NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
Fuck Indianapolis.

Even if we tank the Christmas day game, one win will be good enough for them to get Andrew Luck, this is some Bullshit...

Enjoy this Houston Texans season everyone, their last 4 games have been boring and blowouts, AND I LOVE IT #GoTexans

Also, Welcome Alani! \O/
Wow! I thought about hopping on line to gloat over the Texans immediately after the game was over. I decided to wait and digest the game for awhile. Hey, an hour and a half later I am still impressed. The Texans are playing very good right now. Are they at Green Bay's level? I would not put them in that elite of the elite category but they are getting very close. In fact I would say they are playing better than GB defensively and almost as well offensively. Going into the bye, they certainly have to rank as one of the Top 5 teams in the entire NFL. For the first time in their brief history I can say that the sky is the limit with this team.

I hope this Kool Aid does not turn bitter at the bottom of the pitcher!
TheDon's Avatar
Yeah, it's been a good run so far. This team was grossly underrated going into the season, nationally, and locally. But we have to keep in mind who we've been playing, because we had such terrible loses last year, we've been rewarded with a cake-walk of a schedule. We can't get to ahead of ourselves though, I like the teams mentality of going 1-0 every week, it's cheesy and cliche, but darnit, it's affective! And that being said, I still like my superbowl pick to stand, (Houston over Dallas). Dallas looked great today.

Can the Bills get a receipt for the contract they gave to Fitzpatrick?... I don't understand why teams continue to reward QB's mid season with contract extensions, it makes no sense..
And that being said, I still like my superbowl pick to stand, (Houston over Dallas). Dallas looked great today. Originally Posted by Don91
While I can see a path starting to open up for the Texans to be in the AFC Championship game and possibly the Super Bowl, I don't see how the Cowboys can get there. In my view, the Boyz will have a difficult time making the Playoffs and even if they do make it, it would probably as a Wild Card. I don't see them even making it to the NFC Championship game, much less the Super Bowl.
Great game Texans! Dominating D and a great running game and great timing of the play action pass. Get healthy and give us 8 - 3 baby!!!!!
kerwil62's Avatar
Great win today for the Texans. They looked really good today. Great running by Foster and Tate, either though neither back got 100 yards today.

I agree, they're getting very close to being the team to beat in the AFC. They will enjoy this bye and hopefully handle things when they go up to Jacksonville. Even though they're schedule is relatively easy from here out, they better not lay down at anytime!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-13-2011, 08:10 PM
Got a 610 text flash at 4:28 that our boy Dopey left with a walking boot on his ankle. Uh oh...

Check this out...with the Ravens losing today, the Texans currently have the # 1 seed in the AFC!! Load up the bandwagon....

Ike, good to see you finally poke your head in since the Cowgirls finally won. Don't be a stranger bro. Now if I can just get my boy Easy back in here...
Got a 610 text flash at 4:28 that our boy Dopey left with a walking boot on his ankle. Uh oh... Originally Posted by Satin
I got the same text. There is a huge drop off from Schaub to Leinert! Ugh!!!!!

Let's hope that he can recover in 2 weeks.
Oh no I hope Dopey is ok, lenient is like dopier. Dopey and Dopier.
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Alani... Sorry to shoot down Ur Colts there babe, I mean no offence. Its just that they are division rivals of the TXN's. In the yrs past they have owned the AFC south and it looked like TXNs would have no chance.. If they loose out, (Peyton or not) they will most likely be looking to rebuild. That's good news for us TXN's! BTW how sexy is that?? gorgeous and a sports fan... me likey.. hehehe.. Oh yeah If u need to know the location of donation boxes for the old colts gear, I can assist ... I did that back in '02 w/ my cowboy's stuff... And besides, Colts look like Smurfs that got kicked in the head by Horses... that's not sexy However, TXN Gear much more sexy.. I like the Cheerleader outfits!!: Welcome!

Blackbuddy.... Yeah an all out Texas SB would please many folks here in H-Town, but not me... I'm just tired of seeing all the cowgirl gear, hearing how H-Town never won a SB, and how the Texans never made playoffs. There is a lot of resentment here in H-Town and that, I think, contributes to Cowboy nation... Therefore, personally, I hope the Cowboys keep Romo, trade Ware, and stay out of the playoffs.... We need to win back more fans...

bigtex... Statistically, YEAH! they exceed GB(except passing), But mentally, nope, they need to win a SB to be on that level.. Playoff experience goes along way here too, but getting HOME games in the playoffs should help that. The entire organization is under a microscope during the playoffs. Some TXNS have been there, most haven't. Intensity and pressure will also be at an all time high... I'm trying to remember, maybe someone can help out.. was Schaubler ever in playoffs w/ Falcons?? I know he didn't play, but did he get a glimpse?

satin... I tuned in to SportsRadio after the game too, what did u think about the nick name they came up for Tate and Foster, "Hustle and Flow"? Seems to suit them well... Tate runs like he's got a purpose and cuts so well!!... and Foster is just so smooth he seems to flow just like water,,,BTW love Foster's hit on #25Talib in the 3rd (CHOOO!! CHOOO!!)... Oh yeah,,, I saw u posted about being a season ticket holder, I was on the priority wait list but did't follow through (sometimes wrk on Sun but record every game)... Anyway was thinkin of doin it again nxt yr and selling extra tickets on StubHub or TicketExchange.. got any experience w/that?? They sell out every game so I figure can't go wrong there.

+1 bigtex... I'm wit u bro,, Leinart?? Dopey Schaubler thank god for bye week... Think Dre's favorite QB will be back though.. the dudes a tough one! ... I'm more concerned about Owen!! Was it the same knee??.... And sorry for bringin it up again(to u other fellers) but Daddio got me thinkin... TXNs draft Keenum to replace Leinart(contract expires end of season) and studies behind Dopey!!! I don't trust Leinart and looks like the spot will be open... Keenum is deadly accurate and can launch one to boot... just not sure how he'd be on that stage under max pressure... What u think??? Come on TXN's score one for the Homies!!!

#2) START TALKING BCD ABOUT PLAYOFFS [team meeting w/the Ninja and Ward, they got SB experience (Cadinals and Giants)]
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
What better way to rub their nose in it then whipping that ass in the superbowl. Dallas can get to the playoffs, but they have far to many better teams to get past. They sure is hell aren't ready for this.

I think if the Texans were really an elite team they'd be 9-1. Ravens cuffed us up and shut down the run fair and square, but we let NO and Oakland off the hook. Playoffs this year will really test their mettle. I hope Shaub is alright although I'm not really a huge fan. Andre getting out there will help make them the complete team. Without him Shaub now knows more options, and with him back out there, defensive backs should have real problems.
BigLouie's Avatar
Those losses to the Saints, Ravens, Raiders, well I want everyone to remember one thing. The only time that Foster and Johnson were on the field together this year was the first half of the Steelers game. Yes, just one half out of 10 games. In that first half we totally owned the Steelers. Now everyone is talking about how great the Steelers look but when we got through with them everyone was thinking they were old and slow and totally done for the year. When we get Andre back is it going to be hell on wheels.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
............Jacksonville isn't just going to roll over and die, IN THEIR OWN HOUSE......jes' sayin.

Who are the real Ravens?

Bye bye Eagles, bye bye Reid?

Oakland to win the AFC West.

Defense wins championships, then what's the deal with the Patriots with one of the worst defenses in the NFL?

Dallas' schedule looks very good for them from here on out, except for the Giants twice and the Eagles once.

How ironic it is to have people now worried about Schaub being in a 'boot', when 6 weeks ago, they wanted him gone. Fickle sports fans at it's best.

How can the Colt's defense be so bad because they lost Peyton? That doesn't figure.

No doubt the Texans will get a couple of prime time games next year.

Tennessee keeps on hanging in there. Chris Johnson finally earned a paycheck today.

Just some thoughts.
topcat19542001's Avatar
Is it just my imagination or does it seem like the Cowboys get either the Sunday night or Monday night slot about every other week?
Blackbuddy05's Avatar
Dear John,
Dallas should be able to deal with the Eagles. They are just sloppy. I also think they'll go 1-1 with the Giants. Everything else I will give to them.

Patriots poor defense this year I one thing that makes me think WE CAN go all the way. In the beginning I thought the Pats and the Steerlers would be the biggest threats to us. now, maybe not.

Peyton must be a hell of a leader if the whole team collapses without him. I think someone mentioned it already, but without him chances were slim. I think they might be taking a dive. Peyton doesn't have to many more years left if he does comeback. They'll be look for a rookie replacement.

I don't think people (myself included) hope Schaub is ok because he is that awesome of a QB. It's mainly because Leinart has yet to prove himself capable. He got to the pros and still acted like he was in college partying around with Paris Hilton and drunken parties. Hell, even Roethlisberger knew to leave that shit for off season. He didn't come in focus and it's set him way back. He's probably doomed to be a backup.

My problem with Schaub is once he thinks he see a defensive player not being held, he folds like toilet paper. Then he looks directly at who he's throwing. That why the Raiders was blocking his passes like they was Olajuwon. He doesn't double or fake or anything. I'm surprised more folks don't read him yet. I also question his ability to see the whole field. Still, best QB employed by the Texans at the moment.

Why does Kubiak always lick his fingers.