Rules on Outing

Still ducking the questions?you need Google translate like your girlfriend or what?
  • pxmcc
  • 03-01-2017, 12:52 AM
ya she's a something, somethin, isn't she? Meteorically blasting across the Eccie sky like she's making up for lost time, huh? Wonder what that's about...

You talking to me? I only answer the questions I feel like answering. And right at the moment, I don't feel like answering any damn questions. Are we clear sir, as in, crystal clear?
You talking to me? I only answer the questions I feel like answering. And right at the moment, I don't feel like answering any damn questions. Are we clear sir, as in, crystal clear? Originally Posted by pxmcc
Yeah I got it.. you behave just like the BSCOW you're trying to save when you get called out
You're not built for any of this,ain't nobody waiting 2 days for your slow ass to answer a few questions

Stick to saving outing whores and telling Bp hoes your advanced degrees ducktales
Nobody believes that bullshit here..

Anyway Hobby on..its not your fault, just a sucker for love ass trick
You're WTF status from here on out..

  • pxmcc
  • 03-01-2017, 03:07 AM
Amen amen my good brother!

No wise man ever speaks the truth on a hooker board. That's why I always say, "Btw, none of this ever happened..."
"What the hell do I know? I'm a fucking retard." So stipulated...

Oh btw, yes I just got my fake diplomas I ordered from the Bahamas by mail order laminated. They look great above my fake fireplace in my fake 3rd ward pimp palace, right next to my fake MCAT scores. Hopefully soon, I'll be big pimpin'. My goal? #Make3rdWardPimpinAgain.

How's that ignore feature working out for ya? I'd use it, if I could just figure out how to. I'd ask brand newbie Penelope Pearl, since she appears to know just about every arcane piece of esoterica there is to know about Eccie, but she'd probably bite my head off, so I guess I'll just keep pressing random buttons and see if something good happens, like seeing no evidence that you're back on the Board. ha ha. Nah just fucking with ya; glad you're back. Just try not to get banned again. My odds went way up after Pisto got banished to Mod Hades. Someone want to set the over/under? I'll take the over, any time frame, any bet. Careful, I finally read the rules, after my 7th ban. ha ha.

Ok, back on topic. Where were we again? Umm, no, how bout some kind Mod put this thread to sleep. It would be merciful. Haven't enough fucktards and hooktards been banished already for one thread? Let's all hold hands and sing fucking Kumbaya.
I recognize mayhem when I see it. I love mayhem.

How many PMs did you send me again, including the first one, unsolicited? ha ha.

I mean it aint gonna happen cause she said it aint gonna happen, but is there one person here who wouldn't want to read a review of a PP session with me, px? That's like mayhem^(mayhem). lol. Originally Posted by pxmcc

The real question is how many times did I tell you to leave me alone? As desperate as you are to see me you need to call that outting whore I can't help you.. Now again stop sending me messages...
TryWeakly's Avatar
Not enoigh times, it would appear.
I'd ask brand newbie Penelope Pearl, since she appears to know just about every arcane piece of esoterica there is to know about Eccie, but she'd probably bite my head off, so I guess I'll just keep pressing random buttons and see if something good happens, like seeing no evidence that you're back on the Board.

Ok, back on topic. Where were we again? Umm, no, how bout some kind Mod put this thread to sleep. It would be merciful. Haven't enough fucktards and hooktards been banished already for one thread? Let's all hold hands and sing fucking Kumbaya. Originally Posted by pxmcc
She posts it she owns it mods don't close threads just because you don't like them.

So push buttons but I'm letting you know now Im not the one to go at war with behind the keyboard... Now let me get back to my coffee and morning poop..

Have a good day
TryWeakly's Avatar
Morning poop, heh....
dearhunter's Avatar
Is she done yet?
bottoms up's Avatar
Outting someone doesn't have to be in a post so again you were gone for a year.. The mods clearly stated a year ban is for Outing so that leads me to believe you have loose lips... Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl
Staff can only take action for post made on Eccie, so you are WRONG!
Read the mod post again, it says a ban for one year for a single violation is going to be for outing.
A single violation being the key phrase!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
You can assume wtf ever you want You have no idea if I was banned for a single infraction or 10. As you might know , I pile up a shit load and have never given a fuck. Originally Posted by WTF
You'd expect us to believe that you were banned for a year by simultaneous cumulative point infractions?

Is she done yet? Originally Posted by dearhunter
Which ones the bat shit crazy whores or the white knights trying to defend them?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Ok with all these crazy ass posts im gonna start playing some chopped and screwed instrumentals over all this shit.
bottoms up's Avatar
You'd expect us to believe that you were banned for a year by simultaneous cumulative point infractions? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
#18 - Multiple handles are not permitted, unless in certain circumstances are expressly approved by staff in advance on a case-by-case basis. Action will be taken in cases where staff finds multiple handles are being used for deceptive reasons, to carry out an agenda (promotion or trashing of another), or to return to the board following a previous suspension or ban.

Possibilties are out there beyond what any arm chair moderators may know.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-01-2017, 07:03 AM
You'd expect us to believe that you were banned for a year by simultaneous cumulative point infractions?

? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Not sure what gave you the impression i give a flying fuck what you think. Was it something I said?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-01-2017, 07:11 AM
Yeah I got it.. you behave just like the BSCOW you're trying to save when you get called out
You're not built for any of this,ain't nobody waiting 2 days for your slow ass to answer a few questions

Stick to saving outing whores and telling Bp hoes your advanced degrees ducktales
Nobody believes that bullshit here..

Anyway Hobby on..its not your fault, just a sucker for love ass trick
You're WTF status from here on out..
Originally Posted by NubianPrince
Wait is NubianPrince crying about???... people seeing outing whores while he is still pimping an outting whore?

Oh the irony!

Pxmcc consider it a blessing if that wanna be puts you on ignore.