TRAYVON Martin??

I don't see Asians out protesting, shutting down freeways, yelling racist remarks and hate rhetoric about some white emergency rescuer ran over an Asian girl who survived a plane crash. And I don't see any Asians beating up random white people in the streets because of a San Francisco TV station releasing fake names of the airline crew that pokes fun at Asians. (names like sum Ting Wong, we too low, ho lee fuk, and bang ding oww) Just saying because it shows you who has CLASS in this country and who doesn't. And infact, I don't ever recall ever hearing about white people in the streets protesting and rioting the not guilty verdict in the O.J. Simpson trial. Unlike some people who just Soo happen to always be the ones rioting for any reason i.e. Rodney king. Hell, half of Los Angeles riots whenever the lakers win the championship(pay close attention to the people out there who are tipping over police cars, and breaking into stores and looting if you pull that video footage. Look at Katrina, what was the color of most, not all, but most of the people that were destroying their own city? There just seems to be a trend here that doesn't seem to stop. I'm just saying.....
I guess y'all don't want to discuss Zimmerman & Martin....