nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar
So points worry you?
Interesting. Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
WTF is this a CC not clam trash can

I think NOT
WTF is this a CC not clam trash can

I think NOT Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
But but but… it's so on topic it's scary
offshoredrilling's Avatar
But but but… it's so on topic it's scary Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
topic ????

we don't need no sticking topic

mmmm rats

ok then, carry on
Lexxxy's Avatar
Room for a Ketchup bottle in there?? Originally Posted by Notuagain
*dies* there's always room for Heinz and Frank's! I'll show you
Lexxxy's Avatar

I want one of a lady and like 20-40 cats. That would be hilarious.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
Oh I think that NYS should definitely get involved and tell us what to drink or even better yet tax the hell out of people with a sweet tooth because ya know,"its for our own good". Gives me a rosy feeling knowing how they look out for us
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Oh I think that NYS should definitely get involved and tell us what to drink or even better yet tax the hell out of people with a sweet tooth because ya know,"its for our own good". Gives me a rosy feeling knowing how they look out for us Originally Posted by lilylivered
New York Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Decriminalize Prostitution Statewide

Stop Violence In the Sex Trades Act, if passed, would make New York first state to “decriminalize & decarcerate the sex trades” statewide

The state excise tax rate is $4.35 per package of 20 cigarettes. The New York City local excise tax is $1.50 per package of 20 cigarettes, bringing the combined tax rate for a package of 20 cigarettes purchased in New York City to $5.85.Apr 27, 2018

wounder how they will tax sex

Plastic Man for NYS hook inspector ?

lilylivered's Avatar
New York Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Decriminalize Prostitution Statewide

Stop Violence In the Sex Trades Act, if passed, would make New York first state to “decriminalize & decarcerate the sex trades” statewide

wounder how they will tax sex

Plastic Man for NYS hook inspector ?

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Once they have cameras in every house for your own good, it will be simple to see whats happening and tax it
offshoredrilling's Avatar
MAROON' ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)

been looking to add to that thread for op

not sure I have same eye


at 50 posted age is that to old for Jon ?

or the look works anyways ?

I know I would if in Upset NY rather than Dallas Texas

but if that walked in a bar that is no more, and JON was at I would have ta think him being younger would out race me. BUT BUT BUT with the age. Would he run past if he sees the age? HELP
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
wounder how they will tax sex .... Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Condom excise tax?
Oh wait, that would impact the bible thumpers also.
UC...what are you doing here??

NY has taxes on tax, so they will figure it out....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Condom excise tax?
Oh wait, that would impact the bible thumpers also. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
UC...what are you doing here??

NY has taxes on tax, so they will figure it out.... Originally Posted by Notuagain
careful guys

ok so far

but but but don't want no stinking TOPIC in this thread
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
UC...what are you doing here?? .... Originally Posted by Notuagain
My old old turf from one of those once upon a time ago tales.

.... but but but don't want no stinking TOPIC in this thread Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
thematic discontinuance it will be.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dang missing jokacz posting here

are you a Trump hater, as you go to park or see fireworks. Go to store and get a Baby Trump balloon to show your hate on the 4th of July

thank you for your support at Hating Trump

50% of profits go to the re-elect Trump campaign