He's Gonna Walk...

I B Hankering's Avatar
You're re-hashing old issues argued endlessly many times in the past on this forum. Whether or not you believe that Zimmerman should never have been arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder is meaningless at this point in time. You may disagree with the appointing of a Special Prosecutor but that is what happened. You may disagree with Zimmerman being arrested but that is what happened. Others may disagree with Zimmerman being found not guilty but that is what happened. It's time to start living with the past events whether you agree or disagree with them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The race baiters and the lib-retard MSM whipped up racial animosity, forced a show-trial and demonstrators are now vandalizing homes and businesses all over the U.S., and you think it's a thing of the past? You live in a fantasy world, Speedy!

don't tell IB but special prosecutors are by law, required to follow the constitution and due process just like any other prosecutor..

shocking isn't it IB? Originally Posted by CJ7
Originally, the prosecutors WERE following the law, CBJ7. It was the race baiters and the lib-retard MSM that forced this "circus" you ignorantly refer to as "due process".
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-15-2013, 08:16 AM
You're re-hashing old issues argued endlessly many times in the past on this forum. Whether or not you believe that Zimmerman should never have been arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder is meaningless at this point in time. You may disagree with the appointing of a Special Prosecutor but that is what happened. You may disagree with Zimmerman being arrested but that is what happened. Others may disagree with Zimmerman being found not guilty but that is what happened. It's time to start living with the past events whether you agree or disagree with them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're re-hashing old issues argued endlessly many times in the past on this forum. Whether or not you believe that Zimmerman should never have been arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder is meaningless at this point in time. You may disagree with the appointing of a Special Prosecutor but that is what happened. You may disagree with Zimmerman being arrested but that is what happened. Others may disagree with Zimmerman being found not guilty but that is what happened. It's time to start living with the past events whether you agree or disagree with them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Of course, the race haters and neocon mouthbreathers on this board (ahem) want to continue this circus parade while blaming it on the media!

Typical "talking point" response.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The race baiters and the lib-retard MSM whipped up racial animosity, forced a show-trial and demonstrators are now vandalizing homes and businesses all over the U.S., and you think it's a thing of the past? You live in a fantasy world, Speedy!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Do you not take the time to even try to understand what others are saying? The arrest is long over. The trial is over and a not guilty verdict has been entered. I NEVER said that the repercussions from the not guilty verdict are over. Yesterday in Austin there was a demonstration by protesters of the verdict. Started and ended very peacefully and I wouldn't be surprised if that is the end of it in Austin. I have neither read nor heard of any violence in the area from the decision. There are probably a handful of individuals around the country who are using the not guilty decision as an excuse for breaking the law and I hope that they are dealt with quickly.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 10:02 AM
poor IB
Do you not take the time to even try to understand what others are saying? The arrest is long over. The trial is over and a not guilty verdict has been entered. I NEVER said that the repercussions from the not guilty verdict are over. Yesterday in Austin there was a demonstration by protesters of the verdict. Started and ended very peacefully and I wouldn't be surprised if that is the end of it in Austin. I have neither read nor heard of any violence in the area from the decision. There are probably a handful of individuals around the country who are using the not guilty decision as an excuse for breaking the law and I hope that they are dealt with quickly. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Gomer doesn't have to read just spews the same old crap.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally posted by IBCorpy:
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: The rules posted for the Political Forum may be somewhat incomplete. Please feel free to PM the moderators for the hypothetically updated listing of rules.
Apparently the hypothetical updates didn't sink in. Cut and paste of same crap in progress again...
LexusLover's Avatar
AMEN Of course, the race haters and neocon mouthbreathers on this board (ahem) want to continue this circus parade while blaming it on the media!. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
"The only race haters I've noticed on this board were (and are) the ones who persistently believe that it is ok for a Black person to physically attack an Hispanic with impunity."

Now if anyone wants to "sanitize" the language to remove the descriptive terms that reference race or ethnicity there is the "non-racial" version ...

"The only haters I've noticed on this board were (and are) the ones who persistently believe that it is ok for a person to physically attack another with impunity."

And my impression has been for an extended period of time through the school assault/violence threads and posts that many of those unhappy with the verdict were "in favor" of arming teachers, school staff, and individuals with CHLs and handguns to assure the safety of themselves and students while at school, in malls, movie theaters, and just "going about their business" ... so that if they see something "unusual" or they get assaulted they can address the perpetrator with their concealed handgun..... I don't even recall much about training to assure that a proper response is applied to the particular situation.

Was that because it was "white" persons storming the schools, theaters, and malls?

Spit it out!!!
Snick x 2
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Because, unlike the police investigation done in Sanford, Fl. by Barney Fife and his inept crew, the police investigating the shooting by Aaron Hernandez did their job, arrested
the suspect as soon as evidence pointed to his involvement in the crime, and the odds are that Hernandez will spend a great deal of time in jail. Had Hernandez walked away without being charged, I think that the outrage might have equaled the outrage when Zimmerman simply walked out of jail. No way to know for certain since the North Attleboro, Ma. police department did their job correctly.

FWIW, I fully support the decision in the Zimmerman trial. The prosecution was simply not able to present evidence that Zimmerman was not legally defending himself when he shot Martin. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Exactly how was the Sanford police department investigation "inept" when even you agree that the prosecution was not able to present evidence that Zimmerman was not legally defending himself? The police investigators looked at the evidence and determined that the evidence was not there to charge Zimmerman with a crime.

Do you really think that the Sanford police should have arrested Zimmerman and charged him with a crime, when the evidence was not there, simply so there could have been a trial? Your comparing this to the Hernandez case is silly.

It was the special prosecutors from the state of Florida who were inept and corrupt IMO. Why didn't they present this case to a grand jury? Why did they lie to a judge and with hold evidence from the defense? Why did they overcharge with murder 2 when there was not even enough evidence to support a manslaughter conviction?
LexusLover's Avatar
Why didn't they present this case to a grand jury? Why did they lie to a judge and with hold evidence from the defense? Why did they overcharge with murder 2 when there was not even enough evidence to support a manslaughter conviction? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Don't you remember?

It was all about "jury selection" as it related to race. Evidence and the law don't matter.

Geezzz ... 5-6 days and you already forget.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 04:33 PM
Exactly how was the Sanford police department investigation "inept" when even you agree that the prosecution was not able to present evidence that Zimmerman was not legally defending himself? The police investigators looked at the evidence and determined that the evidence was not there to charge Zimmerman with a crime.

Do you really think that the Sanford police should have arrested Zimmerman and charged him with a crime, when the evidence was not there, simply so there could have been a trial? Your comparing this to the Hernandez case is silly.

It was the special prosecutors from the state of Florida who were inept and corrupt IMO. Why didn't they present this case to a grand jury? Why did they lie to a judge and with hold evidence from the defense? Why did they overcharge with murder 2 when there was not even enough evidence to support a manslaughter conviction? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

It was the special prosecutors from the state of Florida who were inept and corrupt IMO. Why didn't they present this case to a grand jury? Why did they lie to a judge and with hold evidence from the defense? Why did they overcharge with murder 2 when there was not even enough evidence to support a manslaughter conviction

special prosecutors are required by law to obtain an arrest warrant by the same means police are given the fact the police didn't arrest the suspect initially because there wasn't probable cause at the time ... as long as a judge signs the warrant requested by the DA a grand jury isn't necessary ..
LexusLover's Avatar
special prosecutors are required by law to obtain an arrest warrant by the same means police are given the fact the police didn't arrest the suspect initially because there wasn't probable cause at the time ... as long as a judge signs the warrant requested by the DA a grand jury isn't necessary .. Originally Posted by CJ7
Is that from CJ on "ticket fixing"?

"In Florida, a grand jury indictment is required only to try a person for a capital offense; i.e., one where the death penalty may be given. 3 Otherwise, the state attorney has concurrent authority to file a formal accusation of the commission of a crime (an "information"). 4 The information is used routinely to charge individuals in Florida." http://www.floridabar.org/DIVCOM/PI/...4!OpenDocument

Check the link: It's the "FloridaTicketFixersAssociatio n" website.

Let me explain it in language you might understand better ....

It doesn't say a fucking thing about cops and warrants!

No wonder you call them "ticket fixers" ...

.......you're so friggin' dumb you get 'em all the time.

Just to nail this one for you:

Florida Constitution:

"SECTION 15. Prosecution for crime; offenses committed by children.—
(a) No person shall be tried for capital crime without presentment or indictment by a grand jury, or for other felony without such presentment or indictment or an information under oath filed by the prosecuting officer of the court, except persons on active duty in the militia when tried by courts martial." (Emphasis added).

Repeat: "It doesn't say a fucking thing about cops and warrants!"
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-15-2013, 04:48 PM
Is that from CJ on "ticket fixing"?

"In Florida, a grand jury indictment is required only to try a person for a capital offense; i.e., one where the death penalty may be given. 3 Otherwise, the state attorney has concurrent authority to file a formal accusation of the commission of a crime (an "information"). 4 The information is used routinely to charge individuals in Florida." http://www.floridabar.org/DIVCOM/PI/...4!OpenDocument

Check the link: It's the "FloridaTicketFixersAssociatio n" website.

Let me explain it in language you might understand better ....

It doesn't say a fucking thing about cops and warrants!

No wonder you call them "ticket fixers" ...

.......you're so friggin' dumb you get 'em all the time. Originally Posted by LexusLover

take some pointers and increase your business

LexusLover's Avatar
take some pointers and increase your business.. Originally Posted by CJ7
... "handling tickets" is a favor extended to regular clients and their employees....

It's one of those "loss leader" items.....but you probably have to pay full fare, right?