What constitutes "boots on the ground"?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You definition of "draft dodging" is BS, speedy. The Army awarded Bush a Honorable Discharge, speedy, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator was the weasel that dodged the draft when he didn't enroll in ROTC as he had lyingly promised. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are certainly welcome to your opinion. In my opinion, if someone known to GWB pulled strings so he could avoid the draft and serve his military time in the ease of the Texas Air National Guard, then he is as guilty of draft-dodging as Clinton.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are certainly welcome to your opinion. In my opinion, if someone known to GWB pulled strings so he could avoid the draft and serve his military time in the ease of the Texas Air National Guard, then he is as guilty of draft-dodging as Clinton. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Bush's service was equivalent to your stateside service, assuming you received a Honorable Discharge, speedy. How many "strings" did someone pull for you to remain stateside, speedy?
LexusLover's Avatar
In 1968, being in the National Guard was the easy way out if your draft status was 1A. In reality, anybody who opted for the National Guard was dodging the draft. Some people don't look at it that way, ..... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I suppose the some 6,000 + who served "in country" during Vietnam combat and the 100 or so who died didn't feel that way .....

What do you think? (rhetorical question, because I could give a rat's ass what you "think") ... I'll just take the word for those who knew:


"Indiana Army National Guard

"Company D (Ranger), 151 st Infantry was mobilized during the Vietnam War and earned distinction as one of the most highly decorated combat units of the war.

"1st Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment "Warhawks"

"Four members of Company D made the supreme sacrifice on Ranger missions, with two additional deaths resulting from a helicopter crash. Indiana Rangers were decorated 538 times in Vietnam. 19 Silver Stars, 1 Soldiers Medal, 123 Bronze Stars (88 with "V" device for valor), 101 Purple Hearts,111 Air Medals and 183 Army Commendation Medals (29 with "V" device for valor) were awarded for valor and achievement. No other single Army Infantry company was as decorated during a one-year period of time as the Indiana Rangers."

The NG is the oldest branch of the service and has served in every declared conflict of the United States and suffered casualties in those conflicts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What's your point?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What's your point? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Patriotism. you should try it, hebe.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck does that even mean, dipshit? LLIdiot was canonize g the National Guard as a way to shit on a post by SpeedRacerXXX. Incongruous with virtually everything our favorite draft dodger has ever spewed about veterans (which he isn't).

Now you chime in with that?

Again, what the fuck does that even mean, redneck?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Putting on a uniforn is putting on a uniform. If we accept the silly argument from the left then we will have to start separating active duty service in peace time to duty in wartime. Later we can separate those who heard weapons fire from those who did logistical support at the rear. George W. Bush put on the uniform, his father put on the uniform, Ronald Reagan put on the uniform, and Clinton did not.
Putting on a uniforn is putting on a uniform. If we accept the silly argument from the left then we will have to start separating active duty service in peace time to duty in wartime. Later we can separate those who heard weapons fire from those who did logistical support at the rear. George W. Bush put on the uniform, his father put on the uniform, Ronald Reagan put on the uniform, and Clinton did not. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As a veteran, you should know those distinctions are already being made and have been for a long time. You're simply capitulating because it's one of yours. If it was a liberal, like John Kerry, you'd have plenty of questions about his service, like whether he was in the shit or just sat in the rear with the gear.
LexusLover's Avatar
If it was a liberal, like John Kerry, you'd have plenty of questions about his service, like whether he was in the shit or just sat in the rear with the gear. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The "question" John Kerry generated was not about whether he was "in the shit or just sat in the rear with the gear" ....... #1 .... it was about his lying as to what he saw (and did not see) when he was "in-country" ....

#2 .... his confession that he met with the enemy in person in Paris while still an Lt with the Navy.

I'm sure you've read his book ("autobiography")* and reviewed the documents regarding his "medals" .... and his "explanation" for killing a child. Additionally, I'm sure you have discussed in person with "swift boat" drivers and crew whether or not they saw or knew of John Kerry during the time that he claims he was "on river patrol"!

*He did NOT WANT TO go ashore in S.E. Asia and he never thought he would. He wanted to be a John Kennedy.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Bush's service was equivalent to your stateside service, assuming you received a Honorable Discharge, speedy. How many "strings" did someone pull for you to remain stateside, speedy?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I did not pull any strings. Luck of the draw. I didn't have close to the influence that the Bush family did. IF Bush had strings pulled from him to avoid military service in the Army/Marines then he was a draft-dodger. Plain and simple. Bush was not drafted. I was.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I did not pull any strings. Luck of the draw. I didn't have close to the influence that the Bush family did. IF Bush had strings pulled from him to avoid military service in the Army/Marines then he was a draft-dodger. Plain and simple. Bush was not drafted. I was. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The U.S. Air Force is a branch of the United States military services, speedy. The Air Force National Guard is part of the United States Air Force, speedy. Bush served in the Air Force National Guard, and he received a Honorable Discharge for that service, just like you did, speedy. You didn't pull any strings to stay stateside, speedy, but your first ASSumption is that someone else did. That makes you a bit of a supercilious ass, speedy.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The U.S. Air Force is a branch of the United States military services, speedy. The Air Force National Guard is part of the United States Air Force, speedy. Bush served in the Air Force National Guard, and he received a Honorable Discharge for that service, just like you did, speedy. You didn't pull any strings to stay stateside, speedy, but your first ASSumption is that someone else did. That makes you a bit of a supercilious ass, speedy. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Damn you are stupid. I am not the one making these "assumptions". I will cite countless sources for you (one is shown below) if you like that question whether or not Bush had strings pulled for him to enjoy life stateside while draftees were heading to Viet Nam. Question for you: If Clinton was in fact a draft-dodger, a federal offense, why did he not serve any time in jail like countless others did until given amnesty?

I will repeat because you don't seem to be able to grasp this statement:

IF Bush had strings pulled from him to avoid military service in the Army/Marines then he was a draft-dodger. Plain and simple.

source: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php...litary_service

The controversy over his military service has concentrated on whether his father, George Herbert Walker Bush who was a U.S. Congressman at the time, exerted influence to ensure his son obtained a 'soft' posting in the National Guard and whether he completed his duties sufficiently to justify his honourable discharge in 1973.

And concerning Clinton's "draft-dodging". Nothing illegal done. Or should I say, proven to have been done.

Source: https://www.truthorfiction.com/bill-...-draft-dodger/

By enrolling at the University of Arkansas Law School and signing up in the ROTC program Clinton was able to avoid the draft. While at Georgetown, Clinton was an intern for Senator Fulbright, who was instrumental in helping Clinton to enroll in the ROTC program.

Shortly afterwards, Clinton dropped out of the University of Arkansas and he flew back to England to continue his education at Oxford and then on to Yale where he eventually earned a Juris Doctor degree from Yale. During his time in England, Clinton was also an active war protester.

Because he dropped out of the ROTC program, Clinton wrote the draft board and requested a reclassification. On October 30th the draft board sent him an A-1 classification, but President Nixon had signed into law a policy change that allowed graduate students to finish the entire year of school. This granted Clinton another college deferment. Later President Nixon signed into law the draft lottery where each day of the year was pulled out of a bowl and assigned a random number. Clinton’s lottery number for his birthday was high enough to keep him out of the Army.

Although highly criticized for skirting his way out of the draft by his political opponents, Clinton actions were, in what some might say, legal.

Do I agree with Clinton's actions? No. Would I have liked to have avoided the draft? Yes.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Damn you are stupid. I am not the one making these "assumptions". I will cite countless sources for you (one is shown below) if you like that question whether or not Bush had strings pulled for him to enjoy life stateside while draftees were heading to Viet Nam. Question for you: If Clinton was in fact a draft-dodger, a federal offense, why did he not serve any time in jail like countless others did until given amnesty?

I will repeat because you don't seem to be able to grasp this statement:

IF Bush had strings pulled from him to avoid military service in the Army/Marines then he was a draft-dodger. Plain and simple.

source: http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php...litary_service

The controversy over his military service has concentrated on whether his father, George Herbert Walker Bush who was a U.S. Congressman at the time, exerted influence to ensure his son obtained a 'soft' posting in the National Guard and whether he completed his duties sufficiently to justify his honourable discharge in 1973.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You'd be the stupid jackass, speedy. No one who entered into and served in the military in lieu of being drafted can be designated a "draft dodger", speedy: plain and simple. Your asinine assertion that service only counted if one served in the Marines or the Army and that service in the Air Force, Navy or Coast Guard doesn't constitute military service is categorically absurd, speedy. Simple question for you, speedy, did COL Moore

On the other hand, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator acquired a waiver by promising to enroll in ROTC, speedy. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator obtained the waiver, but he did not enroll in ROTC, speedy. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator welched on his promise, speedy. By welching on his promise, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator gamed the system and avoided any form of military service, e.g., "dodged the draft", speedy.

BTW, speedy, today marks the 50th anniversary of Battle of the Ia Drang. By your absurdly asinine definition, the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division commander, LTC Harold Moore, was a "draft dodger" because he avoided the draft by entering into service before he was drafted.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is someone saying I'm a draft dodger? I enlisted shortly after my 17th birthday and before I was required to register for the draft.
LexusLover's Avatar
Is someone saying I'm a draft dodger? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, short-timer, "in the States" Speedo is. He's no one. Pay him no attention.