A music thread for a break, post away

Zollner's Avatar
rooster's Avatar
Me and Joke don't agree on all that much these days, but THAT may be the finest moment in a very fine film. Perhaps only rivaled by the beginning, posted below. BTW, the Soundtrack is beautifully recorded. Crank it up with a [STAFF edit - GM]
and some good headphones. You won't regret it...

. Originally Posted by rooster

HOW FAAKING AWESOME!! I wuz ignoring my Inbox (as usual) and just discovered that I got POINTS for this! Absolutely hysterical! Some simp had to have reported it...and I thank you for doing your job to protect us all from immorality.... on a hooker board! Come out and fight like a man, ya cuck.

Now.....at least half the songs on here make...references....to topics that shall not be mentioned by us. And you are all guilty by association! So I am doing my part to clean this shit up and report you all. Jokacz especially. I mean...I don't even want to NAME the song in post #154. Shocking....


"Donald Trump let me nnn NOW!"

Willie Wanker's Avatar
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jokacz's Avatar
Sorry about the video quality, but the piano and trumpet solos are worth it:
Willie Wanker's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
A song for all that lost their primary run and to who voted for to make ya feel better

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Zollner's Avatar
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