NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

NE lost back to back @ home to Baltimore ('09) and NY Jets('10). Originally Posted by Fishpie

I stand corrected..........LOL

Ok.......That won't happen this's
I like the Texans......But, lets face it......yesterday was the last game of the season bascially..........They are going to get blown out worse than the last game. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Go Texans, beat the Pats!
STFUDora's Avatar
I cant wait for next week, god yesterday's game was ugly.
Solemate62's Avatar
NE lost back to back @ home to Baltimore ('09) and NY Jets('10). Originally Posted by Fishpie
Precisely! They have lost and can lose again, same point I made on page 169 of this ongoing saga!
I vividly recall attending the first regular season game in the Texans (still) young history. They were playing the Dallas Cowboys. It was not a matter of "IF" the Cowboys were going to win, it was only a matter of how much would the Cowboys win by. Not one of the expert prognosticators thought the Texans had a snowballs chance in hell of winning that game. Well haters, guess what?

As Satin said several weeks ago, "any given Sunday." If the nay sayers can't make that cliche fit, try this one on for size. It ain't over 'till it's over! There is a damn good reason the games are actually played on the field and not during the pregame show.

Go Texans, beat the Pats!
DarthMaul's Avatar
Not being able to get more touchdowns in the red zone is a big issue. Originally Posted by kerwil62
That shit has been an issue for that last 5 games. They need to look at film to see what they did in the early part of the season...(4) Field goals???!!

It should have been like 34 -13!!?
Any given Sunday has been proven time and time again. However the offense will have to keep up. We would have had a chance in the last game if the o would have performed but they played like shit. We held the pats down in the second quarter with 3 straight 3 and outs. Could have gotten back in the game but continued to stink it up. We have to score touchdowns and control the clock to keep that bitch Brady off the field.

We need Dopey to step the fuck up for a change instead of being a slow twat like usual. We will also need some Kubiakaction!!! A trick play, fake punt, onside kick something that is not on the Denny's menu!! Unlikely but I will be a cheering mfer come Sunday at 330!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-06-2013, 01:09 PM
BT, my friend, excellent post again my brother. That's exactly why the games are played on the field. We were supposed to lose against the Bengals too according to all these "football experts." Let's just let the game play out.

Man you gotta excuse my homie hating ass Ike. His Dallas Cowgirls missed the playoffs AGAIN which means they have NO chance of winning shit. So he's gonna knock the Texans and predict them to lose just like his loser ass Dallas team...lmao. Come on Ikester, you're better than that bro!!!!!

As BT says "beat the Pats"....
BT, my friend, excellent post again my brother. That's exactly why the games are played on the field. We were supposed to lose against the Bengals too according to all these "football experts." Let's just let the game play out.

Man you gotta excuse my homie hating ass Ike. His Dallas Cowgirls missed the playoffs AGAIN which means they have NO chance of winning shit. So he's gonna knock the Texans and predict them to lose just like his loser ass Dallas team...lmao. Come on Ikester, you're better than that bro!!!!!

As BT says "beat the Pats".... Originally Posted by Satin
LMAO...........Man, I was just making an observation. But, you had to kick a man while he's down about the cowboys.........LOL

I like the Texans and think they had a great year. It would be nice if they went up to Foxboro and won...............but, deep down the only way that will really if they have a sniper hidden in the stands to take out Brady........I'm just
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 01-07-2013, 08:36 AM
No matter what side you're on...that's funny right there sir!!! Lmao...

Beat the Pats...
Starting to get pumped up about this game. I think we have a shot. Our guys have been hearing this shit about the 42-14 beat down all week. JJoseph is healthier, we should be pissed and ready to go!! Somebody give Dopey an 8 ball so he is wide awake and ready and we might do something!!! Let's go Dopey this is your time to shine mfer!!!

Football is about emotion and attitude, we should bring it this week.

Kum on Kubiak, find your balls and your mean streak and kut it Loose!!! Give me some Kubiaktion!!!!
TheDon's Avatar
Hearing people talk about the game this week, I think a lot of fans have now just come to the realization of how bad those late seasons loses to the Viks and Colts were. Rather than going on the road and facing potentially both Brady and Manning, we could have just played one of them, and in our place....This really should have been our year.

As far as the game, I just read we are starting both Brandon Brooks and Derek Newton on the right side, that is a lot of Fucking size, should be interesting to see how that plays out.
Wakeup's Avatar
Kum on Kubiak, find your balls and your mean streak and kut it Loose!!! Give me some Kubiaktion!!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Its not automatic but I like our chances.. why?
  • Foster will get more than 46yds
  • Watt will get more than 0 sacks and 2 tackles
  • Texans won't have -70yds on 7 penalties
  • J-Jo is back at 100%
  • Defense is coming off PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR
  • There is more to learn in a loss than a W
  • Hopefully we learned a lot
  • Hopefully Kubes will be less predictable
  • Dre dropped his last TD pass, he wont let that be his last. The beast wont be denied.
  • Kubes used OD and Graham well last game. That's a good sign going into NE who's weak vs TE. Hopefully he read my post from a few weeks ago bout NE being near worst in the league covering the big fellers.

Biggest worry is our LB's vs Gronk and Hernandez. If only Cush were around the threat would be all but eliminated. Hopefully Gronk is rusty, lets put some bounty-free hats on that forearm early to let him know were here.

If we win this, what's to stop us?
  • Foster knows
  • Dre knows
  • Watt knows
  • J-Jo knows
  • Bun-B knows

Underdogs my ass.. Lets go Texans!

If we get this one, u think she'll represent next shoot sporting a Texans jersey?
.. Come on baby!!

Now I'm ready!! One eye throws down the gauntlet with Beyonce snatch!!!! It's on, we gonna win now!!! That snatch is like JJ Watt, it's unbeatable!!! Well done one eye!