And it begins. WWIII

I think this is just trump trying to rile up his base as you can see it worked. He plays them like checkers (chess would be to hard). Originally Posted by Trey

I hope you could see "the difference" by now...
LexusLover's Avatar
Why do we have to shoulder the load of being the world police. Originally Posted by GeorgeDRII
We don't any more. Trump was discussing that yesterday in addition to discussing the "Iraqi oil," for which he has left U.S. personnel there to continue keeping an eye on it. He disclosed there are several countries, including SK, who have paid and will continue to pay for the military assistance we provide, including the personnel. His push on NATO is documented .... by NATO.

IMO ... Trey watches too much LameStreamMedia bullshit and regurgitates it.
Texanbychoice's Avatar
don't you all get it we will also being glowing is that what you all want the end of man trumpy has at good shot at making it happen iam not saying past mistakes were not made but lets not start fucking the end of the world over it Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Now would be the best time to drop the bombs on very specific regions. The longer time goes on the further other countries will acquire the technology. As of now, we only have to worry about two countries retaliating, and if they believe the nukes are not coming their way they will be less likely to tossem themselves. And they can tell the whole world how bad the US is.

But that's fine, no one likes us now anyway and we are in the end self sufficient. Add to the fact we in defacto control a 5th of the worlds land mass (just an eyeball figure - i added Canada and Mexico - don't get picky) i think we come out quite ok.

Im tired of dealing with dipshit countries who think they can shameblame us to do anything. And yes, I've served and lived overseas as well.
Texanbychoice's Avatar
It's not quite 99% but damn close.

The Looming National Security Crisis:Young Americans Unable to Serve in the Military

The military depends on a constant flow of volunteers every year. According to 2017 Pentagon data, 71 percent of young Americans between 17 and 24 are ineligible to serve in the United States military. Put another way: Over 24 million of the 34 million people of that age group cannot join the armed forces—even if they wanted to. This is an alarming situation that threatens the country’s fundamental national security. If only 29 percent of the nation’s young adults are qualified to serve, and if this trend continues, it is inevitable that the U.S. military will suffer from a lack of manpower. A manpower shortage in the United States Armed Forces directly compromises national security.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

The standards of every service are adjusted to meet recruiting needs based on the needs AT THAT TIME.

This means if they need less volunteers they raise standards, and if they need more volunteers they lower standards. It's how it's done.

I do agree today's youth are in poor shape. But we don't keep millions of soldiers on hand. We just need the several hundred thousand who are in shape and ready to serve. The rest are B team who will suck it up and fight if things get that bad.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I hope you could see "the difference" by now... Originally Posted by andymarksman
Champagne Brown's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
what's racist about it? I thought it was pretty PC. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Sure you do... Originally Posted by andymarksman
don't disagree with your point.

have you been listening to PC libs who think black crime against whites is not a hate crime or not racist?

my google fu isn't working.
there maybe better ones than this. this is what I found.

FYI, factoid. many Iranians do not consider themselves "white". so technically they are "not white", they are classed as Caucasians.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Just like you change your profile Yssup? You are so full of shit. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Yous yelling again, Old Yeller?

Again, when black/white issues come up, Hanksy is right in the middles of it, rights along with Dillsy and the rest of the Great White South.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yous yelling again, Old Yeller?

Again, when black/white issues come up, Hanksy is right in the middles of it, rights along with Dillsy and the rest of the Great White South.
Originally Posted by HoeHummer

And everyone here is supposed to accept such foolish maxims based on the ~limited observations~ of the "new comer" from "Canada"?
Here we go.

Fucking tragics and uncalled for. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Yeah, I bet you really give a shit.