Variety is the spice of life :-) Per client request, I enjoyed a double with Dayna Love the other night. It completely reaffirmed the fact that I am a connoisseur of all things feminine. Every color, every size, every shape, every nuance of the female body is fascinating...sigh of awe and contentment
Chain of events (thank you Liliana, you sexy thing!):
1. What is rule 34?
2. Googled rule 34 and found on urban dictionary.
3. Laughed at all the rule 34 possibilities.
4. Downloaded an app for urban dictionary.
5. Opened it for the first time.
6. Opening page had this:
I loved the original flavored Doritos. It's almost impossible to find any more.
I remember when the Nacho Cheese flavor came out and took the world by storm. I was so pissed, because I'm not a cheese person at all, and it made it more difficult to get the original flavor. Everyone wanted nacho cheese, dammit!
Cool Ranch saved everything, though.
Fun article, YummyMarie. This whole thread is a hoot!