He's Gonna Walk...

Pitiful shame you don't provide any entertainment or value, Mr. Zimmerman's fan clubresident. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Iam not a Zimmerman fan at all. But he was tried and acquitted in the state the incident occurred. Justice was done according to Florida Law. In Louisiana George probably would have been convicted of 2nd Degree Murder. If you have a problem with the verdict contact the State of Florida and give them your input, maybe they'll listen. In the mean time remember you have no control over anything other than yourself. If you can control yourself nothing else really matters. To bad George Zimmerman didn't know that he could have avoided this situation all together. Oh by the way if I don't provide enough entertainment and value for you well that's your problem. You're not exactly up for an Emmy Award yourself.
LexusLover's Avatar
No, not just in my mind.

If an actual guilty defendant beats the rap because there wasn't enough evidence to convict, that doesn't make him innocent. He is still guilty. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Again, in your mind, ....

.........................and the others who were not there and didn't hear the lack of evidence.

Generally, speaking the average person loves the system when it works to set them free of a crime they did not commit, but despise the system when it frees someone they believe IN THEIR MIND should be punished.

In this instance the cry for the lynching of Zimmerman is racially motivated.

I see no threads and no venom for the recent alleged execution at the hands of an Hispanic NFL player of a Black man. Why not? Is it ok for a sports figure to kill others? Or has Obaminable not "given the word" yet?

Actually, I want the Obaminable Machine to start wasting its time on prosecuting an Hispanic neighborhood watch group member for lawfully killing a Black person who attacked him. And I also want the Martin family to file a civil lawsuit against Zimmerman to "avenge" their "angel."

The "rules of engagement" will be different and much of the prohibited evidence will be admitted.

This would be a better solution:
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

I see no threads and no venom for the recent alleged execution at the hands of an Hispanic NFL player of a Black man. Why not? Is it ok for a sports figure to kill others? Or has Obaminable not "given the word" yet?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Because, unlike the police investigation done in Sanford, Fl. by Barney Fife and his inept crew, the police investigating the shooting by Aaron Hernandez did their job, arrested
the suspect as soon as evidence pointed to his involvement in the crime, and the odds are that Hernandez will spend a great deal of time in jail. Had Hernandez walked away without being charged, I think that the outrage might have equaled the outrage when Zimmerman simply walked out of jail. No way to know for certain since the North Attleboro, Ma. police department did their job correctly.

FWIW, I fully support the decision in the Zimmerman trial. The prosecution was simply not able to present evidence that Zimmerman was not legally defending himself when he shot Martin.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 06:32 AM
Because, unlike the police investigation done in Sanford, Fl. by Barney Fife and his inept crew, the police investigating the shooting by Aaron Hernandez did their job, arrested
the suspect as soon as evidence pointed to his involvement in the crime, and the odds are that Hernandez will spend a great deal of time in jail. Had Hernandez walked away without being charged, I think that the outrage might have equaled the outrage when Zimmerman simply walked out of jail. No way to know for certain since the North Attleboro, Ma. police department did their job correctly.

FWIW, I fully support the decision in the Zimmerman trial. The prosecution was simply not able to present evidence that Zimmerman was not legally defending himself when he shot Martin. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

cops question people all the time and release them only to arrest them later .. its called probable cause
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
cops question people all the time and release them only to arrest them later .. its called probable cause Originally Posted by CJ7
And do you think that the Sanford PD would have arrested Zimmerman after the initial questioning? I, for one, do not. It probably became a "cold case" as soon as Zimmerman left the PD.

Does not matter. I would hope that people will accept the verdict and move on. Probably won't happen.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 06:52 AM
And do you think that the Sanford PD would have arrested Zimmerman after the initial questioning? I, for one, do not. It probably became a "cold case" as soon as Zimmerman left the PD.

Does not matter. I would hope that people will accept the verdict and move on. Probably won't happen. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX


they did arrest him later ... the verdict is fine by me ... hard to imagine why some people, well, a lot of people on this board are still making excuses by comparing that case to others, not to mention rehashing evidence over and over.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

they did arrest him later ... the verdict is fine by me ... hard to imagine why some people, well, a lot of people on this board are still making excuses by comparing that case to others, not to mention rehashing evidence over and over. Originally Posted by CJ7
Zimmerman was arrested only after a Special Prosecutor was appointed by the Governor.
I know that many Zimmerman supporters thought that this was incorrect but, as you've suggested, let's not re-hash old issues.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Zimmerman was arrested only after a Special Prosecutor was appointed by the Governor.
I know that many Zimmerman supporters thought that this was incorrect but, as you've suggested, let's not re-hash old issues. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The decision to arrest or not to arrest was based on the witness statments and evidence gathered on the night of the incident. Well, you know how the evidence and witnesses played out in court.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The decision to arrest or not to arrest was based on the witness statments and evidence gathered on the night of the incident. Well, you know how the evidence and witnesses played out in court. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
There were many articles written as to why Zimmerman was not arrested on the night of the killing. Feel free to read them at your leisure. Most point to shoddy police work. You may agree or disagree with the decision to arrest GZ. There are many, many, many cases in which people are arrested and later found innocent in a trial. That's our judicial system at work.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 07:30 AM
Im not surprised some of the board lawyers haven't chimed in with the 4th and 5th amendment aspects of due process that protect suspects
I B Hankering's Avatar
There were many articles written as to why Zimmerman was not arrested on the night of the killing. Feel free to read them at your leisure. Most point to shoddy police work. You may agree or disagree with the decision to arrest GZ. There are many, many, many cases in which people are arrested and later found innocent in a trial. That's our judicial system at work. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're deflecting and equivocating, Speedy. The evidence wasn't there to support the 2nd degree murder charge: the evidence did support Zimmerman's self-defense stance. That was borne out in the trial.
the left got what they wanted...a show trial

they overrode the police, a police chief was fired, they overrode the prosecutors who didnt want to prosecute, they hid evidence and fired the IT director, they appointed a special prosecutor, they had the news media ginning up the ignorance of the populace, even by lying

they accused zimmerman of profiling, assuming blacks are all criminals, and only following martin because of his, zimmerman's, innate racism and his wrong assumptions and all the while they did what they accused zimmerman of doing, ASSUMING, assuming that zimmerman was a homicidal racist, without any evidence, yea, veritably, in the face of evidence to the contrary and tried to prove their liberal assumptions with emotion and they failed

the prosecutors did what americans have come to revile in attorneys: tricks, lies innuendos, falseness, misdirection, and assumptions. now these things are the normal pervue of defense attorneys, just trying to poke holes in a case, acting unscrupulously in a effort to distract because they have no other option. here the situation was completely reversed.

normally we like hard-headed prosecutors, with the evidence, protecting justice. here we had hard-headed defense attorneys with the facts, and here we had unscrupulous prosecutors sworn to uphold justice, an equal application of the law, subverting justice for politics
Gotyour6's Avatar
If it were two white people it would have never even made the news.
No one would have heard anything and you would have had one guy dead and another guy that knows what it is like to kill a man in self defence.

Two black guys it would have been the same.

Now the riots will start, people will destroy their own neighborhood and the world will forget about it as soon as the media gets something else to report on.

Now go back inside, tell your kids not to be a thug and you will be fine.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You're deflecting and equivocating, Speedy. The evidence wasn't there to support the 2nd degree murder charge: the evidence did support Zimmerman's self-defense stance. That was borne out in the trial. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're re-hashing old issues argued endlessly many times in the past on this forum. Whether or not you believe that Zimmerman should never have been arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder is meaningless at this point in time. You may disagree with the appointing of a Special Prosecutor but that is what happened. You may disagree with Zimmerman being arrested but that is what happened. Others may disagree with Zimmerman being found not guilty but that is what happened. It's time to start living with the past events whether you agree or disagree with them.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 08:13 AM
don't tell IB but special prosecutors are by law, required to follow the constitution and due process just like any other prosecutor..

shocking isn't it IB?