President Obama made a good deal

wellendowed1911's Avatar
You've got 78 reviews you goddamned fool! That's the 78 times you admit to.

Has he 'went' to church. Jeebus Christ, we're out in the sticks now.

You a damn fool. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I am in the fool yet you are on a whore board and lie about changing your handle- despite the overwhelming evidence. So if you lie on a whore board full of strangers over something as insignificant as changing your handle I can imagine what you would lie about in the real world. You really must have trouble sleeping at night and looking at yourself in the mirror.
I am in the fool yet you are on a whore board and lie about changing your handle- despite the overwhelming evidence. So if you lie on a whore board full of strangers over something as insignificant as changing your handle I can imagine what you would lie about in the real world. You really must have trouble sleeping at night and looking at yourself in the mirror. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I've never understood that logic. I sleep fantastic my friend. As for the mirror, not so much, but that's just because I remember what once was.

And don't confuse this board with real life.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran. Originally Posted by DSK
Does anyone have a link to the written final "framework" agreed upon?

The English version.
lustylad's Avatar
And you put your dumbass on display once again. Because you deal in absolutes, you assume it must always be this way. There aren't ALWAYS more than two choices you ignorant slut. In the case of Iran. What is a third option? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Make up your mind, undercunt. Do we suffer from "dichotomized thinking" or not? Seems to me the term may be more apropos to you and the surrender monkey in the Oval Office. It's always either "my way or the highway" when Odumbo speaks, right?

Evidently you also suffer from a severe form of Alzheimer's. I've been getting blue in the face talking about our other options toward Iran:

Of course, tomorrow you will revert to babbling again that there are no third options.

LexusLover's Avatar
Of course, tomorrow you will revert to babbling again that there are no third options. Originally Posted by lustylad
He's already confirmed that everything in his world is: Black or White!!!!
Make up your mind, undercunt. Do we suffer from "dichotomized thinking" or not? Seems to me the term may be more apropos to you and the surrender monkey in the Oval Office. It's always either "my way or the highway" when Odumbo speaks, right?

Evidently you also suffer from a severe form of Alzheimer's. I've been getting blue in the face talking about our other options toward Iran:

Of course, tomorrow you will revert to babbling again that there are no third options.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Sometimes you do. Sometimes you don't. You have a problem with nuance. Everything must be able to fit into a neat, little category for you. If it doesn't, you struggle. Mentally. Dichotomized thinking isn't something you suffer from ALL the time or SOME of the time. That's precisely the point. In the case of Iran, all the choices other than war can basically be grouped together and filed under 'U' for useless. More sanctions. Yes, let's make the Republican Guard and their ilk even more rich, since they run the country's black market.

You would argue that they are closer now than they have ever been to a bomb, yes? And out of the other side of your mouth, you argue that the sanctions work and we should carry them further. Those two statements are at odds with each other. They can't both be true. One is true and the other, is false. So which is it? Do the sanctions work or are they closer to the bomb than ever? If you admit the sanctions failed, why seek to expand them?
He's already confirmed that everything in his world is: Black or White!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Quite the opposite. It's you who sees all cops as the white-hat heroes and all black men as the thugs.
  • DSK
  • 04-13-2015, 08:58 PM
Youre a regular DORK Tracy, IBIDiot. What's your analysis (in a cup) of your new BFF, DSK?

BTW -- jesus thinks you're a jerk! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why are you bringing me into it Donnie?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Because that's where you need to be. Why else would you break your word to everyone on this board?

You're not fooling anybody...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Make up your mind, undercunt. Do we suffer from "dichotomized thinking" or not? Seems to me the term may be more apropos to you and the surrender monkey in the Oval Office. It's always either "my way or the highway" when Odumbo speaks, right?

Evidently you also suffer from a severe form of Alzheimer's. I've been getting blue in the face talking about our other options toward Iran:

Of course, tomorrow you will revert to babbling again that there are no third options.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
What? No kids or animals? You're seriously bush league, Junior. Surrender monkey? Jesus, son, you ain't got a fucking clue.
Because that's where you need to be. Why else would you break your word to everyone on this board?

You're not fooling anybody... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
fucking "donnie"... LOL!!!<-- #1008!
What? No kids or animals? You're seriously bush league, Junior. Surrender monkey? Jesus, son, you ain't got a fucking clue. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Oh he's got a clue. A racist clue. Cracker ass, cracker.
lustylad's Avatar
What? No kids or animals? You're seriously bush league, Junior. Surrender monkey? Jesus, son, you ain't got a fucking clue. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Here you go, squirt - straight from the "bush" to you! Still watch Animal Planet?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
YOU OLD POS FART!!!! Where did I brag about my disobedience??? You are a filthy liar!!! If you think everyone who has sex before marriage is going to Hell- if that's the case- I hope Hell is a might large place.
What is worst COG having 78 reviews or killing someone? Didn't Moses kill someone? Didn't David commit Murder? How many concubines and mistresses did King Solomon have...? How many Christians did the Apostle Paul put to death???
Are they all going to Hell because they weren't the perfect person like you COG? Worry about the skeletons in your closet before you stop pointing fingers at me.

You are one of the biggest frauds on here COG!!!! You are a bigot- anti-american- anti-govt- anti-immigration - you want to point fingers at everyone else and blame them for your insecurities and your shortcomings. People like you COG become the next Timothy McVeigh and tend to align themselves with anti-government orgs like NEO_NAZIS, and KKK. By the way, have you went to church and confessed your sins of all your reviews???? I think not- you are the true hypocrite and you are a dangerous one. You use the name Cute Old Guy to fool people to thinking you are this innocent non harmful elderly man, but in reality you a sick delusional anti-american bigot. Get lost !!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
That's kind of the way the hypocrites reacted to Jesus when he called them out on it. By your belief, you are destined for Hell. Because by posting reviews of your sin, you are glorying on it. Moses killed a guy. Did he brag about it? Peter betrayed Jesus, did he keep it up? But you think you can do whatever the hell you like, and because you prayed a prayer at the back of a tract, you can do whatever you want, and God will welcome you to heaven, saying "Well done, good and faithful servant." That's just hypocritical bullshit. And you know it because I struck a nerve. Your not a God-fearing Christian. You are a hypocritical poser. Fuck a hooker on Saturday and sing Praise to God on Sunday.

Ask your pastor if you are so sure of your position. Let us know what s/he says.
That's kind of the way the hypocrites reacted to Jesus when he called them out on it. By your belief, you are destined for Hell. Because by posting reviews of your sin, you are glorying on it. Moses killed a guy. Did he brag about it? Peter betrayed Jesus, did he keep it up? But you think you can do whatever the hell you like, and because you prayed a prayer at the back of a tract, you can do whatever you want, and God will welcome you to heaven, saying "Well done, good and faithful servant." That's just hypocritical bullshit. And you know it because I struck a nerve. Your not a God-fearing Christian. You are a hypocritical poser. Fuck a hooker on Saturday and sing Praise to God on Sunday.

Ask your pastor if you are so sure of your position. Let us know what s/he says. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You hit it right on the head. This guy's a fucking poseur. Question is, why would you want to pose as a christian? Lots of other, better things to pose as.