President Obama made a good deal

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When I was in business the only group that continually tried to rip me off, or wouldn't hold up their end of an agreement were "God-fearing Christians". It got to the point where I would refuse to serve "God-fearing Christians". They think they can lie and steal, but they are covered by the "Blood of Jesus".

We need fewer Christians, and more followers of Christ. And we need to quit holding up the Bible as the complete and inerrant Word of God. It is neither. Not everything in the Bible is Scripture, and not all Scripture is contained in the Bible.
When I was in business the only group that continually tried to rip me off, or wouldn't hold up their end of an agreement were "God-fearing Christians". It got to the point where I would refuse to serve "God-fearing Christians". They think they can lie and steal, but they are covered by the "Blood of Jesus".

We need fewer Christians, and more followers of Christ. And we need to quit holding up the Bible as the complete and inerrant Word of God. It is neither. Not everything in the Bible is Scripture, and not all Scripture is contained in the Bible. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're on a roll. They think that because they're saved, they're exempt from any personal responsibility.
lustylad's Avatar
Sometimes you do. Sometimes you don't. You have a problem with nuance. Everything must be able to fit into a neat, little category for you. If it doesn't, you struggle. Mentally. Dichotomized thinking isn't something you suffer from ALL the time or SOME of the time. That's precisely the point. Originally Posted by WombRaider
What a crock of shit. You know nothing about nuance, undercunt. Whenever you are backed into a corner (a frequent occurrence here), you yell “false dichotomy”! That's your default argument, even when it doesn't apply. The rest of the time you pretend nuance doesn't exist. It's all a matter of convenience for you. But hey, that's how libtards roll!

Where is the nuance in Odumbo's feckless and disengaged foreign policy? There is none. For every crisis, you justify inaction by saying the only alternative is to send in the marines. How's that for a false dichotomy? Do nothing or go to war - no policy options in between. If an option is even suggested, you shout it down with your “no boots on the ground” talking point. Then when events deteriorate and public opinion forces your hand, you do the absolute minimum. Like give a speech or something. No wonder you're constantly behind the curve. Then when a crisis balloons out of control, you blame Bush.

In the case of Iran, all the choices other than war can basically be grouped together and filed under 'U' for useless. More sanctions. Yes, let's make the Republican Guard and their ilk even more rich, since they run the country's black market. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Your crock of shit is already full, undercunt. What is “useless” is your negativity, defeatism and lack of imagination in foreign policy. Only an idiot would argue the sanctions are benefiting the regime in Tehran. You say the Republican Guard is cleaning up in the black market, so they love the sanctions? Are you nuts? Any black market profits pale in comparison to the amount of Iranian assets that are frozen right now. The Iranians themselves say they can't get their hands on as much as $100 billion! And since we kicked them out of the SWIFT international payments network, their trade with the rest of the world has been crippled and reduced to barter arrangements. Try to pay attention, undercunt.

You would argue that they are closer now than they have ever been to a bomb, yes? And out of the other side of your mouth, you argue that the sanctions work and we should carry them further. Those two statements are at odds with each other. They can't both be true. One is true and the other, is false. So which is it? Do the sanctions work or are they closer to the bomb than ever? If you admit the sanctions failed, why seek to expand them? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Now your crock of shit is overflowing! The sanctions are “working” insofar as they are undermining the Iranian economy and hurting the regime's popularity. They have been less effective in crippling the nuclear program. There is nuance involved here so you obviously won't get it. Maybe this will help. You're an alcoholic. I cut your income to make you quit drinking. You stop buying food and paying rent in order to spend all of your reduced income on booze. What should I do next? Give all your income back if you promise to stop drinking? Or move on to a more targeted approach - like getting all the bars and liquor stores in the neighborhood to stop serving you? It took a lot of work to ratchet up the sanctions and get other countries to participate. Odumbo stopped turning the screws just as they were starting to hurt. Now he is ready to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Just like he did when he failed to leave any troops in Iraq. He is our most incompetent President ever by a wide margin.

When I was in business the only group that continually tried to rip me off, or wouldn't hold up their end of an agreement were "God-fearing Christians". It got to the point where I would refuse to serve "God-fearing Christians". They think they can lie and steal, but they are covered by the "Blood of Jesus".

We need fewer Christians, and more followers of Christ. And we need to quit holding up the Bible as the complete and inerrant Word of God. It is neither. Not everything in the Bible is Scripture, and not all Scripture is contained in the Bible. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That is funny a shyster getting ripped off by Christians. Thanks for the chuckle dull knife.
lustylad's Avatar
You hit it right on the head. This guy's a fucking poseur. Question is, why would you want to pose as a christian? Lots of other, better things to pose as. Originally Posted by WombRaider
"Better things to pose as?" You mean like posing as a brand new eccie member after cutting and running away like a pussy 2 weeks ago?

Lookee here, folks! Get a load of who's calling someone else “a fucking poseur”! It's eccie's biggest fraud himself – Underpussy!

That's richer than a thick double chocolate fudge brownie!

Here is a new coffee mug for undercunt/wombhater/the Freelance Faggot from Arkansas (“FFA”) – the biggest liar, fraud, coward, poseur and all-around flaming asshole on eccie!

wellendowed1911's Avatar
That's kind of the way the hypocrites reacted to Jesus when he called them out on it. By your belief, you are destined for Hell. Because by posting reviews of your sin, you are glorying on it. Moses killed a guy. Did he brag about it? Peter betrayed Jesus, did he keep it up? But you think you can do whatever the hell you like, and because you prayed a prayer at the back of a tract, you can do whatever you want, and God will welcome you to heaven, saying "Well done, good and faithful servant." That's just hypocritical bullshit. And you know it because I struck a nerve. Your not a God-fearing Christian. You are a hypocritical poser. Fuck a hooker on Saturday and sing Praise to God on Sunday.

Ask your pastor if you are so sure of your position. Let us know what s/he says. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Yes, of course, the sanctions are obviously working. That's why they're supposedly closer to the bomb than they've ever been. It makes perfect sense. You're the typical online bully who only has one playbook; yell louder than anyone else, call people names and hope no one notices how fucking stupid you are. You have employed a one-man vendetta against someone you think I am, no one is following you in this endeavor, and what exactly are you expecting to accomplish?
lustylad's Avatar
You have employed a one-man vendetta against someone you think I am, no one is following you in this endeavor, and what exactly are you expecting to accomplish? Originally Posted by WombRaider
No one is following me? Really? Did you miss this:

And let's not forget how WE just jumped on the bandwagon too:

womb give it up man- LustyLad and I disagree on about every topic, but I will admit the one thing he is correct on is that you are UnderConstruction- I have no idea why you continue to deny the obvious!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
...if you lie on a whore board full of strangers over something as insignificant as changing your handle I can imagine what you would lie about in the real world... Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
And I'll bet there are scores of others reading your nonsense (without posting what they think) and shaking their heads at you, undercunt.

I'll share a secret, though. You've been back for a week and I'm already changing my mind about you. I don't want you to come clean and admit you are undercunt anymore. I'm having too much fun watching you squirm all the time. It's especially sweet to expose you as the fraud that you are whenever you have the incredible chutzpah to call someone else on here a "poseur" or lecture them about doing what is "honorable". Your denials used to make people snicker. Now they trigger howls of laughter.

If you came clean now, all the fun would stop. So keep denying it, undercunt.

LexusLover's Avatar
It was all the KKK. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Have you ever met a Klan member?
LexusLover's Avatar
I think President Obama made the best deal we can get with Iran. Originally Posted by DSK
Does anyone have a link to the final "framework" agreement that was signed?

(This is my second request.)
lustylad's Avatar
LexusLover - here you go... I don't think anything was signed.
LexusLover's Avatar
LexusLover - here you go... I don't think anything was signed. Originally Posted by lustylad
Thank you ....

"Important implementation details are still subject to negotiation, and nothing is agreed until everything is agreed."

After getting to this part of the propaganda piece posted on the WH web page,

... there wasn't any reason to read further .... I can watch the grass grow.

If that is a "framework," I'm glad he's not building me a house.

Thank you again. I'm not blaming the messenger.
Hell lexie lover it was you dimatards screaming about what a bad deal it was a week ago when nothing had been written or signed. Guess that is tit for tat.
lustylad's Avatar
You would argue that they are closer now than they have ever been to a bomb, yes? Originally Posted by WombRaider
...they're supposedly closer to the bomb than they've ever been... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Several IAEA reports indicate they haven't progressed much if at all since 2003. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Having trouble making up your mind again, undercunt?

LexusLover's Avatar
Hell lexie lover it was you dimatards screaming about what a bad deal it was a week ago when nothing had been written or signed. Guess that is tit for tat. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
what "deal"? ..

When you say "you dimatards screaming about what a bad deal it was" ...

... is the "you" including me?

If it does .. do you mind sharing a link with me in which I was ...

............."screaming about what a bad deal it was"?

I will say this ... lying about making a "deal" is unforgivable and intolerable.