I got caught in the excitement of dinner with a dime peice.

kusmaldo's Avatar
@the flash 8 deep in the heart of Texas(answer to sentence)
good luck as for me I can't make a move if I do it has to be when
she posts an as again.if you follow her pattern next week she should post again next week the answer will finally be revealed.
of course you could get a date,but lets be real.it wouldn't be a date would it.that is the kind of thing she expects.U R PREDICTABLE,2 easy.

@glynette heck no I didn't take that from him,
Giving her name would create a firestorm..................... ..its tempting to say the least.
next week we should know.but you must remember something.if she figures out who i'am she knows my real name.
@the flash 8 deep in the heart of Texas(answer to sentence)
good luck as for me I can't make a move if I do it has to be when
she posts an as again.if you follow her pattern next week she should post again next week the answer will finally be revealed.
of course you could get a date,but lets be real.it wouldn't be a date would it.that is the kind of thing she expects.U R PREDICTABLE,2 easy.

@glynette heck no I didn't take that from him,
Giving her name would create a firestorm..................... ..its tempting to say the least.
next week we should know.but you must remember something.if she figures out who i'am she knows my real name. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
Oh I dont need luck. Give me her name and i'll go on a dinner date with her and tell you the best strategy to do it, since your methods haven't worked so far. Nope, just like you said, just for dinner and companionship, ill even give her flowers like you gave sexy camie.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@The Flash8 I won't give you her name.nor I AND I ONLY WILL GET HER.
**** ****** is mine.SHE BELONGS TO ME. the game is mine and mine alone.
now be a good boy and step aside. any more loons out there want to step
up and take a shot,go ahead the doors wide open
RedLeg505's Avatar
@The Flash8 I won't give you her name.nor I AND I ONLY WILL GET HER.
**** ****** is mine.SHE BELONGS TO ME. the game is mine and mine alone.
now be a good boy and step aside. any more loons out there want to step
up and take a shot,go ahead the doors wide open
GET OFF YOUR POTATO SACK!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by kusmaldo


I'm sure she and her current CLIENTS will be surprised to hear that.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@RedLeg505 I can out money her current CLIENTS out Talk her clients.out charm talk her clients.
and i'm the only one to proboly ask her to dinner.i'm just sad she was angry with my
emails. Hey i'm the client providers call ideal,not the whack jobs that make it hard
for them. hey@ Red Leg 505 you are in 3rd place in the potato sack race.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Well.. I'll certainly concede you can out BS her clients. And just what makes you think you are the only client to ask her to dinner? I've had dinner dates with at least 3 providers thus far and I only started in February. Its is NOT that difficult to arrange. And two of those dinners were off the clock, I just paid for the meal.
I emailed her twice a day for like 7 days.
she said to stop any more would only infuriate her.
after she said stop I only emailed any apoligy to smooth
things over. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I'm confident I can get my dinner date
I have references you know..............and a 2005 Mercedes Benz 300E Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I have a degree and have traveled the world and I speak Portugese and Japanese typical of someone from texas
Originally Posted by kusmaldo
okay furthur contacting her would only creep her out more.Ionce again was caught in the excitement.If Iam fortunate enough to see her gotta act cool and not creepy.I HAVE SENT MONEY TO DATES BEFORE BUT ONLY AFTER REAL NAMES WERE EXCHANGED.That took a lot of trust.Only one way to quell this ruckus on this thread and that is by trying to schedule a visit and calming fears that I'am a creeper. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
who have said i'm creepy or some boogeyman that hides in trees and watches you while you sleep.
WRONG!! I just was trying to plan a date! Originally Posted by kusmaldo
what is the worst that could happen I'm handsome,courteous,well mannered.well monied,single
lavish you with gifts, no criminal record in shape soccer player. i'm sorry no potato sack pics here.its the weekend maybe the girl i'm after will post up than i have to be on the move. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
again for the recorf i'm not a stalker
creep or a Fast Gunn.I was called wierd by the provder in question
but not creepy.okay.Once again the provider has ran into clients
trying to rape,beat steal, and kill her so my emails came at a time where
she was going through alot.POST TRAUMATIC STRESS. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I've decided that should I not get the date,should the provider.
A: Recognize me from the emails and hang the phone in my face(if she already hasn't blocked
my number)
B: During the screening doesn't like my references.
C:Is a nc/ns. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I'm just focusing on trying to find her and not the other stuff. yeah i'm rollin in the doh,dosn't mean I'm any closer to finding this girl.
I've studied my prey,money is not a bait for her.Niether are promises of weekend trips to Hawaii, week long trips to Europe or shopping at Sacs fifth Avenue.
Did I mention I speak portugese? Originally Posted by kusmaldo
good luck as for me I can't make a move if I do it has to be when
she posts an as again.if you follow her pattern next week she should post again next week the answer will finally be revealed.
of course you could get a date,but lets be real.it wouldn't be a date would it.that is the kind of thing she expects.U R PREDICTABLE,2 easy.

@glynette heck no I didn't take that from him,
Giving her name would create a firestorm..................... ..its tempting to say the least.
next week we should know.but you must remember something.if she figures out who i'am she knows my real name. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I won't give you her name.nor I AND I ONLY WILL GET HER.
**** ****** is mine.SHE BELONGS TO ME. the game is mine and mine alone.
now be a good boy and step aside. any more loons out there want to step
up and take a shot,go ahead the doors wide open
GET OFF YOUR POTATO SACK!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by kusmaldo
I can out money her current CLIENTS out Talk her clients.out charm talk her clients.
and i'm the only one to proboly ask her to dinner.i'm just sad she was angry with my
emails. Hey i'm the client providers call ideal,not the whack jobs that make it hard
for them. hey@ Red Leg 505 you are in 3rd place in the potato sack race. Originally Posted by kusmaldo

"Stalkers are lonely and lack self-esteem, yet they feel very, very important"
kusmaldo's Avatar
Story time, May 2012
I was in Omaha, Nebraska.I was young and new to the hobby I was in town for a business
conference.I decided to go on Backpage and call a provider for company.I browsed around as usual
made calls some girls did not answer,or had phones that were off. I called one girl I forgot her name
I drove to her Apt(rule number one,never ever see providers who provide inside there apts.
It was a clean complex good neighborhood,she said meet her at the front steps.She came down stairs she looked good 5'6 plumpy nice skin,we said hello,we got to her Apartment four bedroom
clothes some places,i asked did she live alone? she replied yes and we got to her bedroom.

I gave her the donation of $180.00 we got started I can't go into detail about the erotica.i asked her could
I get a little extra? she said yes for $50.00 more. Than I heard the closet door open,out comes
a 5'11 i'd say 190 lb black man clad in a black sweater baggy jeans.He asked me why didn't I give
her the donation of $50.00 he pulls out a taser I'm shocked and scared I try to call the police
but he grabs the phone from my hand and breaks it.We fight I hit him with a left and right he
hits me back I was winning blood flew from his mouth,the female in the back is yelling stop!!

I'm scared I try to get out of the door he slams is shut,We fought our way from the bedroom to the kitchen,I go for the kitchen drawer looking for a knife he slams it shut.The female than came
running into the kitchen grabs a knife pulls it on me telling me to stop.I do the man grabs the knife
from her he orders me at knife point into the bedroom tells me to change back into my clothes.
ever do focusing the knife on me. I get dressed,he tells me to get out of the apartment.


I give her the
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ glynette what are you, "Criminal Minds"? trying to profile me or something/
first I got other providers I could see,this is just dinner,not I hide in the bushes and wait for you to
come home and change out of your day clothes watch you in the shower than,break into
your house to steal your panties. I'm just sayin dinner than we all go home.

Than onwards to Portugal. please dismount the potato sack.
for one yes I sent her emails but to only organize a dinner date.
I told her if I should stop with the emails she said yes.
I apologized .sister you got it wrong.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 05-31-2013, 08:13 PM
please dismount the potato sack. Originally Posted by kusmaldo
Might I have your permission to use this quote in my sig?

Pretty please, with a dime piece on top?
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Wow. Sounds like the fight scene from Eastern Promises. Except you weren't in a bath house and you're not Viggo Mortensen and the other guy is black. But other than that it sounds like it.

And that was a movie and thus fiction. Just like this, eh?

(I thought we left MAX? Did we have fun? A LOT of fun? Oh, my!)

(Just like Glynette, keep slipping.)
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
...not I hide in the bushes and wait for you to
come home and change out of your day clothes watch you in the shower than,break into your house to steal your panties... Originally Posted by kusmaldo
You've got to admit, Kuz, that sequence sounds a bit practiced. Doesn't quite sound like a virgin run, if you know what I mean?

You can come clean here, among friends. Confession is good for the soul.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@ LNK as long a you say its from Kusmaldo.
@Johnnyyanks True stuff,I was felt like a set up to me.
I have scars from that incident I wanted to quit the hobby
I was like i'm going to die today and for what? an hour massage.

That is not practiced I made it up,glynette cheering from the peanut gallery.
kusmaldo's Avatar
@redleg505 yeah you proboly give them money on the side and go on the clock right after.
I've taken girls to Vegas and LA. shopping sprees,the spa movies can you beat that?......................... .........I didn't think so. did I mention Disneyland?
This is Amurryca and we stand on soap boxes sir.