#DiedSuddenly reporting

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SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The wife of a neighbor just died. Please tell me how her death or the deaths of the people in your are due to Covid vaccines. Your constant posting of deaths presumably caused by Covid vaccines border on the ridiculous. There are over 3 million deaths in the U.S. each year. You can't prove that any of those deaths in 2022 were due to Covid vaccinatios.
The wife of a neighbor just died. Please tell me how her death or the deaths of the people in your are due to Covid vaccines. Your constant posting of deaths presumably caused by Covid vaccines border on the ridiculous. There are over 3 million deaths in the U.S. each year. You can't prove that any of those deaths in 2022 were due to Covid vaccinatios. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
What did she die from? You're trying to argue that this "Vaccine" can't be responsible for someones death. If you don't have a Virus associated with a disease but a Vaccine is being administered to combat it there is something wrong with that picture.
  • Tiny
  • 03-23-2023, 03:54 PM
The wife of a neighbor just died. Please tell me how her death or the deaths of the people in your are due to Covid vaccines. Your constant posting of deaths presumably caused by Covid vaccines border on the ridiculous. There are over 3 million deaths in the U.S. each year. You can't prove that any of those deaths in 2022 were due to Covid vaccinatios. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Don't be so silly SpeedRacer. A person gets the vaccine. Then the same person dies! Two hundred seventy-one million people in the USA have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine and every darn one of them is going to die! What could be clearer?
texassapper's Avatar
Don't be so silly SpeedRacer. A person gets the vaccine. Then the same person dies! Two hundred seventy-one million people in the USA have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine and every darn one of them is going to die! What could be clearer? Originally Posted by Tiny
Likely sooner than they would have otherwise.
texassapper's Avatar
The wife of a neighbor just died. Please tell me how her death or the deaths of the people in your are due to Covid vaccines. Your constant posting of deaths presumably caused by Covid vaccines border on the ridiculous. There are over 3 million deaths in the U.S. each year. You can't prove that any of those deaths in 2022 were due to Covid vaccinatios. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you’re so sure of yourself and if the jabs you took you needn’t bother trying to persuade me. But you know the shits not all on the up and up. So you feel compelled to try and convince me the jabs are safe and effective.

Not even the jab manufacturers are claiming that any more.

The truth will come out. It’s just a matter of time. You need not worry yourself over being right or wrong. Worry about how your life will inevitably be shortened
Don't be so silly SpeedRacer. A person gets the vaccine. Then the same person dies! Two hundred seventy-one million people in the USA have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine and every darn one of them is going to die! What could be clearer? Originally Posted by Tiny
Some may die, others may have to contend with Auto-Immune Disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis ect and some will be lucky enough to skate through unscathed. There is a control group in the mix they probably received saline. Not all Lot# are formulated the same. So let's say 271 million are vaccinated a third will die, another third will develop an Auto-Immune Disorder and another third will have no issues. The Forty Nine Million unvaccinated will not be affected at all.
texassapper's Avatar
texassapper's Avatar
Some may die, others may have to contend with Auto-Immune Disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis ect and some will be lucky enough to skate through unscathed. There is a control group in the mix they probably received saline. Not all Lot# are formulated the same. So let's say 271 million are vaccinated a third will die, another third will develop an Auto-Immune Disorder and another third will have no issues. The Forty Nine Million unvaccinated will not be affected at all. Originally Posted by Levianon17
There was no control group. They vaccinated them at the end of the too short study. So now there will never be a way to show that the vaxxed are dying at a rate higher than the control group. That wasn’t an accident.
  • Tiny
  • 03-23-2023, 08:57 PM
Some may die, others may have to contend with Auto-Immune Disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis ect and some will be lucky enough to skate through unscathed. There is a control group in the mix they probably received saline. Not all Lot# are formulated the same. So let's say 271 million are vaccinated a third will die, another third will develop an Auto-Immune Disorder and another third will have no issues. The Forty Nine Million unvaccinated will not be affected at all. Originally Posted by Levianon17
His doctors believed a friend of mine may have died from an immune deficiency disease brought on by the vaccine. That's the exception, not the rule though. My guess is that less than 10,000 in the USA have died from the COVID vaccines, and most of them were very old and frail. However, over 1 million have died of COVID. It was a numbers game, and if you were middle aged or older, or otherwise high risk, it was a no brainer. You could get immunity from severe disease either by getting vaccinated or by getting infected. And the risks associated with COVID infection were much, much higher.
His doctors believed a friend of mine may have died from an immune deficiency disease brought on by the vaccine. That's the exception, not the rule though. My guess is that less than 10,000 in the USA have died from the COVID vaccines, and most of them were very old and frail. However, over 1 million have died of COVID. It was a numbers game, and if you were middle aged or older, or otherwise high risk, it was a no brainer. You could get immunity from severe disease either by getting vaccinated or by getting infected. And the risks associated with COVID infection were much, much higher. Originally Posted by Tiny
You haven't caught on yet, but you definitely aren't alone. SarsCov2 the supposed Virus that causes Covid-19 doesn't exist. It's never been isolated and purified which means free other cellular debris and contaminants. If the disease agent cannot be identified through the Scientific Method of "Koch Postulates" then you don't have a Virus. So all these deaths can be from anything. They had to use large numbers of cases and deaths to scare the shit out of people. Now there was cases of people getting sick and it was the Flu or Pneumonia and they just labeled it Covid-19. They did this for the Vaccine roll out. They are already planning Pandemic#2 with Marburg Disease a similar disease like Ebola. Nobody should be getting any vaccines of any kind right now.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Some may die, others may have to contend with Auto-Immune Disorders such as Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis ect and some will be lucky enough to skate through unscathed. There is a control group in the mix they probably received saline... Originally Posted by Levianon17
You used the wrong tense in the last sentence above. There "was" a control group There "is" no more. I recall Speedy was part of that shuffle off to Buffalo, aka disbanding of the control group. That level of scientific fraud brought to you by the makers of Industrial Strength fear-porn.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You can't prove that any of those deaths in 2022 were due to Covid vaccinatios. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I wonder if we should mention "proving" people died "of" or "from" the covid. Of course, we would have to understand the rules on reporting that and change them in-flight to suit the narrative. Right?!?

Not withstanding the utter folly of using a Rapid DNA test to determine if ya gots da covid. Still boggles my mind that people fell for the clap-trap concept. What utter and ridiculous garbage people swallowed to fall for that. You follow the trail of tears over how the PCR test was assented to the Gold standard in detecting a virus (in the first place), let alone a virus that they had no sample of in the first place. If one comes away from that believing that Ridiculous BS, then PT Barnum was Nostradamus.

The covid was a Pass/Fail IQ test.

Check your ICD-10 Z28.3xx score to see how you did