Off the Clock

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  • WTF
  • 03-26-2011, 01:13 PM
You compare similarities to common practices in other professions (dentistry, consulting, etc.) and the response is, "but escorting is different..."

Then 10 or so posts later the retort to someone's point is, "but this is a business...this is how I put food on the table..." Originally Posted by atlcomedy
How many dentist do you know that take their patients out to eat? Really seriously, how often do you think that happens?

Fuc what do I know though, maybe they take you Atlanta boys to the candy store after filling your cavities!
Do your orthopedic surgeons take you to Karate class after ACL surgery too? How about you zookeeper, they take you on a safari....mechanic take ya to the Indy 500?

I don't need to go to a comedy shop to get a laugh, I just need my main man Atl to keep serving me up one liners!
Naomi4u's Avatar

This notion comes up in variations anytime a "business model" thread starts. You've pointed out a contradiction some have in their logic. You compare similarities to common practices in other professions (dentistry, consulting, etc.) and the response is, "but escorting is different..."

Then 10 or so posts later the retort to someone's point is, "but this is a business...this is how I put food on the table..." Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Very well said. It's not like we're pulling teeth here
atlcomedy's Avatar
Actually her ample breasts grazing up against me as she cleans my teeth is oddly arousing...

But you got the wrong guy here...someone else goes to lunch with his dentist. I'm not suggesting to put words in his mouth (or anything else), but I bet it was a purely social lunch.

I have had dinner with my family doctor and drinks with a lawyer I'd retained in the past. We didn't talk internal medicine or my case. I sincerely believe neither of these professionals viewed this as work or marketing. They'd gotten to know me and enjoy my company (waiting for a smart ass remark within minutes)

How many dentist do you know that take their patients out to eat? Really seriously, how often do you think that happens?

Fuc what do I know though, maybe they take you Atlanta boys to the candy store after filling your cavities!
Do your orthopedic surgeons take you to Karate class after ACL surgery too? How about you zookeeper, they take you on a safari....mechanic take ya to the Indy 500?

I don't need to go to a comedy shop to get a laugh, I just need my main man Atl to keep serving me up one liners! Originally Posted by WTF
(waiting for a smart ass remark within minutes) Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Now who here makes smart ass remarks?
I met up with a nice asian man once. The session went well. He asked me if I wanted dinner. I was STARVING because I did not eat all day (bad habit I have). So after the session ends and time is up, I get dressed and took him up on the offer. He ordered room service, and it was a wonderful mean which included dessert. After I was done eating, he was sitting across the glass table from me, and then he started to rub his cock. He looked at me with lust in his eyes and said: damn you are so hot, come over here and play with me a bit....

I said: sorry but I have to go now.
He said: oh what, your just going to eat and run?
I said: sorry and put my coat on.

I mean, he seriosly thought I was going to do extra playtime with him for a dinner. I'll admit, I hate being asked for OTC. Unless, were done with our meeting and I'm starving and you offer me food. AND your not going to expect anything else. I started a thread about clients putting me on the spot by asking for OTC time.

I'm a firm believer that some OTC time is understandable: If I'm starving and you offered me food, great! I love food and free food also!! If I'm drunk and your concerned for my safety, it's ok to ask me to stay so I sober up. If theres a hurricane or storm outside and again you are concerned for my safety, then yes, it's acceptable to offer me your couch and t.v. until the weather clears.

Under these circumstances, your geniune concern is validated and asking for OTC time is acceptable. I absolutely hate it when a man asks for OTC time just to be selfish.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Classic Isis! Just Classic
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How many dentist do you know that take their patients out to eat? Really seriously, how often do you think that happens? Originally Posted by WTF
So I should start charging you when you buy me dinner? That just doesn't seem right some how but okay if you insist.

Escorts are paid for their time so it makes not sense to give their time for free. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
“A lawyer's time and advice are his stock in trade” - Abraham Lincoln

At least with a lawyer you get legal advice. With a hooker, you just spend time. And since she only gets paid for time, what happens beyond that is mere speculation. IDT a roll in the hay is a sure thing.

Naomi may give you her time...and that's it.
Naomi4u's Avatar

Naomi may give you her time...and that's it. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
It would be one hell of a time.

Isn't there a better word than hooker? How about service provider or escort? Geez.
Isn't there a better word than hooker? How about service provider or escort? Geez. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Yeah, there are much better words. I generally use "lady/ies." But sometimes, to make a point, you use words you don't generally use.
How much for a blow job and a new business plan? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Haha. Touche PJ
One could look at it this way.. you have 2 different hourly rates, 1 is for public and 1 is for private.
The guy books you for say 3 hours for a nice dinner date to impress his boss, the rate could be up to 50% less than the "private rate" in which more activities happen..
EG: 100 an hour for public
200 for private.
if the evening starts out public say for 2 hours and 90 minutes into the evening he wants to go private, then your higher rate kicks in from that moment on. So 90 minutes, would be 150 (using the numbers above) then everything private starts at 200

What this could encourage a guy to explore a lady's other talent of being some very nice arm candy/dinner date etc.

Everyone wins because he has a good time armed with the knowledge that if at any time during the date he wants to go have fun, its on the menu but the rates change and she wins because she is earning a fee for her TIME
At least with a lawyer you get legal advice. With a {edited offensive term out} courtesan, you just spend time. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Given my druthers, the time spent with a lady is MUCH more worth while than a barrister (wait, attorneys are the true trolips/hookers). Time with an attorney is just..... time *spent*.
One could look at it this way.. you have 2 different hourly rates, 1 is for public and 1 is for private.
The guy books you for say 3 hours for a nice dinner date to impress his boss, the rate could be up to 50% less than the "private rate" in which more activities happen..
EG: 100 an hour for public
200 for private.
if the evening starts out public say for 2 hours and 90 minutes into the evening he wants to go private, then your higher rate kicks in from that moment on. So 90 minutes, would be 150 (using the numbers above) then everything private starts at 200

What this could encourage a guy to explore a lady's other talent of being some very nice arm candy/dinner date etc.

Everyone wins because he has a good time armed with the knowledge that if at any time during the date he wants to go have fun, its on the menu but the rates change and she wins because she is earning a fee for her TIME Originally Posted by Spirit13
I'm sorry but I disagree for a number of reasons:

1) Advertizing different rates for social v private time carries an inherent risk (as mentioned earlier) that exposes the woman's MO. Some women are just not comfortable doing that, just as some women are not comfortable using telling acronyms. It's the escorts job to navigate the mine fields...not create them.

2) If a woman is low volume and say for example needs to earn $5k a month (which she hypothetically does by accepting 2 x 2hr appts a week) she would have to give up much more of her time to make the same amount of money structuring her rates your way. Typically, the low volume women have other things going on (another job/school etc) and don't have that extra time.

3) If a woman is high(er) volume and wants to make as much money as possible she's just not going to turn down private time appts for social appts is she?

4) I don't think one woman on here has shared that she has discounted a rate PRIOR to meeting a client. Several have shared OTC time with people they have met...and by met, I don't mean "just" met...but never in advance. By splitting rate structures, that's exactly what you are doing...discounting.

5) We all see women offering specials from time to time. That's how to get your discounted rate if you want one and the lady in questions appeals to you.

5) Women generally recognize the need to reward good clients (and good also means regular). They do this by offering a discount. It keeps them coming back at a rate they value.

So I am disagreeing that everyone benefits from your suggestion. The men might, but the women sure as heck don't which ever way you splice it.

atlcomedy's Avatar
One could look at it this way.. you have 2 different hourly rates, 1 is for public and 1 is for private.
The guy books you for say 3 hours for a nice dinner date to impress his boss, the rate could be up to 50% less than the "private rate" in which more activities happen..
EG: 100 an hour for public
200 for private.
if the evening starts out public say for 2 hours and 90 minutes into the evening he wants to go private, then your higher rate kicks in from that moment on. So 90 minutes, would be 150 (using the numbers above) then everything private starts at 200

What this could encourage a guy to explore a lady's other talent of being some very nice arm candy/dinner date etc.

Everyone wins because he has a good time armed with the knowledge that if at any time during the date he wants to go have fun, its on the menu but the rates change and she wins because she is earning a fee for her TIME Originally Posted by Spirit13
The providers that didn't like being compared to a Dentist will love this....

This kinda sounds to me like a taxi driver with a metered cab. Different rates for "wait time" and "drive time", they guy can get out at any point and just pay what's on the meter...