What Are You Watching on TV Nowadays?

  • anita
  • 01-06-2016, 08:59 PM
Modern family
Banshee 4th and Final Season starts January 29th.


Watched 2 episodes on NetFilx

Originally Posted by DarthMaul

I've been hearing a lot about this particular show...I'll add it to the top of my queue.

been watching this on netflix

The Man in the High Castle
  • cr76
  • 01-10-2016, 10:12 AM
Been burning through season 1 Gane of thrones and loving every second of it. Just finished the episode that had the..."Golden crown" which was fantastic. Especially what Kal Drogo did that sniveling little shit.

Been fiddling with HBO 2 Go and there are some good shows I need to catch up on.

I'm excited about the brief return of the X-Files!!! Loved the movies and seen a few episodes - so I will watch the miniseries event.
Fishpie's Avatar
Just a head's up on HBO series, they always start off good and strong (over 95% of them) then the network cancels them for stupid reasons. Even the ones that do end tend to have a shitty ending. Eastbound & Down is the only one in recent years that had a pretty solid ending that wrapped everything up.
  • cr76
  • 01-10-2016, 03:01 PM
Just a head's up on HBO series, they always start off good and strong (over 95% of them) then the network cancels them for stupid reasons. Even the ones that do end tend to have a shitty ending. Eastbound & Down is the only one in recent years that had a pretty solid ending that wrapped everything up. Originally Posted by Fishpie
Mmmm wire seemed to wrap up everything - but the final season was only 10 episodes- loved eastbound and Down.

Well this new season of GOT will surpass the novels and I think I read that it's been extended to 8 seasons
Fishpie's Avatar
Lol oh man The Wire. That show moved way too slow for me to keep going. I think I got like 3 episodes in and quit. From my understanding, wasn't season 5 pretty weak though?

Eastbound & Down was highly underrated. That was a funny show. Steve took the cake.
  • cr76
  • 01-10-2016, 08:09 PM
Will Ferrell was great as Ashley Schaffer and especially when they had the "plantation dinner" and hen the cameos like Matthew mcconaguhey as the agent. "I live my dream!! I suck my dreams dick." Lol
Fishpie's Avatar
Honestly, the best part for me was the baseball scene at the dealership. I still can't get enough of that.
  • cr76
  • 01-10-2016, 10:40 PM
  • cr76
  • 01-11-2016, 02:55 PM
Did anyone watch "Show me a hero"