Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar
What the House Has Planned on Impeachment This Week

Viva La Whistleblowers
What the House Has Planned on Impeachment This Week

Viva La Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Look like a whole lotta nothing going on.
LexusLover's Avatar
You can continue to ignore reality until the day the trial begins if you choose.

It’s still a free country Originally Posted by Jaxson66
What "trial"?

And Mr. Trump is still presumed INNOCENT in this "free country" .....

.... if you would quit blubbering and balling your eyes full of tears you might be able to at least read the U.S. Constitution, even though you obviously lack the mental aptitude to comprehend the meaning .... Congress doesn't decide the meaning of "high crimes and misdemeanors" .... the SCOTUS does ... and the remedy for violations of Due Process and Equal Protection by Congress are reviewed by the SCOTUS.

Go blubber some more while you continue to support Biden.
What "trial"?

And Mr. Trump is still presumed INNOCENT in this "free country" .....

.... if you would quit blubbering and balling your eyes full of tears you might be able to at least read the U.S. Constitution, even though you obviously lack the mental aptitude to comprehend the meaning .... Congress doesn't decide the meaning of "high crimes and misdemeanors" .... the SCOTUS does ... and the remedy for violations of Due Process and Equal Protection by Congress are reviewed by the SCOTUS.

Go blubber some more while you continue to support Biden. Originally Posted by LexusLover
He's making the assumption and probably rightly so, that the House is going to drum up something to vote and pass as an article of impeachment.

At that point you are correct it goes to the Senate for Trial presided over by Chief Justice Roberts. It's an interesting thought process as to whether Roberts could vacate the charges as not being a "high crime or misdemeanor", and then never a vote in the Senate is needed.

I doubt it would happen, but it's an interesting discussion point.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There's a sworn statement from the prosecutor that pointedly refutes your 'understanding' of what was going on.
Sworn statements and actual transcripts are conspiracy theories these days. Shit that Shifty Schiff and whistleblowers make up are what matters.
Jaxson66's Avatar
What "trial"?

And Mr. Trump is still presumed INNOCENT in this "free country" ..... . Originally Posted by LexusLover

The fat lying bastard could easily begin cooperating with the House committees and prove his innocence. I would think his campaign doesn’t want the impeachment following him into 2020, especially since the population seems to be moving towards impeachment and removal and he can’t count on Russia’s disinformation campaign to work again.

There’s a good possibility there isn’t a trial. As I recall Nixon was advised to resign and save the party from a trial. When the articles are drawn and voted to advance then the fat lying bastard can stand trial in Moscow Mitch’s court or he can Resign.

A five time draft dodger will look to take the easy way out, and that’s resigning.
The fat lying bastard could easily begin cooperating with the House committees and prove his innocence. I would think his campaign doesn’t want the impeachment following him into 2020, especially since the population seems to be moving towards impeachment and removal and he can’t count on Russia’s disinformation campaign to work again.

There’s a good possibility there isn’t a trial. As I recall Nixon was advised to resign and save the party from a trial. When the articles are drawn and voted to advance then the fat lying bastard can stand trial in Moscow Mitch’s court or he can Resign.

A five time draft dodger will look to take the easy way out, and that’s resigning. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The Dems have already shown they will twist, skew, cherry pick, and even outright lie(in the form of a supposed parody). Why would Trump put himself at their whims.

And do you really think Trump resigns based on advice from anyone?

You have been living in a dream world for quite a while where the very next "gotcha" moment ousts Trump.

It ain't happening and the longer the Dems drag out a House effort at a witch hunt, the more the American people will become tired of their rhetoric and lack of actual government action.

It's looking up for Trump each day again at this point.
Jaxson66's Avatar
The Dems have already shown they will twist, skew, cherry pick, and even outright lie(in the form of a supposed parody). Why would Trump put himself at their whims.

And do you really think Trump resigns based on advice from anyone?. Originally Posted by eccielover
No the fat lying bastard isn’t going to take anyone’s advice he’s clearly proved that, but then I didn’t claim he would. I saying the fat lying bastard has taken the easy way his whole life and this time will be no different.
  • Tiny
  • 10-13-2019, 04:50 PM
Rand Paul described this 2018 letter from three Democratic Senators to the General Prosecutor of Ukraine on one of the Sunday morning shows today,

They ask the Ukrainian government for continued support in Mueller's investigation. Paul's point was that these Democratic senators were like Trump, asking for Ukraine's help in investigating their political opponent. But no one's suggesting they be removed from office.

One of the big differences with Trump and Giuliani though is that the Democrats used good judgement in the way they made their case. Trump and Giuliani are loose canons, and I fault them for stupidity more than anything else. That said, while what we know so far from the Mueller investigations and Ukraine hearings does not merit Trump's removal from office, if it's shown beyond a reasonable doubt that he was making investigation of the Biden's a quid pro quo for sending $400 million of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, then Trump may be history. That probably won't happen, but who knows.
  • Tiny
  • 10-13-2019, 06:44 PM
I find it highly ironic that Schweizer uses a Soro's operation to connect Hunter Biden to one of the most corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine --Igor Kolomoisky. Karma! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
While obviously we're interpreting what's happening very differently, I appreciate you and Waco Kid bringing up Kolomoisky and Firtash. These people are fascinating characters, and when I get some time I want to read up on them. They highlight part of what's wrong with our political system: lawyers like Lanny Davis and Joseph diGenova whose rolodexes and influence with politicians are for sale to the highest bidding foreign oligarch.
Redhot1960's Avatar
While obviously we're interpreting what's happening very differently, I appreciate you and Waco Kid bringing up Kolomoisky and Firtash. These people are fascinating characters, and when I get some time I want to read up on them. They highlight part of what's wrong with our political system: lawyers like Lanny Davis and Joseph diGenova whose rolodexes and influence with politicians are for sale to the highest bidding foreign oligarch. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny, you should give up...
I B Hankering's Avatar
While obviously we're interpreting what's happening very differently, I appreciate you and Waco Kid bringing up Kolomoisky and Firtash. These people are fascinating characters, and when I get some time I want to read up on them. They highlight part of what's wrong with our political system: lawyers like Lanny Davis and Joseph diGenova whose rolodexes and influence with politicians are for sale to the highest bidding foreign oligarch. Originally Posted by Tiny

The article connected Odumbo's ambassador to a Soros operation that was being in-part funded illicitly by the Department of State while the ambassador ran interference against any Ukrainian investigations into Soros' criminal activities, but you're worried about diGenova.
Jaxson66's Avatar
.Fox News Hires Dictator-Loving, Deep State-Loathing John Solomon

Over the weekend, Fox News announced that it had made a new hire: John Solomon, the self-proclaimed journalist at the heart of the unfolding scandal involving Ukraine, Rudy Giuliani, and the impending impeachment of Donald Trump. It’s not hard to see why Fox executives may have wanted to bring him aboard. Solomon’s work has underpinned the entire cascade of lies the White House and Trump in particular have pushed over the past few weeks.

Another fat lying bastard joins the Fox propaganda team.

Viva La Whistleblowers
I B Hankering's Avatar

Viva La Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Everyone here knows that you're a real "whistleblower" -- boy howdy, you do love blowing them "whistles"!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
.Fox News Hires Dictator-Loving, Deep State-Loathing John Solomon

Over the weekend, Fox News announced that it had made a new hire: John Solomon, the self-proclaimed journalist at the heart of the unfolding scandal involving Ukraine, Rudy Giuliani, and the impending impeachment of Donald Trump. It’s not hard to see why Fox executives may have wanted to bring him aboard. Solomon’s work has underpinned the entire cascade of lies the White House and Trump in particular have pushed over the past few weeks.

Another fat lying bastard joins the Fox propaganda team.

Viva La Whistleblowers Originally Posted by Jaxson66
forgot to link it eh...

unfortunately, can't read the rest of the story.