IB is an ignorant cut & paste racist who has no comprehension about how stupid he sounds to anyone else.
IBAsshole: where did I say only whites commit atrocities? That's right, I didn't.
What was the nature of that three centuries of fighting? The constant murder, enslaving, and driving the "heathen savages" from their lands.
And a 300 year old, or 100 year old, or 1 day old atrocity somewhere else by completely different people justifies this "Methodist preacher" slaughtering what are clearly non-hostile women and children.
My your incredibly stupid, EVIL bigoted mindset the cannibalism of the Donner party justifies every cruel, evil act against the entire white race from that day forward. It doesn't, but that would be identical to your asinine immoral position. Stalin and Hitler, both Christians and white, would by that sick logic absolve all the killings recently in Baltimore. The crusades would justify 9/11.
Even your lap dog IIFFy knows enough to distance himself from you.