Tucker Carlson or the CDC: Who Do You Trust More for Advice About Masks?

HedonistForever's Avatar
Tiny, here is a quote from Tucker on tonight's show.

"If you have been vaccinated, more power to you, not against that at all".

Does that sound like somebody saying they are against being vaccinated?

And we finally find out that Tucker was right all along to push back on wearing masks outside and wearing masks after vaccination. The CDC said today what Tucker was saying months ago.
  • Tiny
  • 05-13-2021, 09:26 PM
we outsourced it to China. double stupid. first they have terrible safety in those labs which is known and gave them a potential bio-warfare weapon by funding it. it's not like they needed our money to do it but hey a few more Shekels never hurts, right?

Opinion: State Department cables warned of safety issues at Wuhan lab studying bat coronaviruses

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opini...coronaviruses/ Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Like I said, shit happens. People with good intentions fuck up.

and there is this .. you won't see this on MSDNC ..
Leaked, Chinese Document Reveals Malevolent Intent for Coronaviruses


aiding an enemy to develop a deadly (well not so deadly) virus can be considered treason

since we both agree and the numbers bear out our calculations that this virus has less than a 1 percent death rate i guess China will just have to try harder next time Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's because the gang over at Newsmax is marginally more bsc than the Commies at MSNBC. The book in question, The Unnatural Origin of SARS and New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons, is readily available online for $9.95 according to the Sydney Morning Herald. I can't find it on Amazon, but since, contrary to what some here believe, I can't read Chinese, I wouldn't be able to read it anyway.

The lead author is Mr. Xu Dezhong, a retired professor of infectious disease at the Air Force Medical University in Xian. He and his colleagues' theory was that the United States or some other foreign power created the SARS virus and introduced it to China, to fuck with the Chinese.

Nobody took him seriously. He said the military and government wouldn't listen to him. The Lancet, a medical journal, rejected his paper. And the WHO never answered his letters.

There was only one chapter in the book that described possible methods to build biologic weapons. But Xu et al pulled almost all the info from an unclassified U.S. military document written by Colonel Michael Ainscough, a colonel with the USAF Counterproliferation Center.

If you believe in conspiracy theories, there's a lot more basis to believe the so called Wuhan Virus was manufactured someplace like an American or Taiwanese bioweapons facility, than to believe it was a bioweapon created by China and unleashed first on its own people. That's just a nutty idea -- why would they intentionally turn it lose in Wuhan first?

The reason I mention Taiwan is because they were better prepared for this pandemic than any other country, and have come through it better.

This asinine theory got started in Australia, largely by News Corp affiliates like the Daily Telegraph, the Australian, and Sky News. News Corp is controlled by the Murcoch family, the same people who control Fox News, who Tucker Carlson works for. See a connection? The Murdoch's outlets are putting out questionable "news" to pander to their viewers and readers.

However, News Corp is not all bad. It also owns the Wall Street Journal, the most reliable source of news in the United States of America.

  • Tiny
  • 05-13-2021, 09:36 PM
"If you have been vaccinated, more power to you, not against that at all".

Does that sound like somebody saying they are against being vaccinated? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Not exactly a recommendation to get vaccinated. That fits in with my theory that he's trying to have it both ways, to appeal to people like you as well as the anti-vaxxers.

And we finally find out that Tucker was right all along to push back on wearing masks outside and wearing masks after vaccination. The CDC said today what Tucker was saying months ago. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
A friend of mine probably got COVID at a college football game. And I am so sad. I've missed out on so much, because I kept wearing a mask when I was in grocery stores and the like after I got vaccinated. Darn that was a poor decision. I should have followed Tucker's advice, my life would have been so much richer.
  • Tiny
  • 05-13-2021, 09:49 PM
Disagree. If neither Tucker or Harris can be blamed for the words they spoke and actions they took, then neither can Trump. Some people made bad choices, that's on them and nobody else. For your point to be valid, you would need proof that an individual made their decision ( that cost them their life ) based solely on what Trump did or said and that would be impossible to do. I would dare say that many, many people died who never heard anything Tucker, Harris or Trump ever said. It's just to easy to play the blame game without proof Originally Posted by HedonistForever
btw i'm sure u recall people were howling for Trump to be charged with manslaughter over covid deaths, yeah? won't bore any posters here with LINKS butt the media was jabbering about it for months. seems to have gone silent now....
so by extrapolating the exposure of people in crowds how many people died from being at BLM/Antifa riots? yeah .. you walked right into that one.

now if you can prove Trump forced anyone to attend his rallies you might have a point. but you don't Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's asinine, to think Trump should be charged with manslaughter. He's like Tucker and Kamala Harris. He didn't kill people. He's just irresponsible. He thought his political career was more important than peoples' lives.

Please note that I'm specifically referring to his rallies, which the Stanford economists estimate caused at least 700 deaths. And yes, people went to the rallies of their own free will. Just like those who die of fentanyl overdoses took the drug of their own free will. Should their drug dealers or doctors be accused of murder? I don't think so. Just irresponsibility.

The Stanford researchers note that many of the estimated 700+ died not from attending the rallies, but rather after being infected by people who attended the rallies.

So what's the problem with ANTIFA/BLM riots? Those were outside. Hedonist, you said Tucker said we can't get COVID outside, right?
matchingmole's Avatar
where is .. the gif? it's been retired by the powers that be. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

That was the new gif.....

A JPEG of gif classic..........

pic share
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That was the new gif.....

A JPEG of gif classic..........

Originally Posted by matchingmole

All the best,
ECCIE Worldwide
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's asinine, to think Trump should be charged with manslaughter. He's like Tucker and Kamala Harris. He didn't kill people. He's just irresponsible. He thought his political career was more important than peoples' lives.

Please note that I'm specifically referring to his rallies, which the Stanford economists estimate caused at least 700 deaths. And yes, people went to the rallies of their own free will. Just like those who die of fentanyl overdoses took the drug of their own free will. Should their drug dealers or doctors be accused of murder? I don't think so. Just irresponsibility.

The Stanford researchers note that many of the estimated 700+ died not from attending the rallies, but rather after being infected by people who attended the rallies.

So what's the problem with ANTIFA/BLM riots? Those were outside. Hedonist, you said Tucker said we can't get COVID outside, right? Originally Posted by Tiny

of course it's asinine. yet the leftist howler monkeys wanted exactly that. i won't bore you with article after article about that ..

actually .. i will


Trump should face manslaughter charges for ‘reckless’ coronavirus conduct, ex-murder prosecutor says


Could Trump Be Charged With Manslaughter Over COVID-19?


Trump should face manslaughter charges for his "reckless" handling of COVID-19: former prosecutor


The manslaughter case against Donald Trump


Charge Trump with manslaughter


Trump’s Indifference Amounts to Negligent Homicide


The People vs. Donald Trump – Verdict: Guilty of Negligent Homicide


Trump should face manslaughter charges for his "reckless" handling of COVID-19: former prosecutor


Can Trump Be Charged With Criminal Negligence for His Coronavirus 'Response'?


The U.S. Coronavirus Response Might Be a Crime Against Humanity


Time to Charge Trump With Negligent Homicide


Now let's see the articles demanding Biden be charged ...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's asinine, to think Trump should be charged with manslaughter. He's like Tucker and Kamala Harris. He didn't kill people. He's just irresponsible. He thought his political career was more important than peoples' lives.

Please note that I'm specifically referring to his rallies, which the Stanford economists estimate caused at least 700 deaths. And yes, people went to the rallies of their own free will. Just like those who die of fentanyl overdoses took the drug of their own free will. Should their drug dealers or doctors be accused of murder? I don't think so. Just irresponsibility.

The Stanford researchers note that many of the estimated 700+ died not from attending the rallies, but rather after being infected by people who attended the rallies.

So what's the problem with ANTIFA/BLM riots? Those were outside. Hedonist, you said Tucker said we can't get COVID outside, right? Originally Posted by Tiny

now that i've made enough fun of this .. Trump's rallies were outside. BLM/Antifa riots were outside. so extrapolate the numbers of deaths from the riots.

1,500? 2,500? 5,000?

no one knows. you know why? because no one bothered to try to find out. the leftist press cheered them on. the DemonRats encouraged them

butt no dummies at some think tank bothered to "extrapolate" it.

and the problem with the riots is .. they were RIOTS
rexdutchman's Avatar
NOW CDC NO MASKS if you shot ????
HedonistForever's Avatar

So what's the problem with ANTIFA/BLM riots? Those were outside. Hedonist, you said Tucker said we can't get COVID outside, right? Originally Posted by Tiny

Tucker repeated what the CDC finally said and the New York Times finally came around to agreeing with. Tucker just happened to be one of the first to "question" whether anybody could catch Covid outside.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not exactly a recommendation to get vaccinated.

But far from the accusation he was telling people not to get vaccinated

That fits in with my theory that he's trying to have it both ways, to appeal to people like you as well as the anti-vaxxers.

Or you could just be wrong and I'm right.

A friend of mine probably got COVID at a college football game.

But you don't know for sure right? And if you are right, the CDC is lying to us and where does that leave us?

And I am so sad. I've missed out on so much, because I kept wearing a mask when I was in grocery stores and the like after I got vaccinated.

Is your grocery store outside or are you just very confused as to the difference between inside and outside?

Darn that was a poor decision. I should have followed Tucker's advice, my life would have been so much richer. Originally Posted by Tiny

Probably! Tucker didn't give advice, that was all in your head. He asked questions, asked all of us to "challenge" what was being said, do your own research and make your decision for you. Best advice anybody could give.
Antifa/BLM riots = outside = 0 chance of transmission.

Trump Rally = outside = superspreader event.

Just the standard shitlib practice of pulling everything from their asses, as it's the primary avenue in and out of their bodies. It's like playing the game "I Win" with a kindergartener.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's become clear to me now Tiny. You thought Tucker was giving "advice" when what he was doing was asking questions, challenging what the government and Fauci were saying. I understood that, you didn't. Simple.

We now have the evidence that masks outside were never needed from the beginning. Of course we didn't know that at the time ( maybe ) but we know it now and anybody that suggested we never needed masks outside was right, period.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not exactly a recommendation to get vaccinated. Originally Posted by Tiny

And when did it become the job of a journalist to "recommend" anything? The job of a journalist use to be to introduce us to both sides of an argument so that we the people could make up our own minds after being brought both sides of an argument.

I for one don't need journalist making recommendations.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
It's become clear to me now Tiny. You thought Tucker was giving "advice" when what he was doing was asking questions, challenging what the government and Fauci were saying. I understood that, you didn't. Simple.

We now have the evidence that masks outside were never needed from the beginning. Of course we didn't know that at the time ( maybe ) but we know it now and anybody that suggested we never needed masks outside was right, period. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You are misquoting the statements made by the CDC.

"Outdoor activities are safe without masks — regardless of whether a person is vaccinated — as long as people are either alone or with immediate family members, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday. And fully vaccinated people can gather safely outdoors without masks in small groups."

As the chart in the following link states, "unvaccinated people should not attend a crowded, outdoor event like a live performance, parade, or sports event."

Fully vaccinated individuals may safely go without masks when dining at outdoor restaurants with people from other households. The CDC said that activity is less safe for nonvaccinated people, who should remain masked as much as possible when dining outdoors.

But for other activities, the CDC still recommends wearing a mask, even for vaccinated individuals. Those include attending crowded outdoor events, such as concerts or sporting events, attending full-capacity indoor religious services, and working out in indoor gyms.

Such activities are not considered safe for people who remain unvaccinated, according to the CDC.
