Consideration for the betrayed wife

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-15-2014, 03:46 PM
The problem for me is that we have no reason to let any person denigrate members of our community in the fashion that she has been doing so. Even if they're hurting, that doesn't give someone a pass to treat people the way that she has been doing so. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
And I have no problem with members here pushing back on that part. It is the number of people who assume the breakup was her fault, that she wasn't sexually available for her husband and that is why he did it, etc.

I don't have any idea if she was or was not--but for some to say:

"Yeah, you never refused but you never made yourself available. Oh, there was always something in life that seemed more important at the time than sex. Finishing the laundry, putting the whining kids to bed and reading to them until they fell asleep. Walking the dog that one last time before you go to bed, dishes put away. Once everything else was done, then and only then, could you relax and be a lover. Except you've squandered away enough of the evening that now he's too tired, has to get up at 5:30 and really needs some rest. But what's worse to him is that he now lays awake wondering why you don't want to have sex with him. Why you find every excuse in the world not to fuck him."

Again, my point is wee have no idea what happened, but there are plenty here who presume to know--and all have pronounced her guilty because--it seems--they want her to be guilty. Or some of the guys are easing their own conscious I don't really know.

I know guys who sound just like boardman. I've heard almost the same exact comments. But when I commented that they could increase their chances by helping put the kids to bed, or doing the dishes while she is walking the dog, etc., it becomes, "that's her job, not mine. I have to watch football."

I wonder if some of them truly believe a 3 year old should put himself to bed. Or the dog should shit in the living room. Or what.

I am certainly not condemning all guys by any means--but it comes back to a hanging judge holding trial with no witnesses or evidence.

PS: Just wondering why WU is not castigating the husband and supporting the wife in this case? Seems it would fit his belief system.

Me, I don't know which side is at fault, and since I don't, I prefer neither to condemn nor sanctify the OP.

Speaking of WU: it is actually rather simple--not all truths serve a good purpose by being made public. And gratuitously attacking someone just because you can makes for a pretty hostile environment--especially when they are not likely to absorb what you said. But I know there ARE some people who do get satisfaction from gang tackling the wounded so I am not surprised by the behavior, just saddened by those who see the need.
Omg who is she gonna come back as now? Defensive neighbor? Disgusted clergy? Batshit crazy 20 year old daughter? Who wants in on some of this action?
pyramider's Avatar
Can we fuck the 20 year old bat shit crazy daughter?
cabletex7's Avatar
Omg who is she gonna come back as now? Defensive neighbor? Disgusted clergy? Batshit crazy 20 year old daughter? Who wants in on some of this action? Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
My money's on that she is coming back as the aggrieved husband. Or perhaps sassy sister.
But one thing we can be sure of is that she is not coming back as the Grammar Nazi.

My money's on that she is coming back as the aggrieved husband. Or perhaps sassy sister.
But one thing we can be sure of is that she is not coming back as the Grammar Nazi.

Originally Posted by cabletex7
No, I am coming back as a vengeful idiot! You folks are asshats! Batshit fucking crazy! If you believe my grammar is incorrect, you have NO sense whatsoever, and you have obviously been taught by a lunatic! I don't know why I wasted my time on any of you, except James and Old-t, because you have absolutely no sense in this world. So judge! Go ahead! It doesn't matter to me what in Hell you say, because you obviously haven't the sense of a blundering baboon! I did not judge you before, but I do now! The sad part is that you won't even care, because most of you have no heart to lose. I HOPE you feel the same pain as I do one day; then maybe you can judge with some authority. Cuss me, find and kill me! I really don't care. Damn it all to the same Hell that I reside in every day! Ban me if you dare!
Wakeup's Avatar
PS: Just wondering why WU is not castigating the husband and supporting the wife in this case? Seems it would fit his belief system. Originally Posted by Old-T
I don't need to admonish him, he's not here to listen to it...and I don't need to defend her, she knew what she was getting into when she came here...

Speaking of WU: it is actually rather simple--not all truths serve a good purpose by being made public. Originally Posted by Old-T
In only one specific case is this true...when the truth puts other lives at risk...and that only delays the time until it gets told until those loves are of longer at risk...

Otherwise, you're completely wrong...
Yes, after the responses I have had, I have become bitter! I AM BetrayedWife1 (though not Loonygirl), and I don't care who knows! You know what? I have gotten drunk, and I have cheated back tonight, and I just took enough pills to kill a horse! Who the Hell cares? What is the damn point of trying to fix anyone else? Just join in! Yes, I think I might look into being a provider. God knows I ought to get paid for what I have been willing to provide for free! You people who have judged- FUCK you! What the Hell right do you have? Go ahead...please find me and prosecute! Damn it all, you make me sick! Stained, polluted public semen toilets! Ban me!!! Please!!! I HATE you!!M
Omg who is she gonna come back as now? Defensive neighbor? Disgusted clergy? Batshit crazy 20 year old daughter? Who wants in on some of this action? Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
You are disgusting! You don't even have the right to say my name, after all you have said! How dare you judge me, with what you do! Fucking anyone who will pay! Yes, you are a fabulous role model! We have stooped lower than I thought, if ANYONE in their right mind wants to sleep with you! God, you could get better girls for FREE! Don't you dare address me again!
Can we fuck the 20 year old bat shit crazy daughter? Originally Posted by pyramider
You TOUCH my 17 year old, and you will truly regret you were born! Don't you DARE make such threats to my daughter, you asshole! My father is chief of police in my town, and I WILL have you arrested. What kind of bastard are you, anyway? Are you such an insensitive asshole that you not only cheat on your wife, but you threaten to RAPE a minor? Oh, yes, I forgot! You are! Don't you EVER threaten my daughter again, unless you want to face wrath like you never have before! Damn it, I don't care what you say about me, but FUCK you if you talk about my baby! Do you think your dick is so fucking fabulous that everyone will forgive anything you do? You have messed with the wrong bitch, fool!
"Dig your key into the side of his pretty little, suped-up, 4-wheel drive; carve your name into his leather seats. Take a Louisville Slugger to both headlights and slash a hole in all 4 tires.... maybe next time he'll think.... before he cheats!!"

Thank you for your contribution and have a nice day!!
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
You are an unbelievable asshole, and I hope you get the pain you deserve. You are a fucking, nasty dickhead, and I could care less what your peanut mind thinks of me. I am sure you only think with your dick anyway. Too bad you haven't met me...I bet you would be far more kind, because I could rock your fucking world...oh, but I wouldn't, because you make me want to vomit. Too bad, huh?
So. Still think you're not getting trolled?
pyramider's Avatar
You TOUCH my 17 year old, and you will truly regret you were born! Don't you DARE make such threats to my daughter, you asshole! My father is chief of police in my town, and I WILL have you arrested. What kind of bastard are you, anyway? Are you such an insensitive asshole that you not only cheat on your wife, but you threaten to RAPE a minor? Oh, yes, I forgot! You are! Don't you EVER threaten my daughter again, unless you want to face wrath like you never have before! Damn it, I don't care what you say about me, but FUCK you if you talk about my baby! Do you think your dick is so fucking fabulous that everyone will forgive anything you do? You have messed with the wrong bitch, fool! Originally Posted by Foolish!

Did you even read my post? I never mentioned a 17 year old nor did I mention rape or any act of violence.

BTW, I never cheated on my wife. You might need to step away from your keyboard, druncken posting is entertaining for the masses. That being said ... the tables will not turn in your favor.
pyramider's Avatar
Omg who is she gonna come back as now? Defensive neighbor? Disgusted clergy? Batshit crazy 20 year old daughter? Who wants in on some of this action? Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

I want the action on druncken self. I wonder if she will post taint photos like a good druncken woman would.
You don't even know what you are must have no notion of grammar or syntax, since you criticize mine so severely. I suppose you have a degree in English as well as sucking dick. I am sick of your bitchy attitude and your comments. How lovely it must be to know it all... How confident you must be that your charms are so much greater than mine. You are a bigger fool than your job implies. Just shut your fucking mouth about me and my family (and yes, that is correct grammar). You have no right to judge anyone, since you are paid for sex. God, at least I have never had to resort to that. Keep judging. Good luck!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ok Foolish! you've had your time for venting and can certainly carry on.

However the site still has guidelines you are to follow. If you don't follow those guidelines then you will eventually not be able to vent. I am sure you don't care about this but it has to be said