#DiedSuddenly reporting

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
heh... bad heart before and got vaccinated? Only a matter of time until they are writing an obituary.

The jabs are neither safe nor effective. You cannot prove things would be worse without them... lol. Telling us they would simply means you don't have any understanding of the scientific method. Anyone claiming that is either stupid or an unmitigated liar. Originally Posted by texassapper
The vaccines are safe and effective. What medical degrees do you have? Obviously none because you are totally obtuse when it comes to the science behind the Covid vaccines. You can continue to make these ridiculous posts all you want about people dying due to unknown conditions and make the assumption leap that the Covid vaccines caused the deaths.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Triple jabbed Australian surgeon stroking out mid-surgery. Originally Posted by texassapper
So please prove some level of correlation between his vaccine status and his health situation. You can't.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there are reports that say the MRNA vaccine causes myocarditis.

the safety of the vaccines is questionable.

as to it being effective, thats also questionable, this MRNA vaccine sheds the virus around other people.

also I should point out this is not a true vaccine in the traditional sense.

vaccines should not be doing any kind of gene modification.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The vaccines are safe and effective. What medical degrees do you have? Obviously none because you are totally obtuse when it comes to the science behind the Covid vaccines. You can continue to make these ridiculous posts all you want about people dying due to unknown conditions and make the assumption leap that the Covid vaccines caused the deaths. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

the vax is not effective. they apparently aren't safe either. Pfizer has admitted they never tested their "cure" for transmissible spread yet Fauci and Pfizer said the "vax" would prevent the spread. it didn't. FACT. it doesn't prevent reinfection, yet another lie of a selling point. does the "cure" reduce the effects of covid? not really since it was never any more deadly than the flu to begin with. FACT.

you took an experimental flu shot for the covid flu with potential massive side effects and nothing else to show for it. brilliant!
texassapper's Avatar
So please prove some level of correlation between his vaccine status and his health situation. You can't. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
There is no Scientific Publication or peer review of the Virus SarsCov2 being isolated from a sick person suspected of having Covid-19. The only way to correlate a Virus to a particular disease is to produce a culture from sputum, snot whatever from a sick person or animal and isolate it from all other impurities then through the Scientific method of Koch Postulates that culture containing only the suspected disease causing agent, the Virus must be capable of causing illness in a healthy animal or human. This process must be done three times producing the exact same results to confirm that this Virus is the cause of the disease. That's never been done not even once. Therefore you don't have a virus, if you don't have a virus that can be proven to cause a particular disease a Vaccine cannot be developed to be safe and effective against a disease causing agent that cannot be identified. Therefore what are they injecting into people?
texassapper's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
Non-Natural Deaths ALONE are now 34% higher each week than are Covid deaths.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Non-Natural Deaths ALONE are now 34% higher each week than are Covid deaths.

Originally Posted by texassapper

so if the NWO's gambit was to fulfill their known desire to massively reduce the world population then at a 30% increased death rate they are off to a good start.

one wonders what they'll try next?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
the vax is not effective. they apparently aren't safe either. Pfizer has admitted they never tested their "cure" for transmissible spread yet Fauci and Pfizer said the "vax" would prevent the spread. it didn't. FACT. it doesn't prevent reinfection, yet another lie of a selling point. does the "cure" reduce the effects of covid? not really since it was never any more deadly than the flu to begin with. FACT.

you took an experimental flu shot for the covid flu with potential massive side effects and nothing else to show for it. brilliant! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Every statement you just made is incoorect. Do some honework.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The CDC is now saying there have been enough cases of people who have received the vaccine and then suffered a stroke for them to begin an investigation.

Effective: 0 for 1
Safe: 0 for 1 Originally Posted by texassapper
That is their job. They will find no correlation. Continue with your jibber-jabber. Every post you have made claiming COvid adverse reactions has been proven incorrect or totally inconclusive but feel free to continue.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
This is the only statistic I care about:

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduced Risk of COVID-19–Related Mortality
Linked vaccination and mortality data show that despite changes in circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants over time, among older adults aged ≥65 years, unvaccinated individuals continue to have a much greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than individuals vaccinated with at least a primary series. This protective effect of COVID-19 vaccination was seen across all age groups (Figure 9).12, 13

In August 2022, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults compared with adults who received a primary series was 9 times higher for adults aged 65–79 years and 4 times higher for adults aged ≥80 years. A similar pattern was observed among younger adult age groups in August 2022. Compared with adults who received a primary series in the same age group, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults was 3 times higher for adults aged 18–29 years, 5 times higher for adults aged 30–49 years, and 6 times higher for adults aged 50–64 years. Additional booster doses provide added protection. In August 2022, adults aged ≥50 years with at least 2 booster doses had 3 times lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than adults of the same age with one booster dose


81% of the people in this country have had at least 1 dose of the vaccine. I find it interesting that the correlation between unvaccinated people and Trump supporters is incredibly high.
This is the only statistic I care about:

COVID-19 Vaccines Reduced Risk of COVID-19–Related Mortality
Linked vaccination and mortality data show that despite changes in circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants over time, among older adults aged ≥65 years, unvaccinated individuals continue to have a much greater risk of dying from COVID-19 than individuals vaccinated with at least a primary series. This protective effect of COVID-19 vaccination was seen across all age groups (Figure 9).12, 13

In August 2022, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults compared with adults who received a primary series was 9 times higher for adults aged 65–79 years and 4 times higher for adults aged ≥80 years. A similar pattern was observed among younger adult age groups in August 2022. Compared with adults who received a primary series in the same age group, the risk of dying from COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults was 3 times higher for adults aged 18–29 years, 5 times higher for adults aged 30–49 years, and 6 times higher for adults aged 50–64 years. Additional booster doses provide added protection. In August 2022, adults aged ≥50 years with at least 2 booster doses had 3 times lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than adults of the same age with one booster dose


81% of the people in this country have had at least 1 dose of the vaccine. I find it interesting that the correlation between unvaccinated people and Trump supporters is incredibly high. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

You can rest assure they are the ones that will be the healthiest.
  • Tiny
  • 03-23-2023, 08:19 AM
I find it interesting that the correlation between unvaccinated people and Trump supporters is incredibly high. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
It’s ironic isn’t it. The mRNA vaccines that went into peoples arms in record time as a result of the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed, and historic efforts by people at Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna, have saved millions of lives worldwide. They’re Trumps greatest legacy. Trump has said as much. And yet some of his strongest supporters have refused to believe the science and hard facts behind the vaccines. Some have died from the disease. It’s a pity. They would have continued voting for Republicans if they had lived.

And thank you Speedracer and your wife, for participating in the Pfizer trial. Without people like you, who were willing to be human Guinea pigs so soon after the vaccine was first developed, hundreds of thousands more would have died waiting for the vaccine.