Steelers 2024 thread

flows-with-water's Avatar
Personally the games are boring as hell. Nothing exciting about the offense at heir Tomlin won’t relinquish any responsibility to his coaches. Not wasting my Sunday afternoons watching paint dry. Get rid of Pickens the petulant child he is.
... Lemme remind you mates that not many of us believed the
Steelers would win more than 6 or 7 games this year.
The lads ARE 3-2. ... Gonna have peaks and valleys throughout
the season. ... Other sides got many of the same problems.

... Let's all try to hold our water a bit while we continue
to let this programme play-out. Would a record of 5-3
after 8 games IMPRESS people??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Looking at the next three games on the schedule, the Steelers will either be 6-2 or 5-3 in three weeks' time. And I won't be "impressed" per se, as I'm fully expecting it, but I will be happy.
bambino's Avatar
Iceman's Avatar
They will never win a game of consequence with Tomlin as head coach.

He "lives in his fears", he coaches to try and not lose the game instead of to win the game. Good example is the play call of an end around to a 4th string back to settle for the field goal.

He gets outcoached too often. Switch head coaches on Sunday and Pittsburgh easily wins.

He continuously makes obvious errors when choosing to challenge or not challenge a call.

When Patrick Queen was signed there were stories of how much better he played without the "green dot", so what do the Steelers do? Give him the green dot and he has been unimpressive so far. Could this also be the reason for the defensive communication problems?

What's up with Roman Wilson? A 3rd round pick can't get on the field with this receiving corps?

Pickens should not have been allowed to take the field with that eye black writing.