Are we headed for a world wide meltdown?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You're both right!

Am I the only guy here who understands the difference between debt and debt + contingent liabilities?

In the words of former Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen... "You take a trillion here and a trillion there, and pretty soon we're talking about REAL MONEY!"

Oh wait... he said Billions, not Trillions, didn't he? Anyone know what comes after trillion? A thousand trillions is called what? Originally Posted by lustylad
Quadrillion comes after Trillion.

a thousand trillion is Sextillion
bambino's Avatar
The biggest economic crash America will ever experience is coming, warn multiple financial experts.

Multiple prominent businessmen and entrepreneurs are predicting that an economic crash is on the horizon and that it will be bigger than any other economic collapse America has ever experienced. On Wall Street, a leading financial analysthas already predicted that the stock market is about to experience a “summer of pain.” ����
Quadrillion comes after Trillion.

a thousand trillion is Sextillion Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Well, not exactly.

A thousand trillion is a quadrillion..

1,000 quadrillion is a quintillion.

1,000 quintillion is a sextillion.

Wanna talk really, really big numbers? Look up "sexdecillion."

And it goes way up from there!

You're talking numbers you might imagine if estimating the number of grains of sand in all the world's deserts and beaches. And way more than all the stars observable through the world's most powerful telescopes!

Actually, 6’3”, 265 was my last official measurements. Oh, I had a 36” waist. You "had" a 36" waist? What is it now? No fat there Captain. I played a year after college as well. Originally Posted by bambino
Assuming that you still have close to a 36" waist, you may not be doing too badly. In fact, that may be a wise practical decision. You may remain short of a body fat percentage level that places you at high risk of adverse health outcomes, while maintaining sufficient flotation capacity as to lower your risk in case you should be riding in a cheap, poorly constructed boat like a Bayliner, and it breaks up and sinks with no life jackets on board. Then you would have a significant advantage over lean, physically fit individuals!

However, one thing that was recently pointed out in this forum is that you can avoid cheap boats like Bayliners simply by becoming a multimillionaire overnight through shrewdly timed trading of AAPL call options. At least I think I recall reading that! (Citation needed.)

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-20-2022, 10:33 AM
bambino ain't seen a 36 inch waist since his sister ran off with his Uncle
bambino's Avatar
bambino ain't seen a 36 inch waist since his sister ran off with his Uncle Originally Posted by WTF
And you’ve never had a Hard on.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-20-2022, 12:58 PM
You're both right!

Am I the only guy here who understands the difference between debt and debt + contingent liabilities?
Originally Posted by lustylad
All we have to do is tweak SS and Medicare taxes to fully fund those contingent liabilities. Remember you boy Ronnie did so... in was it 1986?

So bambino was being a drama queen.

Speaking of you remember when you were bragging about Trump and how you kept wanting to bet Trump would sustain 3+ % growth?

How much debt do you think he ran up?
bambino's Avatar
Assuming that you still have close to a 36" waist, you may not be doing too badly. In fact, that may be a wise practical decision. You may remain short of a body fat percentage level that places you at high risk of adverse health outcomes, while maintaining sufficient flotation capacity as to lower your risk in case you should be riding in a cheap, poorly constructed boat like a Bayliner, and it breaks up and sinks with no life jackets on board. Then you would have a significant advantage over lean, physically fit individuals!

However, one thing that was recently pointed out in this forum is that you can avoid cheap boats like Bayliners simply by becoming a multimillionaire overnight through shrewdly timed trading of AAPL call options. At least I think I recall reading that! (Citation needed.)

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Of course I don’t have a 36” waistline today. I’m 44yrs older. But hey, your supposed to be an intelligent person? I was 21yrs old then. But, But Captain, I’m ONLY 20lbs over my last playing weight. Truth be told, my waistline hovers around 48”. But, I’m not interested in impressing anybody now.

Are you really what you are selling? Or are you just another Lucas McCain? A complete fraud. I wonder what your curiosity is with me? Maybe your gay? Like Poofter? Seems like you remember EVERYTHING I post. Why is that?

I’ll leave with you a Q thingy


You should do some research like an intelligent person would before you open your pie hole. Then you can expose yourself
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Economic meltdowns are like competing at the Olympics.
You do not win if you don't stick the landing.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Maybe it's just a mirage or parallax effect, but when I stare at he current market's charts for more than a couple seconds, looking for opportunities, all I end up seeing is

bambino's Avatar
Maybe it's just a mirage or parallax effect, but when I stare at he current market's charts for more than a couple seconds, looking for opportunities, all I end up seeing is

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
PM Captain Midnight. He’s an expert on this.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-20-2022, 05:43 PM
But, I’m not interested in impressing anybody now.
Originally Posted by bambino
bambino's Avatar
Obviously Originally Posted by WTF
True, but you still are. Limp dick Poofter.,
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-20-2022, 06:05 PM
True, but you still are. Limp dick Poofter., Originally Posted by bambino
Yea....around crazy bitches and gay men.

Yet you continually brag about how
hard your lil lo dick gets during a prostrate massages.

You're like the Rock Hudson of the political forum....the last mofo to know that everyone already knows you are gay af.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Well, not exactly.

A thousand trillion is a quadrillion..

1,000 quadrillion is a quintillion. Octillion 10-27

1,000 quintillion is a sextillion. Decillion 10-33

Wanna talk really, really big numbers? Look up "sexdecillion." Thousand octillion 10-51

And it goes way up from there!

You're talking numbers you might imagine if estimating the number of grains of sand in all the world's deserts and beaches. And way more than all the stars observable through the world's most powerful telescopes!

. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
actually sir, you are wrong.

quadrillion is thousand billion

Sexagintacentillion is 10-483; Thousand octogintillion

source data is taken from Wikipedia and Britannica.