More gun violence, Connecticut School Shooting

That's stupid as fuck.

If a nut job runs over his mother in his drive way and then goes and plows his car through a playground full of children and kills 20 of them, are you going to feel bad because you own some cars?

Is it really chevy and fords fault? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
That comparison is stupid as fuck.

Cars are transportation. They are not intended to kill, unless you pervert their use. A staircase is also a practical useful object that is not intended to kill, but you can still kill someone by pushing him down a flight of stairs.

Guns are INTENDED to kill. That is there ONE purpose and they are highly efficient at it.

Do you NOT see the difference?

Having a personal arsenal goes WAY beyond any realistic self defense need. It is some kind of twisted fetish. And posting pictures of your guns and boasting about their lethality adds a whole new dimension to it.

Do people ever post pictures of bottles of poisonous stuff in their house - like Drano? How about the chainsaws and hammers in their garages? Or their silverware? All of those things are good murder weapons too.

So, no, I don't feel guilty about owning a car. And I don't feel guilty about owning a staircase, either.

Guns are a necessary evil. There are good reasons to have one. But macho exhibitions of your guns shows a warped mindset.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually guns are intended to shoot period. There are guns designed to fire at targets with extreme accuracy but they can also kill. Why would someone pay $3000 for a single shot pistol that shoots a .22 caliber bullet if all they want to do is kill someone? So you were wrong...again! I like the last sentence; "Guns are a necessary evil." So now guns are evil, but a necessary evil. Guns are mechanical devices and are neither evil or good. Leave it to a liberal to turn a political into a faux moral debate. Don't impose your religion on me XNYR. It sounds fucked up.
Actually guns are intended to shoot period. There are guns designed to fire at targets with extreme accuracy but they can also kill. Why would someone pay $3000 for a single shot pistol that shoots a .22 caliber bullet if all they want to do is kill someone? So you were wrong...again! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Horseshit. All the other target uses of handguns are PRACTICE for the real use of the weapon, which is to shoot another person or - occasionally - a wild animal that may attack you.

I like the last sentence; "Guns are a necessary evil." So now guns are evil, but a necessary evil. Guns are mechanical devices and are neither evil or good. Leave it to a liberal to turn a political into a faux moral debate. Don't impose your religion on me XNYR. It sounds fucked up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
OK, "gun ownership" is a necessary evil. Happy now?

And I'm trying to impose common sense on you, not religion.