

7. Sliding Scale? Just like the current income tax system. Those that rely on the government handout will turn in to those that vote for a living.

The way Obamacare is written in order to get subsidies to pay your insurance an individual needs to make less than $14,400. That's unreasonable. Besides, I don't want to wait in line for basic procedures. I'd rather pay more to get more immediate care. I think it should be income based if the government is going to demand I buy something, premiums should be controlled.

8.We will have to figure out a way to make the kids eat it.

I know, but at least it would be all that's provided. We need to get the soda and snack machines out of schools.

Also, I don't think junk food should be covered by food stamps.

9.The rich will be able to afford all the tabacco they want. Know any poor smokers?

The poor and teenagers are the big smoking demographics. Just go into any convenience store and you'll see the poor, even indigents, buying cigarettes.

10.Is health care a Right. How about a Constitutional Amendment making it so. If it is, someone still has to pay, which takes us back to statement #1.

That's the question isn't it. Is it a right or not? I think basic care is. Heroic measures??? Just because we have the technology doesn't mean we have the resources. In the end, if we spend all our resources on a limited percentage of the population, it isn't fair to the rest of the population. Premies, end-of-life care, people that have abused their bodies needing dramatic care, etc. I don't know. Tough call. In the end, demand will run headlong into resources and the decision will be made for us I think.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Good idea or not (not) this bill was pushed through in a lame duck session against the will of the American people and the results of the election. That by itself should be cause to vote on this again.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD, remember, most Congressmen did not even read the bill. In fact, Speaker Pelosi said we have to pass the bill in order to find out what's in it.
I dont care who you are, THATS fuckin FUNNY!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Yea it took a while to get used to it. I'ts FUNNY! and it worked SuckAss_(F)artman is gone.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I hope we didn't hurt Sa_Fartman's feelings.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The whole notion of paying for a woman's birth control is cheaper than paying for her to have a baby is a bogus argument. A person who eats healthy will be healthier for most of their life which would cost less than giving them a bypass or an angioplastie. Does that mean that government is responsible for buying their food? That is the argument you are making. Riding a motorcycle is inherently dangerous does that suggest that government buy you a nice minivan which is safer? Life means risk (and getting pregnant is a risk unless you are trying to get pregnant) and it is not the responsibility of government to eliminate risk.

On a side note; we now know that Ms Fluke is represented by Anita Dunn who was the communications director for Obama. She is also an admitted Maoist and her views could be described as fascist in nature. Is this a coincidence?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2012, 02:26 AM
The whole notion of paying for a woman's birth control is cheaper than paying for her to have a baby is a bogus argument. A person who eats healthy will be healthier for most of their life which would cost less than giving them a bypass or an angioplastie. Does that mean that government is responsible for buying their food? That is the argument you are making. Riding a motorcycle is inherently dangerous does that suggest that government buy you a nice minivan which is safer? Life means risk (and getting pregnant is a risk unless you are trying to get pregnant) and it is not the responsibility of government to eliminate risk.

On a side note; we now know that Ms Fluke is represented by Anita Dunn who was the communications director for Obama. She is also an admitted Maoist and her views could be described as fascist in nature. Is this a coincidence? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This just shows your total lack of understanding in how the present healthcare system is working or more like was not working.

Who cares about the side note. Your views can be described as Fascist in nature.

If you want to have a discussion on how idiotic the present arguement is about Ms Fluke, bring it on. But I will call you a liar if you lie. PM is cheaper in the long run than not. Second , we already pay for people like Ms Fluke's health care. The present system is very expensive.


The problem is the system we have now. We still pay for folks that do not have proper health insurance.

We pay in the form of free health care at country hospitals.

For instance if a woman get preggo because she can not afford say birth control. We then pay for her pregnancy, the birth of the child and any follow up expenses.

Many contend that the birth control is way cheaper in the long run.

That is what people do not take into consideration.

So the question then you not want to pay for birth control or do you not want to pay for all the results that not paying for birth control results?

Now then we might want to take a look at the whole system but to frame this debate into snap shots instead of a whole movie distorts the real problem(s) IMHO. Originally Posted by WTF
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wonder if your nose bleeds when you lie?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2012, 07:52 AM
I wonder if your nose bleeds when you lie? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Exactly wtf I thought. You know nothing about the true cost of healthcare and how fuc'd up the present system is.

Get back with me when you can talk about the whole movie and not just a partisan snapshot.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-10-2012, 08:57 AM
On a side note; we now know that Ms Fluke is represented by Anita Dunn who was the communications director for Obama. She is also an admitted Maoist and her views could be described as fascist in nature. Is this a coincidence? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Who cares? If she says 2+2=4, i don't care if she's an avowed Nazi, she's right.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Bloody fucking hell you lot still going on about this? Here mates I'll solve the argument--Sensible Liberals democrats Yanks & Green Party and Labour for us Brits want socialized medicine because erm...its the right bloody thing to do. Conservatives across the board like the old machine as is--full stop. Obviously, there are a multitude of details I'm leaving out. But, it seems they have all ready been beaten to a bloody pulp seeing as how we are on page 17 of this thread.

Right. I'm off to catch up on me Dr. Who. I'm afraid we're going to get a new Dr. pretty soon--regeneration and that whole bit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2012, 02:11 PM
Bloody fucking hell you lot still going on about this?. Originally Posted by liberaldevil
I'm waiting on JD to make a reasoned argument showing he knows how health care is structured in America.

Not some Tea Party crap about the government leaving alone his Medicare! LOL
This whole contraception issue will blow him in Obama's face because when it comes down to election time people will be turned off by the fact that in a down economy with high gas prices and high unemployment, Obama and the media would rather talk about contraception than fixing those other problems.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-10-2012, 03:05 PM
This whole contraception issue will blow him in Obama's face because when it comes down to election time people will be turned off by the fact that in a down economy with high gas prices and high unemployment, Obama and the media would rather talk about contraception than fixing those other problems. Originally Posted by Cobain

women voters (moderates and independents from both sides) shun the republican party leaving them holding their opinion in one hand and dick in the other. In case you havent noticed a president of any cloth has little, if any control over gas prices, and unemployment (while not below 5% as it should be) is stable and off its highs, the lingering effect of a massive recession notwithstanding.