Who's being testy? Just trying to educate you. The US doesn't go to save people from being "persecuted ". The US goes to war to protect the interests of the US, period. And Trump is only in office for a couple weeks. He's well on his way to keeping his promises. You're right in one regard, he is not a King. It will take time to get some of his initiatives done. Keep pissing and moaning though. Originally Posted by bambinoYou have a short memory of his promises! He promised a immediate repeal of the ACA, defeating ISIS in 30'days, deporting ALL illegal immigrants, immediate construction of the stupid wall, draining the swamp!
He now says the ACA might get done in 2018 maybe.
Nothing has changed on ISIS, same plan as always, we will defeat them with Obamas plan, it was working, no change needed.
Mexico told him to shut up about the wall and now he is silent, no wall anytime soon and mexico isnt paying for anything
He made the swamp deeper than it has ever been by surrounding himself with billionairs and wall street executives in his administration
No changes on immigration, he says he wants to deport the criminals which was already being done, everything else is not changing
See the pattern? Breaking all the promises he had to make to get the deplorable votes!
Following through on a huge tax break for the wealthy and deregulations for the huge corporations.
Nothing for his deplorables because his promises were too racist and un constitutional to ever be executed.
He is a con man that will tell you what you want to hear for his own personal gain!
He is a racist that intends on changing the world order to create chaos to empower the white nationalist, not much different than hitler or putin.
One day his deplorables will realize they were duped, i just hope it isnt to late to save America!