NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

I believe this next season that the COwboys plays the Texans in Dallas.....YAY!!! No perdictions right Boy's have too much turmoil right now.

BigTex very true statements that you made. to Joe Flacco, this was his coming of age as an elite QB. Also, his maturation process took about a year longer than most elite QB's, but the fact still remains....his team peaked at the right time but when they were sucking, Flacco stayed steady. IMO what makes Flacco head and shoulders above Schaub is the fact that Flacco can make all of the throws and his deep ball is second to none.
I'm not sure the Texans need a Mike Wallace.....they don't have a QB who can hit him deep anyway. Schaub is not an accurate QB at all.....many games this year catches were made on underthrown passes and just purely athletic talent by his receivers. Yes he led the team when they were winning and losing......but i sat in the stands 8 of the 9 games this year and all of the season ticket holders around us, groaned each time Schaub threw a pass. SO....please let's stop trying to make Schaub-a-wannabe the QB to take the Texans to the promise land!!
And by the way........have you guys forgot that this game we love is a business???
Free agency will decimate the Texans.'s all about the benjamins baby!!!
TheDon's Avatar
I believe this next season that the COwboys plays the Texans in Dallas.....YAY!!! No perdictions right Boy's have too much turmoil right now.

BigTex very true statements that you made. to Joe Flacco, this was his coming of age as an elite QB. Also, his maturation process took about a year longer than most elite QB's, but the fact still remains....his team peaked at the right time but when they were sucking, Flacco stayed steady. IMO what makes Flacco head and shoulders above Schaub is the fact that Flacco can make all of the throws and his deep ball is second to none.
I'm not sure the Texans need a Mike Wallace.....they don't have a QB who can hit him deep anyway. Schaub is not an accurate QB at all.....many games this year catches were made on underthrown passes and just purely athletic talent by his receivers. Yes he led the team when they were winning and losing......but i sat in the stands 8 of the 9 games this year and all of the season ticket holders around us, groaned each time Schaub threw a pass. SO....please let's stop trying to make Schaub-a-wannabe the QB to take the Texans to the promise land!! Originally Posted by Easye
Flacco had a nice run, still don't consider him "elite." Being elite means you are the best of the best, and the guys I have on that list are Peyton, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, and Big Ben.

I don't believe you can become the best of the best by having a hot stretch of three games like Flacco did. Like I said, I give him credit for doing his thing, but 1 post-season of excellence is not good enough for me, and shouldn't be for anyone else to consider him to be on that level. We need to see it at least one more time before I say he's elite, or he needs to have a regular season like Rodgers had last year where the Packs almost went unbeaten.

If you consider him elite, it's probably just because of his post-season, he hasn't done anything above average in the regular season to show that he's the cream of the crop. I'd say the same for Eli, he has 2 Superbowl rings, but I don't consider him amongst the top QB's in the league with the guys I mentioned, he just played really clutch for a couple of post-seasons, just like Flacco did, so I give him props on that. But both he and Flacco are franchise QB's, it's getting annoying with people wanting throwing out the word "elite" so much, only a few are elite, I don't think winning a SB automatically puts you in that category, having a franchise QB should be embraced and celebrated well.

And Sheeeeit, I'm no longer on the Schaub bandwagon, but if we get Mike Wallace, even though Dopey can barely fling the ball, I can't see how it doesn't change our entire offense having a guy that great playing with Dre, that's just my opinion though. But you are right about the cap....We are Fucked.

I'm probably just going to go back to my original stance and pray to the Gods that we somehow draft Manti Teo just so we can be the media whores for once.
TheDon's Avatar
Also, I don't agree with the idea of us "peaking" too early, I don't think we were ever that good to began with. We played Denver early in the season when they were still trying to figure things out, and that was our best win.

Most of the wins we had against good teams were because they had guys injured, which effected the game. And even when we beat a good team like the Bears, it wasn't all that great considering they turned out to be average as hell, but the game felt epic because we both had great records at the time (we were both 7-1 I think).

Every real legit team we played took our cookies. Packs early, Indy, Vikings, Pats- those were the only games that really mattered, games against the Titans/Jags were gimmies. And teams we thought we beat that were good turned out to just be average (bears, Lions, Jets). And we beat the Ravens when they didn't have Lewis and were just getting their injured secondary settled again.

I'm not saying our season was a fluke, I think we're a pretty legit team, but no way do I think we can win the Superbowl without some big changes.
jstone420's Avatar
I don't the texans do what they do best is fuck up don't blame injurys thats part of the game. As far as flacco he's gotten better each year some of yall dont watch football until the playoffs so how would know get a better coach maybe the texans would better
jstone420's Avatar
By the way the texans don't spend big money on free agents you watch an see
BBWrider's Avatar
Not really, Flacco and the Ravens pretty much out-played the Pats last year in the AFC Championship game and should have played in the SuperBowl. Flacco has had his fair share of moments in his 5 seasons in the league, including a playoff win each year.

Schaub? Not so much. Originally Posted by TheDon
We buttfucked the Ravens this season. It was our best game IMO. And Schaub threw for the 2nd most yards in one game in NFL history against the Jags too. Schaub absolutely can be the QB of a Super Bowl winning team. I agree with the point made earlier that QBs get too much credit and too much blame. Our whole team imploded this season except JJ Watt, who as far as I'm concerned is now the best player in the entire NFL at ANY position.
I don't the texans do what they do best is fuck up don't blame injurys thats part of the game. As far as flacco he's gotten better each year some of yall dont watch football until the playoffs so how would know get a better coach maybe the texans would better Originally Posted by jstone420
The progression of Flacco over the years is why I stated that he is now an ELITE QB.

By the way the texans don't spend big money on free agents you watch an see Originally Posted by jstone420
Nough said!!!
If you think the Texans can get to the big one with present QB. Sorry just my opinion.
I was at that game when they beat the Ravens. Shaub had a statistically good game....even though a number of his passes were underthrown or the receivers had to make great catches. One thing for sure, teams that really study Schaub, get interceptions. Fortunately, the Texans have a good run game so they were able to win in spite of the QB weaknesses early on.
But in the later part of the season, those weaknesses were exploited. Look at the film objectively and then tell me if i am wrong.

We buttfucked the Ravens this season. It was our best game IMO. And Schaub threw for the 2nd most yards in one game in NFL history against the Jags too. Schaub absolutely can be the QB of a Super Bowl winning team. I agree with the point made earlier that QBs get too much credit and too much blame. Our whole team imploded this season except JJ Watt, who as far as I'm concerned is now the best player in the entire NFL at ANY position. Originally Posted by BBWrider
TheDon's Avatar
We buttfucked the Ravens this season. It was our best game IMO. And Schaub threw for the 2nd most yards in one game in NFL history against the Jags too. Schaub absolutely can be the QB of a Super Bowl winning team. I agree with the point made earlier that QBs get too much credit and too much blame. Our whole team imploded this season except JJ Watt, who as far as I'm concerned is now the best player in the entire NFL at ANY position. Originally Posted by BBWrider
Lewis didn't play, Reed played hurt, and Suggs played in a limited role as he returned from injury. And you can't discount their presence because once the playoffs started, and they were all playing together, we all say what happened.

We should have butt-fucked that team, most good teams would have.

And yeah, Schaub played great against some average teams, but playing well against the elite teams is what's going to win a championship, not beating down on scrubs like the Jags and Titans.

Love Watt as much as any guy, but I would trade him in a heartbeat straight up for someone like Russell Wilson or Andrew Luck. He had single best season a defensive lineman ever had, and was the defensive player of the year, and we still couldn't even hang with the Pats in two games, and couldn't even make the AFC tittle game, a line-man can only do so much.

Had a QB had the greatest season a QB has ever had, they would have made the SB easily, I know it wasn't the case with Rodgers last year, but more likely than not, if the QB is great, the team will have success, simple as that.
TheDon's Avatar
I don't the texans do what they do best is fuck up don't blame injurys thats part of the game. As far as flacco he's gotten better each year some of yall dont watch football until the playoffs so how would know get a better coach maybe the texans would better Originally Posted by jstone420
You can't say Flacco was better this regular season than last year's regular season, he was AWFUL at times this regular season, he was so bad they had to fire their offensive coordinator lol...
jstone420's Avatar
It's a new star on the rise flacco has more playoff win on the road than anybody each year he got better if texans go to the superbowl you know 3 qbs they have to beat I mean 4 now with flacco
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 02-14-2013, 02:46 PM
We can't go after Percy Harvin, Mike Wallace, or anyone of significance. Cap space just not there. It's amazing a team that won 12 games has this many holes....
TheDon's Avatar
Idk, Percy sounds like he's a little off at times, I guess Greg Jennings could be a nice consolation acquisition if we can get him. Regardless, I think we are still going to be boring as Fuck to watch on offense.

Our QB situation is pretty annoying. If this Faggit wants to be our guy, he should at least re-construct his deal so we can surround him with weapons/better O-lineman.
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  • Satin
  • 02-14-2013, 04:30 PM
Not that we will get either one, but Jennings is 29, Harvin is only 24.... I prefer to see us get young talent instead of older guys...