nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Leave them outside...
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
titty hard on that nothing can hide ????
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So, how ya doing hun.... Originally Posted by Notuagain
Like this grumpy old curmudgeon...

Sorry you miss her pussy so much, Notu... but I taint her. Originally Posted by Rainbird4668

BTW will you two get a room ????
moved here for my safety
offshoredrilling's Avatar
at 20 points and no drop in points till May. I may get Auto banned

If so, ya all have a good time ya hear

LOL I had em all spread out nice date wise. Some mod cleared em for Xmas. not sure who. Another mod started em all over again with no thought of age n date. 15, got 5 today Auto 25

rats one or two of the 15 I think would have been done this month LOL

errrr Oh fucking well. But then again Auto ban way less than a year LOL
Yeah, but it's longer than a lifetime
offshoredrilling's Avatar
true, mmmmm surprised I not banned this morning.

maybe later LOL

wish my SHMB lawyer was not MIA, along with most of the admins
fuck... Wakeup would be better than a lot of this crapola
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its a sad day if one miss's the useful pain in the... Wakeup ????
lilylivered's Avatar
Im sure Wakey had good qualities...
Zollner's Avatar
What has the board come to when this is all the usual suspects endlessly banter on ....LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
"banter" taint that ban-able ????
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its a sad day if one miss's the useful pain in the... Wakeup ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Im sure Wakey had good qualities... Originally Posted by lilylivered
"useful" , Can not explain that. Negotiations of my free 30 day vacation I stated "not that easily". And that maybe worth 3 months
reply late as had to think over answer carefully.also
"useful" , Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Your fucked...

Useful my ass...

I'm drunck poasting... cept I haven't had any drincks if ya know what I mean.... but I FEEL like I'm drunck.... but oooo that smell, can't ya smell that smell.... almost skunklike...
offshoredrilling's Avatar
trying to think of something

2020 "summer of love? lead to 2021 winter of _________. ????

I was thinking in "more hell" or " even more hell" but don't have a nice ring to it for a new thread title
lilylivered's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by hardnready69us