Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is no defending the current health care system. It is a disaster. However, the answer isn't always more government. Government control of health care will only make things worse, as government does whenever it tries to control a private sector activity. We've got to stop giving government more and more control and power.
If you want to have a discussion on how idiotic the present arguement is about Ms Fluke, bring it on. But I will call you a liar if you lie. Originally Posted by WDF
Liar. Here's the website with her testimony. She (like a good lawyer) characterizes her "problem" at about the 16:39 mark of her opening statement. She goes to a Catholic university that doesn't offer contraceptives as part of their the student insurance.

Its about Catholic institutions not violating their core beliefs. She can go off campus across the street and pay $9 a month for birth control. No Republican will stand in her way. In fact, its probably Republicans selling the pills.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A reasoned argument would never penetrate your partisanship. You want something that someone else has paid for period.

Medicine is people, buildings, and supplies. Buildings and supplies cost money. People volunteer (remember that word) to become doctors, nurses, and orderlies. That training costs money. Those healthcare professionals deserve to get paid. I take it that you object to that.

Anyway, it is a given that healthcare costs money...even if it's free. So who pays for it? As citizens we have the right to work harder, smarter, or faster in order to make more money which allows us to have a better life style. A better car, better clothes, a better house, a better education, and better healthcare. Capitalism has allowed us to circumvent the standard process with loans, credit lines, and insurance. We can go to college and pay off the tuition over many years. We can buy a house without a 20% downpayment and resell it with a profit in five years. Or we used to. Using insurance I can get the same healthcare as a titan of industry or a Hollywood celebrity. I just have to be willing to pay 10, 20, or 30% of my weekly income to get it. Many young people don't want or need insurance as you are indestructable when you're young. The insurance companies are businesses looking to make a profit. They figure out the statistics how likely someone is get injured or sick and then they put a price on it. Someone may go years without using their health insurance other than routine exams. Others hit the jackpot early on. Last year I had appendicitis and needed surgery. My $55,000 bill cost me $1800 and four years of payments. I came out ahead but I paid for my insurance. I also have certain speciality policies and catastropic care insurance. I am responsible for my own healthcare. Yes, I get it through my job which shares the burden and through a system which shares the burden further. We all made a choice to go into this together. Some idiots may want to call this socialism but they are just name calling as we all did this voluntarily and were not forced into something that we didn't want (see Obamacare). There is that word again, volunteer. Doctors work very hard to get educated to take care of you (acknowledge that nurses and others also work hard). Obamacare and the earlier Hillary care require (see force) healthcare providers to work without just compensation. They were required to work longer hours, see more patients, and to relocate where they are needed rather than have the freedom to live where they want. Jefferson said that when the efforts of a man are taken by force that is slavery. Obamacare would make slaves of healthcare professionals. It would be nice slavery to be sure. You get to be called doctor and you do get paid. You even get to wear those kool scrubs or a suit and tie. Still, like in jolly ole England your (friendly?) proctologist would get as much money as a cardiac surgeon. I have never heard of anyone dying from an ass attack.
Too cut to the chase; healthcare providers are all volunteers for whatever reason they have. I, you, and the next person can get the best of care if we are willing to pay for it. We have the choice on how much insurance we want. A small amount when we are younger and more as we get older. If we have a family history of heart disease or cancer then we can buy riders to cover exceptional care. Obama care takes away personal responsibility and makes people wards of the state. When the government provides all the healthcare the government can deny that same healthcare for the benefit of the masses. That is exactly what has happened in dear ole England.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow, JD. Excellent post. Thank you.
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  • 03-12-2012, 05:37 AM
Liar. Here's the website with her testimony. She (like a good lawyer) characterizes her "problem" at about the 16:39 mark of her opening statement. She goes to a Catholic university that doesn't offer contraceptives as part of their the student insurance.

Its about Catholic institutions not violating their core beliefs. She can go off campus across the street and pay $9 a month for birth control. No Republican will stand in her way. In fact, its probably Republicans selling the pills. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Her is my whole quote , which adds context.

If you want to have a discussion on how idiotic the present arguement is about Ms Fluke, bring it on. But I will call you a liar if you lie. PM is cheaper in the long run than not. Second , we already pay for people like Ms Fluke's health care. The present system is very expensive. Originally Posted by WTF
So WTF I said is correct. We already pay for Ms Fluke if she were to get preggo.

Now if you want that Catholic university to only admit Catholics and forgo State and Federal Funding , then have at it. You then would have a perfectly plausible point. As is you Rush, JD and that cute dumbass are full of hypocritical shit.
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  • 03-12-2012, 06:15 AM
A reasoned argument would never penetrate your partisanship. You want something that someone else has paid for period. Just like you do.

Medicine is people, buildings, and supplies. Buildings and supplies cost money. People volunteer are you out of your mind. What they are doing is applying for a job. Just like any other profession does. Some jobs require college training , some do not. (remember that word) (J O B remember) that word to become doctors, nurses, and orderlies. That training costs money. Who subsidizes those universities where those doctors get trained. Who? The people , that is who. Those healthcare professionals deserve to get paid. Agreed I take it that you object to that. Than you are an idiot. Of course they do.

Anyway, it is a given that healthcare costs money...even if it's free. So who pays for it? We all do. Is that to hard to understand. We already have free healthcare. poor people are overcrowding out system . They are getting work done that could have been prevented with some PM. Just like changing the oil in your car is cheaper than rebuilding the entire engine because you were to dumb to change the oil. As citizens we have the right to work harder, smarter, or faster in order to make more money which allows us to have a better life style. A better car, better clothes, a better house, a better education, and better healthcare. Agreed Capitalism has allowed us to circumvent the standard process with loans, credit lines, and insurance. We can go to college and pay off the tuition over many years. We can buy a house without a 20% downpayment and resell it with a profit in five years. Well what you just described are bubbles. We have had the housing bubble and we are going to have a College bubble. Crony Capitalism is wtf you have described. The government has been the one insuring these college loans. I would loan people money if the government would guarantee to pay me back. Anybody money. Those that could afford to pay me back and those that could not. That is not Capitalism. This is much like AIG. Without that company I doubt we would have had the huge housing bubble. You really are opening up a can of worms , of which it seems you are ill prepared to discuss. Or we used to. Using insurance I can get the same healthcare as a titan of industry or a Hollywood celebrity. I just have to be willing to pay 10, 20, or 30% of my weekly income to get it. Many young people don't want or need insurance as you are indestructable when you're young. But if a young person does not have insurance and gets hurt, WE ALL PAY. Yet that young person has not paid into the system. Pretty good system huh? The insurance companies are businesses looking to make a profit. Agreed. They figure out the statistics how likely someone is get injured or sick and then they put a price on it. I think they call this actuaries, JD. Someone may go years without using their health insurance other than routine exams. Others hit the jackpot early on. Last year I had appendicitis and needed surgery. My $55,000 bill cost me $1800 and four years of payments. I had my appendix out three years ago. I am self insured. It cost around 13k from start to finish. I came out ahead but I paid for my insurance. Your insurance is subsidized by all of us. You're to god Damn stupid to understand that fact but it is still a fact. You do not pay taxes on that benefit of your salary like self employed people do. Therefore I am subsidizing your healthcare benefits. The exact same thing you and Rush are bitching about Ms Fluke wanting. I also have certain speciality policies and catastropic care insurance. I am responsible for my own healthcare. Yes, I get it through my job which shares the burden and through a system which shares the burden further. A University that sucs further off the government tit. We all made a choice to go into this together. Some idiots may want to call this socialism but they are just name calling as we all did this voluntarily and were not forced into something that we didn't want (see Obamacare). There is that word again, volunteer. Doctors work very hard to get educated to take care of you (acknowledge that nurses and others also work hard). Obamacare and the earlier Hillary care require (see force) healthcare providers to work without just compensation. They were required to work longer hours, see more patients, and to relocate where they are needed rather than have the freedom to live where they want. Jefferson said that when the efforts of a man are taken by force that is slavery. Obamacare would make slaves of healthcare professionals. It would be nice slavery to be sure. You get to be called doctor and you do get paid. You even get to wear those kool scrubs or a suit and tie. Still, like in jolly ole England your (friendly?) proctologist would get as much money as a cardiac surgeon. I have never heard of anyone dying from an ass attack.
Too cut to the chase; healthcare providers are all volunteers for whatever reason they have. Good Lord you are fulkl of shit. It is a J O B. I, you, and the next person can get the best of care if we are willing to pay for it. We have the choice on how much insurance we want.A small amount when we are younger and more as we get older. WTF are you talking about? Medicare? We do not pat nearly enough into Medicare what we are taking out of it. You do realize that don't you. If we have a family history of heart disease or cancer then we can buy riders to cover exceptional care. Obama care takes away personal responsibility and makes people wards of the state. When the government provides all the healthcare the government can deny that same healthcare for the benefit of the masses. That is exactly what has happened in dear ole England. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The government provides Medicare. That system lets your insurance company slide you off on the government tit when you start to actually cost these insurance companies money. The present system we have set up does not bhave enough money to continue to pay for older peoples healthcare. You know why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOT PAID ENOUGH IN.

You do not understand this issue. You are just like Sara Palin. You understand slogans. On one hand you want Medicare on the other , you want the government out of your Medicare.

It is a large film that you and other Tea Party folks want to discuss in snapshots. If you talk in big picture terms, you are an idiot. If you keep talking in will impress people like CuteOldGuy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
All that talk, and no point. Typical.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-12-2012, 06:28 AM
All that talk, and no point. Typical. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sara Palin you are.

Full of slogans but no understanding of policy/facts.

The point my cute old friend is that we already pay for everyone's health care, some of you are to stupid to acknowledge it.

JD works for a university. One we subsidized . Probably everything about him is subsidized by the government. From his salary to his healthcare.

He then has the gall to come on here and bitch about some chick going to a university wanting something for nothing, just like him!

Is that point easy eenough for you to understand?
All that talk, and no point. Typical. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Even when faced with the facts he deflects the argument to a straw man he created to prove some imaginary point. He's been doing it for years.

Gawd, now his point is we've all been paying for health care for years. Here come the tea party and homo slurs. What next - the nuance/context/false debating cries? Uh oh. Larger text. Thank gawd he finally learn to post a working link after 5 years.

Maybe he'll get worked up enough to say "Fuc Grandma" again.

Gawd he can't comprehend she voluntarily attends a Catholic University that won't fund something that's abhorrent to its values.
In fact, its probably Republicans selling the pills. Originally Posted by gnadfly
if its free enterprise and involves work....good bet
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-12-2012, 07:37 AM

Gawd he can't comprehend she voluntarily attends a Catholic University that won't fund something that's abhorrent to its values. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I understand that she understands that the university is a fucking hypocrite.

What you can not understand the fact that the University recieves government money.

That big bad University can only have Catholic students there if it so desired. Forgo any government ovesight. But no , it chose diversity. Do you understand that small fact?

Let the University take no tax dollars. Let it only admit Catholics or Jews or Baptist. Let it be a racist University if it wants to be. I have no problem with that but do not let it have any government funds, no tax breaks.

Fuc, everyone can just say it is aganist my religion to pay taxes that go to wars or abortion if you guys arguement stands up.
Even when faced with the facts . Originally Posted by gnadfly
What facts? Is she not a student?

Shall I write that is smaller font for you?
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  • 03-12-2012, 07:42 AM
if its free enterprise and involves work....good bet Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yea the GOP is all about free enterprise. One where they privatize the profits and socialize the losses.

Kinda like all these student loans that JD gets his inflow of students from. Without that scam, he would not have half his students and would probably be out of a J O B. That stupid S O B thinks doctors ''volunteer''.

Lets tell the truth here , half these folks have no business being in a University. Private enterprise does not fund their education, government does. If you do not understand this simple math problem , how the fuc am I suppossed to have a intelligent conversation with you on the merits?

How about this arguement for Rush and all his defenders. I do not want to fund the University that does not want to fund Ms Fluke. Can you folks at leat understand your own logic? What we have here is one leach (the university) crying about another leach(Ms Fluke) ..What an utter crock of shit you boys are falling for.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-12-2012, 07:55 AM
Wow, JD. Excellent post. Thank you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy Sara Palin and JD.

You know nothing of the details of the healthcare system but applaud stupid sound bytes that are in direct opposition of the reality.

For instance, the Tea Folks do not want the government messing with their Medicare.

Do you understand just how stupid a statement that is?
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  • 03-12-2012, 08:04 AM
. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Also Mr Gnadfly, you can not change my name in the quotes. That is a no no. You can quote me and then call me what you want but you can not change my name in the quote or change my quote without acknowledging the change in quotes. What if ''I put I gnadfly am a child molester'' in your quotes? Do you see how much BS things like that can cause? Or I could quote you and the subsitute cuteoldguys name in there.

Please try and play in the established rules. Marshall had a huge problem with that same little trick that he thought so cute. I would hate to see you banned for something so stupid. I do not agree with your logic but I do not want to see you banned.
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  • 03-12-2012, 08:14 AM

Maybe he'll get worked up enough to say "Fuc Grandma" again.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
If Grandma is stupid enough to gripe about poor young people wanting free healthcare , I sure as fuc will say Fuc Grandma who wants the exact same thing. She never paid in near wtf she is taking out of the system.

If Grandma is stupid enough to gripe about poor young people wanting free healthcare , I sure as fuc will say Fuc Grandma who wants the exact same thing. She never paid in near wtf she is taking out of the system.