Who is suiram77 express your opinion

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I don’t think all of the threats over the past two years that he sent to me and other ladies that were traced directly back to him are funny at all. He is a pussy straight up. His real life sucks so he gets on a hooker board to pretend to be the rich important dude he wishes he is in the real world. You can be whoever u want anonymously on the internet.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He says he is an artist, a musician, what artist isn't weird? Some people march to the beat of their own drum. March on drummer!. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
He's not an artist. He's a bum. He can't claim a white collar job because it's obvious he never finished 3rd grade. That leaves him with very few options to claim that he is "rich as fuck." Like the ghetto fool that he is, he just picked being an artist. He's too stupid to know that the vast majority of musicians are broke as a joke so it's a hollow claim. The ones who actually have money sure the fuck aren't hanging out on here all day and night begging for attention because they get too much of it in their real life.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I don’t think all of the threats over the past two years that he sent to me and other ladies that were traced directly back to him are funny at all. He is a pussy straight up. His real life sucks so he gets on a hooker board to pretend to be the rich important dude he wishes he is in the real world. You can be whoever u want anonymously on the internet. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I didn't know he threatened ladies on here... then I was mistaken, I felt empathy towards him for being different.

There is good and bad in everyone but when the negative outweighs the positive it might be time to take a look at yourself through other people's eyes for a change.

True enough about the rich claims, I've never known a truly wealthy person that had to brag about it.
AND last but not least
I Don't Just another internet wanna be.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Ladies will be plenty safe from suriam if they stay away from the homeless shelters and soup kitchens.

On topic, the Op should kill himself.
I didn't know he threatened ladies on here... then I was mistaken, I felt empathy towards him for being different.

There is good and bad in everyone but when the negative outweighs the positive it might be time to take a look at yourself through other people's eyes for a change.

True enough about the rich claims, I've never known a truly wealthy person that had to brag about it. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Since the OP actually ASKED for our opinions, I'm amending mine one more time based on the attached link:


"S77 is a lying, welching, backstabbing SOB Troll-Tard who is only happy when he is the center of attention of everyone around him. He is also the lowest form of life on the planet."

NOBODY deserves cancer, you asshole.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Although I loathe posting in this thread after saying I was done-- my hand has been forced.

Though it will come as no surprise to anyone here-- a long time trusted regular friend of mine (and long time-trusted member of the board) did make arrangements with Suiram to meet and collect today via text. Suiram was a no-show of course. The gentleman will be posting the specifics later on this evening.
Although I loathe posting in this thread after saying I was done-- my hand has been forced.

Though it will come as no surprise to anyone here-- a long time trusted regular friend of mine (and long time-trusted member of the board) did make arrangements with Suiram to meet and collect today via text. Suiram was a no-show of course. The gentleman will be posting the specifics later on this evening. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I was up near that area earlier. Saw a big police motorcade and helicopters flying around. I’m sure they were escorting him to the Addison airport to his jet waiting to fly him off to a late notice gig in Dubai. I also saw a chubby dude panhandling for $ to put gas in his truck. Had a bumper sticker that said “Rich as fuck”.
TheEccie214's Avatar
I was up near that area earlier. Saw a big police motorcade and helicopters flying around. I’m sure they were escorting him to the Addison airport to his jet waiting to fly him off to a late notice gig in Dubai. I also saw a chubby dude panhandling for $ to put gas in his truck. Had a bumper sticker that said “Rich as fuck”. Originally Posted by Dilbertgolf
If I could do gifs and stuff here I’d insert a mic drop - that was great. People always use “Lol” - that actually made me laugh out loud.

Grace - you able to set up some private donation thing so the rest of us can chip in and get you your money? There’s enough of us suriam haters here you’ll have your money within hours....totally serious.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Honestly-- had my guy been able to collect-- I was going to have him just send it to me in the form of an Amazon gift card... I was going to use it to make sure I could pull off Christmas this year. While I can cover my regular bills on what I'm making right now with not being able to hobby-- extras like Christmas are just out of reach...

So-- if anyone wants to.. that's what you can do-- send Gracie some Amazon love.
pmdelites's Avatar
Though it will come as no surprise to anyone here-- a long time trusted regular friend of mine (and long time-trusted member of the board) did make arrangements with Suiram to meet and collect today via text. Suiram was a no-show of course. The gentleman will be posting the specifics later on this evening. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
1) i am the trusted regular friend grace mentions.

2) altho i dont know if i met the person who posts as suiram77, the dreadlocks guy (see below) relayed a msg to me from suiram that suiram was never gonna give me the money for grace and that i was a fool for even showing up.
(the person i met was a big african-american guy w/ dreadlocks & a duhrag. when i got there, there was no one in the little lobby. so i walked thru the salon - only guy i saw was a late middle aged guy sitting in a stylist's chair. there might have been another guy there - i didnt look in every stylists' room)

3) more details and full events timeline later after i take my friend home from presby dallas getting mri scans and get back to my laptop (tho some eccie users will probably call me not a real man or a pussy for not wanting to pull this all together and posting here using my crappy & cheap old iphone. - just remember, when you point your finger at someone, you have 3 or 4 fingers pointing back at you).
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-23-2017, 04:35 PM
I can't believe he was a no show after sounding serous about today, we'll see what happens when he responds
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
1) i am the trusted regular friend grace mentions.

2) altho i dont know if i met the person who posts as suiram77, the dreadlocks guy (see below) relayed a msg to me from suiram that suiram was never gonna give me the money for grace and that i was a fool for even showing up.
(the person i met was a big african-american guy w/ dreadlocks & a duhrag. when i got there, there was no one in the little lobby. so i walked thru the salon - only guy i saw was a late middle aged guy sitting in a stylist's chair. there might have been another guy there - i didnt look in every stylists' room)

3) more details and full events timeline later after i take my friend home from presby dallas getting mri scans and get back to my laptop (tho some eccie users will probably call me not a real man or a pussy for not wanting to pull this all together and posting here using my crappy & cheap old iphone. - just remember, when you point your finger at someone, you have 3 or 4 fingers pointing back at you). Originally Posted by pmdelites
That was definitely him you met. Now he knows what you look like what kind of car you drive and probably your license plate number too.

I'm pretty sure you knew that he wasn't going to give up any money to grace are probably bored with your life and wanted to be one of the cool kids by telling your heroic story here but you seriously went to a location to meet a clearly not stable person and could have been robbed beat up or worse and now have set yourself up for some possible blackmail. Yay

If you want to be a real hero donate the money to grace yourself.

That was just stupid
It was probably him...what a pussy..but you knew that...he's been full of shit since day one!!