What Are You Watching on TV Nowadays?

nando9263's Avatar
Brooklyn 9-9 and recently picked up House of Cards
Did anyone watch "Show me a hero" Originally Posted by cr76
I watched some of it, but life intervened. A huge fan of David Simon, and what I watched up until Mayor Nick Wasicsko's election and his council battle, it was pretty riveting. I have to finish on demand, and I was definitely impressed with Oscar Isaac in the role.

Fishpie's Avatar
Oscar Isaac has been a very busy man. He just won an award for that role. The dude can act. I doubt he will disappoint as Apocalypse.
  • cr76
  • 01-11-2016, 11:14 PM
I'll have to do show me a hero and I'm excited for Vinyl from Mickey Jagger and Marty Scorsese!!
Been burning through season 1 Game of Thrones and loving every second of it. Just finished the episode that had the..."Golden crown" which was fantastic. Originally Posted by cr76

You're in for a treat....the best is yet to come.

Recently came out from under my rock and blitzed through all 5 seasons (consecutive weekends during the holidays).....just blown away by how great this series is.

Season 6 cannot start soon enough for me now.
  • cr76
  • 01-12-2016, 10:01 AM
I'm on the final episode of season 1 - then on to the next - been killing at least 1 episode per day - occasionally 2 - I'll get in to that - and attempt to mix in show me a hero - since it's only 6 episodes.

Got tix to the first two episodes premiere of Showtimes Billions with Damian Lewis and Paul Giamatti at river oaks tommorrow if anyone is interested.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Watched the first 10 Episodes..Hmmm, has me thinking.

boardman's Avatar
Watched the first 10 Episodes..Hmmm, has me thinking.

Originally Posted by DarthMaul
Pretty fucking sick isn't it. I honestly don't know if the guy is innocent or not but I don't think he got the verdict he should have gotten based on the evidence.

Saw some tease on FNC this morning about him. There is apparently some new development. Not sure what it is though. I'll try to look it up later.

Badlands, Texas...I thought that show was over with the Verdict. I thought they should have at least come back with a Manslaughter conviction but probably not Murder. A couple of the the jurors said they needed something else to tie it all together during deliberations but then during the interviews for the show weeks later they said they felt like they got it wrong.
Said they really felt like Manslaughter was never even on the table although it was an alternative verdict they were instructed they could deliver.
This happened, most likely, because it was a small town in west Texas with limited resources and experience in this type of case.
boardman's Avatar
Here is the crux of the new information on Avery

"Demos said the juror told them that "they were afraid if they held out for a mistrial -- that it would be easy to identify which juror had done that and they were fearful for their own safety."


A lot of people fear the authorities in that county. and the county assisting. I don't know if it's all true but there is way too much smoke not to be a little fire.
The sheriff was out to get Avery, whether it was the lawsuit or personal dislike, he and the DA clearly excluded other potential suspects early on in the pursuit of their own predetermined outcome. That in itself deserves further investigation.
DarthMaul's Avatar

A lot of people fear the authorities in that county. and the county assisting. I don't know if it's all true but there is way too much smoke not to be a little fire.
The sheriff was out to get Avery, whether it was the lawsuit or personal dislike, he and the DA clearly excluded other potential suspects early on in the pursuit of their own predetermined outcome. That in itself deserves further investigation. Originally Posted by boardman
Yes that's the impression I get from the whole thing. I have heard of some of the prosecutors (Kurtz or Kertz) have been doing interviews and he says a lot of the evidence against Avery was left out of the documentary.
cabletex7's Avatar
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Ran into this show on demand, really, really good.

Mecum auto auction from Kissamee Fla, on nbcsn
DarthMaul's Avatar
Mecum auto auction from Kissamee Fla, on nbcsn Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Dude, I can watch that shit for hours. I want to make it the next time they come to Houston.
Anybody see "into the badlands"? It's on after walking dead but I haven't seen it. Looks to have petential as it has 1. Snatch 2. Karate and sword fights.