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Deuce Bigalow's Avatar
Anyone is free to contact me through ERAPS to make the case for BCD consideration there.
br549's Avatar
  • br549
  • 02-13-2010, 05:48 PM
I would like to contact someone to guest my account there and remove all of my posts and reviews. No disrespect, but I don't plan to visit there very often and I don't feel comfortable with my posts/reviews being visible in a place that I never even joined. What is the best way to do that?
Whispers's Avatar
If you fall into the old trap of loyalty to one board, that is your call.........how long does it take to cycle through 2 or 3 boards.

This loyalty stuff is nonsense.

I will post where I am accepted. If I am locked out of threads, I will get tired of the effort and move on.

TBone and Deuce both understand the dynamics of a board require elements of things each of us dislike.

White Knights
Post Whores

All make up the fabric of a board.

The beauty of ASPD was it had all of the above.

The wheels would get wobbly when staff were less than acceptable. But, the train still moved down the track.

When some of you see a train wreck in coed, you are disgusted. A smart board owner sees 145 responses and 1524 views.

That equals lurkers coming on the board and looking at the wreck.
That equals lurkers moving over to the provider ads and checking out the ladies.
That equals business for the ladies smart enough to not participate in the wreck.

A Mod 101 class would do a lot of good for all of the boards.

But, what do I know..............I'm just the F*cking prophet. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Very well said....


Will I still be a ppart of ECCIE? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!

Am I member of TER, BigDoggie, Home2, horndogs? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!

AS a hobbyist you would be a fool not to use whatever tools are available for research.

Where will I post the most? I'm not sure yet. I have no idea what ERAPS will develop into although I feel as well as hope it will be a lot more Hobbyist friendly than ASPD was over the last few years when it comes to Austin.

To that end their choice of MODS will greatly influence my decision.

Will I pay to become a member of ERAPS? Not if I can post reviews for that membership.

Do I care that they recovered thousands of posts and reviews? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!


The current administration of ERAPS and former staff of ASPD allowed and even encouraged people to copy as much of that information over here to ECCIE and ECCIE willingly allowed as well as encouraged for it to be posted here....

WHERE WAS ALL THE WHINING ABOUT COPYRIGHTS THEN as well as the worries and concerns about the information......

Does ERAPS have any obligation to former members of ASPD?

If you don't want to be a member of ERAPS then log in, PM a Mod and ask for your handle to be removed and I am sure they will oblige you.

But the information there belonged to the owner of ASPD and how it is handled by her Estate is between her Estate and ERAPS and of no concern to any of us.

Personally... I'm grateful I can simply log in and get back to business.

Is ECCIE competition for ERAPS or vice versa?

Hell No! Not when I can post reviews to both sites and have free membership! I might have to make a modification here and there and rewrite things a bit to favor each site but well worth it....

ECCIE gratiously provided us BCD access for a short period and will allow us to continue that through reviewing....

Maybe someone should propose ERAPS make a similar gesture to those ASPD Members that are now ECCIE Members should they want to continue there as well.

I already suggested it myself but hey... as one that whispers they may not hear my voice!

All the information on Eccie is current..... It covers the last 6 weeks pretty well..... Everything on ERAPS is dated to the end of the year but covers the last 10 years pretty well.....

Personally... At the moment... I need both!

It doesn't have to be THEM OR US.... or THEM VS US.....

It can be if you want it too.....

But I sure as hell hope not.....

ERAPS does have one thing that ECCIE no longer has that interests me! Wicked Milf is still a registered member over there so I can start up with her again! She ran away from here!
ferdburf's Avatar
Personally... At the moment... I need both! Originally Posted by Whispers
This rant reminds me of the story of the old man and young man who went fishing. In preparation for fishing, the old man and young man split up to head to separate pastures to fetch their bait for the day's fishing.

The old man searched under a few rocks, found sufficient worms with which to fish, then went looking for his younger cohort. Unable to find him, the old man set about fishing. He fished for several hours, catching several large fish, and many smaller fish. He decided he had enough fish to eat for the week and set off to find his young friend.

In the far corner of the pasture the old man discovered his young friend still, hours later, collecting bait. It appeared the young man had left literally no stone unturned in the pasture and had gathered enough worms to fill a 5-gallon bucket, more bait than he could use in a year.

Sorry to make this such a long read (in my opinion, anyway), but I just want enough bait with which to fish; I ain't here to study this shit so much I get my Ph.D. (pussyhound doctorate). But . . . to each his own, I suppose.
NorthTxFlyer's Avatar
I thought about asking to be completely wiped from that site too, but I am now thinking that over some more. There is plenty of old posts there that will be good for research, so I my keep my ID for research purposes and post my reviews over here. I like the vibe of this site and the staff/owners are OVERWHELMINGLY accommodating to users needs. Just look at the posts in this forum, the technical forum, and any of the Questions for Staff forums to see that. It's in sharp contrast to anything I ever experienced on ASPD in the 8 years I was a member, and I've even seen a new upbeat and welcoming attitude from certain former ASPD staff that I didn't care so much for in the past. That tells me that the owners are damn serious about how their staff interacts with the members...something that's damn important to me as a contributing member.

I agree with Whispers that there is a good use for both sites, so I will probably keep my membership over there in tact. I still need to get off my ass and join Horndogs and Midnight Live. Those are good sites too!

Ah you talking about me your ATF lol. How you been
rekcaSxT's Avatar
ERAPS does have one thing that ECCIE no longer has that interests me! Wicked Milf is still a registered member over there so I can start up with her again! She ran away from here! Originally Posted by Whispers
Well damn, that would be worth being around to witness.

I just want to divorce myself from my old handle. And I am too comfortable here to go back. It isn't us vs. them to me, it is just that I don't really need to contribute over there. If the database is still good, then I will lurk and use the database for research.

This rant reminds me of the story of the old man and young man who went fishing. In preparation for fishing, the old man and young man split up to head to separate pastures to fetch their bait for the day's fishing.

The old man searched under a few rocks, found sufficient worms with which to fish, then went looking for his younger cohort. Unable to find him, the old man set about fishing. He fished for several hours, catching several large fish, and many smaller fish. He decided he had enough fish to eat for the week and set off to find his young friend.

In the far corner of the pasture the old man discovered his young friend still, hours later, collecting bait. It appeared the young man had left literally no stone unturned in the pasture and had gathered enough worms to fill a 5-gallon bucket, more bait than he could use in a year. Originally Posted by ferdburf
You left me hangin' where is the punchline, or moral to the story?? It was a great setup I was ready for a zinger.

I would like to contact someone to guest my account there and remove all of my posts and reviews. No disrespect, but I don't plan to visit there very often and I don't feel comfortable with my posts/reviews being visible in a place that I never even joined. What is the best way to do that? Originally Posted by br549
Email support@eraps.net
Whispers's Avatar
I went over there to see if my old handle was guested. I had TxSacker guested on ASPD before it went down, because I wanted TxSacker to go away. But guess who I saw over there, TxSacker.

Well rekcaSxT emailed support and asked that the zombie that is TxSacker be killed for good. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

From the looks of things they brought back the database as it existed on 12/30///haps you were "guested" after that?

I'm sure you can arrange it again if you like but seems like a waste of prior effort....
annie@christophers's Avatar
they keep saying that that name has been taken..wtf does that mean?? I dont even want to be there.. strange shit. I mean who the hell would wanna be me? lol..oh yeah ..DUH..ME!!
Guest101610-2's Avatar
It's just amazing. You just log in with the handle and password you had on Aspd Nd there you are. I even still have my 2700 something posts (there were about 10 good ones)

now we all have 2 solid places to hang.

vantruck's Avatar
Thank you for sharing. I didnt even know Eraps.net exist.
TinMan's Avatar
I logged on earlier this weekend. Don't have my BCD access anymore . Are they going with a pure "pay to play" model now?
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
I don't think it's plug and play yet. It seems that those guys did an incredible job but, it's still not finished. We will wind up with several good, reliable sources for the hobby.
TinMan's Avatar
Well, if they do offer an "earned BCD" option, I'll give it a shot. I've been fortunate to find "homes" where my activity gets me access. I've been very pleased with the seamless way ECCIE has been able to pick up where the old site left off, and things really appear to be taking off now.

OTOH, from time to time I miss not having the old history. I actually had to go through a complete screening a few weeks ago LOL!
I actually had to go through a complete screening a few weeks ago Originally Posted by TinMan
LOL TinMan. Guess your "retirement" was just like those of the providers: brief!

I too am pleased to see the old board return. Lots of good memories tied up in those reviews.