Thug is code. Cracker is an overt term. Like cracker holds the same power as the N-word to a black person. What word, used against a white person, has any power that even approaches the sting of that word? NONE. So quit your whining, bitch tits. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If I quit using the term "Thug" and start using the overt term "an Obama voter" will you quit crying?

If I quit using the term "Thug" and start using the overt term "an Obama voter" will you quit crying? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If I quit using the name "Sweet Ass," which was affectionately given to you by COIdiot and start using the overt phrase "IIFFY the racist Idiot" will you stop crying?
If I quit using the name "Sweet Ass," which was affectionately given to you by COIdiot and start using the overt phrase "IIFFY the racist Idiot" will you stop crying? Originally Posted by bigtex
BGItex, the "FAT WHITE AL SHARPTON" who is the Imperial Wizard of the KKK, the answer is "GO FUCK YOURSELF"... but this time harder, bigger and with a couple of drops of jalapeno juice so you enjoy it more!

If I quit using the name "Sweet Ass," which was affectionately given to you by COIdiot and start using the overt phrase "IIFFY the racist Idiot" will you stop crying? Originally Posted by bigtex
BGItex, the "FAT WHITE AL SHARPTON" who is the Imperial Wizard of the KKK, the answer is "GO FUCK YOURSELF"... but this time harder, bigger and with a couple of drops of jalapeno juice so you enjoy it more! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
From IIFFYIdiot's crying rant found above, it is apparent that he prefered the affectionate "Sweet Ass" nickname given to him by his ATF, COIdiot.
lustylad's Avatar
Thug is code.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Code for what, you ignorant dipshit?

"I'm a life-long resident of Baltimore. Too many generations have spent their lives building up this city to have it destroyed by thugs...."

- Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, 4/27/15
Code for what, you ignorant dipshit?

"I'm a life-long resident of Baltimore. Too many generations have spent their lives building up this city to have it destroyed by thugs...."

- Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, 4/27/15 Originally Posted by lustylad
So... let me get this straight. You don't know what the answer is, but you're calling me ignorant? By definition, you are the ignoramus. It's the same reason the media calls white people 'fans' and black people 'looters'.

Neither one of you are African American so you don't know our plight - so if you think African Americans did better under Bush you are kidding yourself - thanks to the GOP and tea party promoting hatred and for poisoning people's mind to think a Black man is not worthy of being POTUS - this has led to increase in racism from whites and it is happening right under your nose. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Mr Wellendowed: You do appear to be a intelligent gent, and I understand you standing by "your people".

First, I've said it before and I will say it again, It has absolutely nothing to do with the melanin in a persons skin, but it has everything to do the mentality of a person. Just in case you're not aware of what that "mentality" is, let me lay it out for you. It started back when the government started giving out handouts, i.e. welfare, affirmative action, probably two of the most deleterious actions that could have been done for the black population. If you look at society today and blacks who have chosen not to fall into the "victim pit" they are prosperous and very much welcomed in all communities, as they know how to conduct themselves in a society of "order". Realize that for every action there is a reaction and sometimes the consequences of those reactions are frowned upon by those in the "victim pit", and they wish to charge those that are in charge of enforcing laws that were put into place by
the government whether it be federal, state or local. (certainly not that I agree with all laws e.g., the law that Liberals put in place in New York State on not selling single cigarettes, as business was booming due to Liberals sky taxations on cigarettes.

The best thing any black person can do is go out into the communities and help get people working, and quite feeling that everything is owed to them, own up to their foibles and make a flourishing life for themselves. The old axiom, Where there's a will there's a way. This s--t is getting old, take responsibility for your own actions and quit thinking the world owes you a living.
Blacks haven't fared better (economically) under Obama. In fact their job prospects have worsened.

But if you have the data. Please post.

Here is the BLS unemployment rate for blacks. No improvement under Obama. And many would (accurately) say real employment has gotten worse, since so many have quit looking for jobs because there aren't any.

LexusLover's Avatar
...real employment has gotten worse, since so many have quit looking for jobs because there aren't any. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Some get so excited about finding a job they go searching for job applications.

That must be what they're looking for ... employment applications!
LexusLover's Avatar
If I quit using the name "Sweet Ass,"... Originally Posted by bigtex
I don't know, that seems to fit you perfectly. For a nickname it fits you "spot on"!
For a nickname it fits you "spot on"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well, it sure as hell wouldn't be a fitting nickname for an old, worn out, dilapidated, smelly ol' "sour ass," that has been appropriately named LLIdiot.

Now would it, "Sour Ass" LLIdiot?"

Now that is a nickname that fits LLIdiot, "spot on."
Well, it sure as hell wouldn't be a fitting nickname for an old, worn out, dilapidated, smelly ol' "sour ass," that has been appropriately named LLIdiot.

Now would it, "Sour Ass" LLIdiot?"

Now that is a nickname that fits LLIdiot, "spot on." Originally Posted by bigtex
I'm just calling everyone 'bitch tits'. It has a certain je ne sais quoi.

Or gruber grubber.
I really don't like what you represent- you are a narcissistic prick that wants everything your way. I bet people hated working with you because you don't like taking orders or criticism. You think your shit doesn't stank and that you have all the answers- this proves you are an arrogant bastard. Why don't you go live in an area where there's no government or hell just go live in the wilderness. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Can't he move inta tha 'hood wit yew Homey ? !!!
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
The latest form of protest ... steal something! The right to "dissemble"!