
Yssup Rider's Avatar
From personal experience with loved ones, the dimentia and confusion did inded begin four or five yers before the actual diagnosisof Alzheimers was made. Tragic and horrible time

I didn't read it in anybodys book. I heard it first hand from a couple of people who were White House staffers at the time. Accoding to them, the president was increasingly disoriented as the second term progressed.
Budman's Avatar
Sup has personal experience with alzheimers and he claims he knew white house staffers that claim Reagan had alzheimers. Fuck, it must be true.

I have had personal experience with illegal aliens and I know someone that drove by the white house and they claim Obama is an illegal. It must be true.

This is a SHMB and you're using "pussY" spelled backwards as your handle and because you claim to be in the loop of something we are supposed to believe you. Do you have the foggiest notion of how stupid that sounds. You try so hard to impress the masses that it's funny.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
From personal experience with loved ones, the dimentia and confusion did inded begin four or five yers before the actual diagnosisof Alzheimers was made. Tragic and horrible time.and I didn't read it in anybodys book. I heard it first hand from a couple of people who were White House staffers at the time. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
My mother went from driving a car and living by herself to a nursing home and death from side issues in 11 months. My father died 25 years ago, mom 4. In retrospect, she was ready to go, and without a real desire to go on at 84, she just faded away through a series of ever worsening of medical issues. Aspirating food into her trachea was the big one. She had a DNR and no drastic actions such as a feeding tube etc.
I don't know how I made it 6 months, which is nothing. I guess someone makes it for years because you make it as long as you have to.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Youre a classy guy Budman.

Thats not quite what i said. The personal experience I wad with Alzheimer's is none of your fucking business and quite frankly I don't give a shit whether you believe me or not. I couldn't care less who is or isn't impressed by anybody's stories here. For all I know you're a 15-year-old little girl sitting in front of your Barbie TV set hooked up to an Atari 64. For all you know, so am I.

Rude and insulting might not be the best way to approach anybody willing to discuss family tragedies here or in any forum.

But you sure nailed it..
Budman's Avatar
You're not discussing family tragedies. You're trying to convince others that you have some inside knowledge of Reagan and he had alzheimers while in office. We all have our own experiences dealing with family illnesses but you want to use yours to convince others that you have some special insight.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're not discussing family tragedies. You're trying to convince others that you have some inside knowledge of Reagan and he had alzheimers while in office. We all have our own experiences dealing with family illnesses but you want to use yours to convince others that you have some special insight. Originally Posted by Budman
You have no clue what I am or am not talking about. Obviously you're too busy stirring the pot to read the posts. Like Munchmasterman, I have lived with Alzheimers in the family and have seen up close and personal how it works, how the doctors approach it and when things are and are not "diagnosed." It's a horror beyond belief. But you'd rather spin, spit and shit all over everything. Like I said before - no class.

But for the record:

I DO know people who served in Reagan's White House... BOTH OF THEM. I know people who've served in every White House since JFK, though some of them have passed in recent years. In fact, I'm betting that a number of people who post here could make a similar claim; this being Austin and all. But again, I don't give a rat's ass whether you believe it or not.

Reagan was NOT all there at the end of his presidency. GOOGLE it. Look it up on whatever website you trust. Go to the library and read a book. I don't care what you do. Find something to the contrary.

Please, Budman, don't believe another word I say. Instead, do your own research and stop running off at the mouth.

Rude and insulting statements are never appropriate.