GA Election Case - Back Open!

... Thank you for yer interest there, mate.

... MORE coming on the Fani situation This Evening!

#### Salty
... Oh Dear! .... Me-own Political "insiders" are reporting
that Fani Willis surely NEGLECTED to disclose any "gifts"
from Nathan Wade on her annual Income and Financial Disclosure
Report for 2022. ... ... The disclosure rules are
to disclose ANY gift or favour over $100 dollars from a
"prohibited source".... Which is anyone doing business
or drawing income from the county.

Nathan Wade's banking records reveal travel tickets and
other purchases from the same accounte that he received
payments from the county.
And we already know that Fani traveled with him.

... Oh what a tiny web that... wait! How does it go? ... What a
fine w-- ... Okay - what a crooked web is weaved - once you
try to deceive - the taxpayers!

... Conflicts of interest and shady Fulton County doings
surely abound there! ... Time to dismiss the Trump case.

To show FAIRNESS - as well as Truth, Justice and the American Way!

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Doesn’t change the charges, Salty, as desperately as you and your fellow MAGAs want them too.

Charged with 91 felonies.

Not Willis. Trump.

Hee hee!
Doesn’t change the charges, Salty, as desperately as you and your fellow MAGAs want them too.

Charged with 91 felonies.

Not Willis. Trump.

Hee hee! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Uh, ... I think it's "to" there, instead of "too"
but then, what do I know about proper grammer?

... Anyway, they'll need to dismiss these charges
and then re-file them - with somebody else leading
the prosecution... Aint gonna be Fani and her team.

#### Salty
Wrong. These is no need at all to dismiss any charges and revile anything. Where on earth do you keep getting this wrong information you keep spouting.
VitaMan's Avatar
All the wrong information put out is shocking.

What has been dismissed is the 60+ lawsuits Mr. Trump and his minions filed in many states, claiming a fraudulent election, with no proof at all. Many of those lawyers were fined or suspended.
All the wrong information put out is shocking.

What has been dismissed is the 60+ lawsuits Mr. Trump and his minions filed in many states, claiming a fraudulent election, with no proof at all. Many of those lawyers were fined or suspended. Originally Posted by VitaMan
WHAT does this have to do with the thread here? ... Nothing.

#### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
You have derailed your own thread so many times already.

Why are you now focusing on the prosecution ?
Wrong. These is no need at all to dismiss any charges and revile anything. Where on earth do you keep getting this wrong information you keep spouting. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Hmmmm... So YOU actually believe Fani and Mr. Wade
are gonna be allowed to continue with this case?
Is that it?

... Rather interesting, aint it ? ... That the case is
still sitting there? ... Fani has NOT recused and another
prosecutour has not stepped in and taken-up the case.

... But YOU surely believe Fani will be able to
stay with this case, yes?

No impropriety from her?? ... The meetings at the
White House and aligning with Jack Smith and what-not
WON'T be problematic here??

... We'll See! ...

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have derailed your own thread so many times already.

Why are you now focusing on the prosecution ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
And “grammer”?

Salty is obviously at the end of the line on this thread.

Just wait.
eyecu2's Avatar
The wish is this: Fanni gets discredited so the dear leader can escape the disgrace of the court outcome and ruling before the Nov 24 time period.

The GOP and the Trump Sycophants' will do anything and everything to try to get this tossed out (preferably) or delayed / new prosecution etc. so that Trump has at least the opportunity to not be charged as a sitting president. That is really his only hope here. He's either going to face the music now, (hopefully- and honestly-so the american public can see what lengths this guy went to, to change the outcome of an election) or he's going to get off without anyone ever being accountable for these actions. Seriously- as a side note- if a DEM was caught on tape doing this shit-...wouldn't the R's here want them to have to face those allegations and find out the truth.

By the way- If he's found innocent,- so be it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Agree. But deep in their “hearts” Trump’s cult knows he’s a guilty POS. Classic Trump legal strategy … delay, distract, deflect and deny. Nothing new here.

Judge and jury should be allowed to decide … and punish the worst criminal ever elected to high office in US history.
VitaMan's Avatar
No idea why the OP is focused in on Fani.

It's similar to "blame the messenger" approach.

But why would the OP want to derail his own thread ?
... Blimey! ... So Fani FIRED a whistleblower who told
her that their DA office was improperly using funds.
And the whistleblower recorded the issue and has
a wrongful termination lawsuit against Fulton County.

How will the voters ever support Fani's re-election campaign
with all this drama? ... Reckon the onley good thing with
Fani is that I surely believe the Trump case will be DISMISSED.
And already evidence of Fani and Nathan Wade colluding with
the White House and Jack Smith...

See? ... All the roadways seem to lead to Georgia as
we continue to investigate the election fraud. ...
If onley the State Leaders would have done the right thing
after the election, they wouldn't be in this mess.

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
The wish is this: Fanni gets discredited so the dear leader can escape the disgrace of the court outcome and ruling before the Nov 24 time period.

The GOP and the Trump Sycophants' will do anything and everything to try to get this tossed out (preferably) or delayed / new prosecution etc. so that Trump has at least the opportunity to not be charged as a sitting president. That is really his only hope here. He's either going to face the music now, (hopefully- and honestly-so the american public can see what lengths this guy went to, to change the outcome of an election) or he's going to get off without anyone ever being accountable for these actions. Seriously- as a side note- if a DEM was caught on tape doing this shit-...wouldn't the R's here want them to have to face those allegations and find out the truth.

By the way- If he's found innocent,- so be it. Originally Posted by eyecu2
At this time no impropriety on the part of the prosecutor has been proven. Just a lot of allegations and misinformation being posted online. Even if some impropriety has taken place it doesn't mean that Fani Willis will be removed from the case and it doesn't mean the case will be dismissed.

I also believe that this is a lot of mud slinging to delay and confuse the issue. Standard defense lawyer / Trump tactics.