The Freedom Convoy

berryberry's Avatar
In Canada, approximately 20% of the country are unvaccinated and as a result, are banned from airplanes and trains. As someone who lives on an island on the east coast, how would I get to the other coast to visit a dying relative? This is not okay.

meanwhile Trudeau’s storm troopers physically assault and attempt to censor a female citizen filming them causally on her way to get a coffee in Ottawa - watch:

berryberry's Avatar
This is the elderly disabled woman that was trampled by the Trudeau Regime’s police on Horseback. Still in the hospital from her police inflicted injuries

She is an Indigenous elder

Does Trudeau and the fascists here who support his actions think she is a racist with “unacceptable views”?

berryberry's Avatar
You libtards asked for it - just soak it in.

Looks like the police are causing plenty of injuries and problems up north. Maybe backing the blue wasn't such a bright idea after all.
eyecu2's Avatar
[QUOTE=berryberry;1062753261]You libtards asked for it - just soak it in.

You might also imply that this is relative to Newton's third law.

3. Whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite on the first.

If a Rally's going to create an instrumental blockade in a city, a government is going to create an opposite Force to unblock that City. But are they going to take 3 weeks to get it done? The answer is likely not since they need to resolve the obstruction as quick as possible. Again I think this is really more matter of the fact that the truckers didn't have an exit plan once making their point.
HDGristle's Avatar
Blockade over. Accounts being unfrozen. Emergency powers revoked.

Queue the hyperbolic far right spin in 3...2...1...
... Try not to sound so disappointed, mate.

We knew it wouldn't last forever... Not enough Court time
for all the civil rights violations. ...

Not to mention the BANKS (financial institutions) didn't want
to comply more than 72 hours with the accounte holds.

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
We're not disappointed at all. Which we is your we?
berryberry's Avatar
Blockade over. Accounts being unfrozen. Emergency powers revoked.

Queue the hyperbolic far right spin in 3...2...1... Originally Posted by HDGristle
You sound quite disappointed. Have some oranges to cheer you up. And you forgot:

1. Vax passports and mandates cancelled in most Canadian provinces
2. The public has seen how the government is composed of fascist tyrants
3. Banks asked to be let out of the emergency order as there was a run on the banks with people withdrawing their funds
4. A Huge message was sent and the Truckers have more tools in their toolbox if they choose to deploy them
HDGristle's Avatar
It's adorable to watch you project, friend.

Thanks for being on-time
berryberry's Avatar
I hope it dawns on Canadians their Prime Minister fled honking horns and the President of Ukraine refused to flee the Russian Army.
HDGristle's Avatar

And the great national emergency ends. Freedom rings again and all the dollars donated by foreign activists like Bsquare were so very well spent.