Twitter permabans the orange clown inciter-in-chief..

TryWeakly's Avatar
Technically correct..right ?
  • pxmcc
  • 03-15-2021, 12:15 AM
lol at this thread..
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Twitter, as a private company, with their own platform, can ban anyone they choose, for any reason.

It's that simple.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-15-2021, 04:18 PM
^^you are correct sir. that's why an AG "investigation" is insane. this clown needs to be impeached for spending your taxpayer dollars on this travesty.
boardman's Avatar
Twitter, as a private company, with their own platform, can ban anyone they choose, for any reason.

It's that simple. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Well, not quite that simple...not when they are protected by one side. Remove the protections and yes, they are free to do as they please. Keep the protections in place and they need to be held accountable by those giving the protection not shielded by them.

Big tech wants to eat their cake and have it too.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-16-2021, 09:37 AM
Well, not quite that simple...not when they are protected by one side. Remove the protections and yes, they are free to do as they please. Keep the protections in place and they need to be held accountable by those giving the protection not shielded by them.

Big tech wants to eat their cake and have it too. Originally Posted by boardman
so are you saying there is a double standard? are you comparing Kamala Harris to Trump, or who on the left gets away with promoting insurrection and lying constantly but can keep their Twitter account?
TryWeakly's Avatar
so are you saying there is a double standard? are you comparing Kamala Harris to Trump, or who on the left gets away with promoting insurrection and lying constantly but can keep their Twitter account? Originally Posted by pxmcc

Pelosi, Schumer, SchiffForBrains.... on yeah.. Kumolot Harris....and her knee pads.

TDS is alive and kickin UITB
  • pxmcc
  • 03-16-2021, 12:55 PM

Pelosi, Schumer, SchiffForBrains.... on yeah.. Kumolot Harris....and her knee pads.

TDS is alive and kickin UITB Originally Posted by TryWeakly
every person you mentioned believes in the rule of law. trump believes that the rule of law is for suckers. there is zero equivalence imo.
boardman's Avatar
Yes, there is a double standard as I've already demonstrated.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-16-2021, 05:39 PM
Yes, there is a double standard as I've already demonstrated. Originally Posted by boardman
we agree to disagree. i would argue that if pelosi or schumer said some of the crazy shit that trump did on twitter, they'd be gone too. jack dorsey doesn't give a shit about dem or pub.

people like ted cruz, who pushed this whole "tainted election" nonsense, are still tweeting away.
TryWeakly's Avatar
..and those with TDS are eating it up... ir is it Tweeting it up.....

Funny as hell to watch the sheep as they just caint let go.

They let Trump live rent-free in they heads and he isnt even in office anymore...

By the way, has Biden done any aort of public press conference yet ? Or is he leavin it to the girls ?
winn dixie's Avatar
..and those with TDS are eating it up... ir is it Tweeting it up.....

Funny as hell to watch the sheep as they just caint let go.

They let Trump live rent-free in they heads and he isnt even in office anymore...

By the way, has Biden done any aort of public press conference yet ? Or is he leavin it to the girls ? Originally Posted by TryWeakly
He announced hes gonna have a press conference in a week or so.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-16-2021, 09:43 PM
He announced hes gonna have a press conference in a week or so. Originally Posted by winn dixie
hopefully he wont be recommending iv lysol and bleach to finally finish off the virus..
  • pxmcc
  • 03-17-2021, 05:39 AM

and it's still happening in statehouse after statehouse. lets just be honest and just call it what it is.
boardman's Avatar
we agree to disagree. i would argue that if pelosi or schumer said some of the crazy shit that trump did on twitter, they'd be gone too. jack dorsey doesn't give a shit about dem or pub.

people like ted cruz, who pushed this whole "tainted election" nonsense, are still tweeting away. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Dorsey isn't political? You're living in a dream world. Of course he's political. He has taken the side of the ones who will continue to protect him.
If it wasn't political then Trump would still be there. They would be still making money off of him and keeping Twitter front and center on their own. Instead they have lost millions of subscribers and they don't care. They are continuing down the same path that lost those subscribers. Tell me again that's not politically motivated because losing money isn't a motivation I'm familiar with.

If it wasn't political why did, Google and Apple de-platform Parlor and Wimkin? They aren't liable for anything by allowing those sites access so they are taking a stand in political speech.

Plenty on the left have said outrageous things, outrageous to the right anyway. If the right calls it out they are then cancelled. You know how this is working PX. You aren't that blind so you appear to be intentionally obtuse.