What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

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  • 01-18-2011, 09:37 PM
black cop: Jus doing what came natural huh?

Vanesa: What’s that suppose to mean?

White cop: Let’s just get back to the questions.

Vanesa: No huh uh.. what’s that suppose to mean? You think being a whore comes natural like being a *****? Oh you don’t like being called a ***** well I don’t like being called a natural born whore so there!

White cop: Vanessa calm down

Vanesa: NO! He’s talking to me the same way that guy did!

Black cop: Is that why you shot him or was it because you wanted what was in his wallet?

Vanesa: I already told you why i shot him you shit skinned mother fucker! (Vanessa slaps the man across the faces and hits him on the back with a chair) Fly you fucking ****! I’ll kick your ass all over this fuckin station.. shithead..

White cop: You ok? Now Vanessa why did you say those things?

Vanesa: Because he didn’t say he was sorry.. and I knew it’d piss him off.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I always looked at HDH from a different perspective.
I never thought of it as a certain amount $ for a given time.
However, ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
London Rayne's Avatar
Vanessa: "You take them panties off and get in."

Bob: No please I get claustrophopic in there."

Vanessa: "Yea well I get claustrophobic sucking strange d3ck MF...so there!"

"Do you belive in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior Bob...I need to know!"

Gosh that was some funny sh3t!
As far as no elite in Europe: I'm puzzled by your statement. The US has been known as the place where birth right has meant less than nearly any other country. Perhaps you are just joking here (I cannot tell) but Europe is rife with social classes, far more than the US is. Originally Posted by discreetgent
not anymore, the queens and princes lost their crowns and the revolutionists and their aftermaths "liberte egalite fraternite" have basically prohibited to wear titles (like class titles that is - not university titles) for anyone.
UK and a few others are exceptions, not the standards.

with classes i meant the usual: working class and people who define class with their income and jobs and academic titles. the average income is more the same, it does not stray so much. and we have a social system that allows even the poorest to get good educations. In the USA ... so lala... so when someone brags about university educations in europe that is just considered ridiculous, where in the USA this is to show off ? I think in the USA its an expensive privilege to study. In europe everyone can and does. I don`t know any escort that does not have an university education or somehow another full time job or another education. Most of them work two or even three jobs.
So why the need to brag about such things on your homepage? For me that is normal :-)...

If you go in my studio in switzerland claiming you offer "quality over quantity" and "cater to the elite" my collegues would roll on the floor laughing and cramping ....
Its like stating "i am so beautiful, can`t you see!! - while being surrounded by only beautiful women"
I mean some things should speak for themselves - we call that UNDERSTATEMENT or DECENCY.
Perhaps the quality over quantity phrase started out differently but today it is well understood in the US that it means a low volume provider. Among other the things, in the US we need to use codewords for many things regarding sex work because in almost all places it is illegal.
Originally Posted by discreetgent

ok i see and understand.. but: the rate and the time should already state the obvious. if someone charges more they usually see less clients and earn also less in the long run.
And - call me stupid - but how would you control that they are REALLY low profile? Especially because most HDHs have a second persona that goes all LDH?
so except stating the rate- the term quality over quantity is a proof for nothing really? I mean i look at myself :-) i only do 4h arrangements because i fly all over europe with/to clients. Doing so for less than 4h would not be worth it. But do i take less clients? Not really. If my week is full and i see every day people or one after the other.

all in all i consider that all judgemental hogwash catering to the gents who like to believe that some women are the "holy virgin mary^s" amongst the "crowd of fallen angels" and that his provider is not "really a whore" like all the other out there, and that his dick is really special! If it sells. so be it. But its still judgemental. Very much so.
discreetgent's Avatar
I think in the USA its an expensive privilege to study. In europe everyone can and does. I don`t know any escort that does not have an university education or somehow another full time job or another education. Most of them work two or even three jobs.
So why the need to brag about such things on your homepage? For me that is normal :-)... Originally Posted by ninasastri
There are many universities in the US that are quite affordable. Many of the state schools (Virginia, Michigan, Ohio, Texas, California, Wisonsin) have top top programs with tuitions that are pretty low. And yet, a lot of people do not go to college. So for a lady to state that she has a college education makes sense.
If you go in my studio in switzerland claiming you offer "quality over quantity" and "cater to the elite" my collegues would roll on the floor laughing and cramping ....
Its like stating "i am so beautiful, can`t you see!! - while being surrounded by only beautiful women"
I mean some things should speak for themselves - we call that UNDERSTATEMENT or DECENCY. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Fair enough, but we are not in Switzerland and the culture is different and phrases that might elicit laughter in Switzerland are both acceptable here and do not engender the same interpretation as they might over there.
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's marketing and nothing else lol. If it were anything else, you would not see it so widely used and abused. Some guys buy into fluff, and some just want to get laid...market for everyone. Bottom line is no one really knows how many patrons anyone truly sees...betting they would be quite surprised.

You can be low volume and only charge $150....know a few 19 yr. old coeds doing just that, and they only see 2 or 3 guys a week at best. Only difference is, the marketing suggests they would have to see at least 10 a week to survive. Some guys actually think a grand an hour girl could not possibly see 2 guys in a day, because most don't think many men are willing to pay that much...many are not, but don't kid yourself. If she has not gotten a call in 2 months and 2 call that same day, what do you think she is going to do? Originally Posted by London Rayne
Very well said here London.

I've said it before and I'll say it again:

There is a big difference between high-end and expensive.

Most of the ladies I've seen are just .... expensive. No need to name names.

Freedom of speech is guaranteed in that Congress can make no law which prohibits Political Speech. There is no freedom of sex speech. Originally Posted by John Bull

Ms.Sastri: You're clearly an intelligent woman though there are a few things you've said here that I can't agree with you on. Still heart yOu though .
I think Natalie may be onto something lol. I am a man hating, lesbian who flunked out of 3rd grade...so there! Originally Posted by London Rayne
I thought I was the only one!
Duplicate, sorry.
not anymore, the queens and princes lost their crowns and the revolutionists and their aftermaths "liberte egalite fraternite" have basically prohibited to wear titles (like class titles that is - not university titles) for anyone.
UK and a few others are exceptions, not the standards.

with classes i meant the usual: working class and people who define class with their income and jobs and academic titles. the average income is more the same, it does not stray so much. and we have a social system that allows even the poorest to get good educations. In the USA ... so lala... so when someone brags about university educations in europe that is just considered ridiculous, where in the USA this is to show off ? I think in the USA its an expensive privilege to study. In europe everyone can and does. I don`t know any escort that does not have an university education or somehow another full time job or another education. Most of them work two or even three jobs.
So why the need to brag about such things on your homepage? For me that is normal :-)...

If you go in my studio in switzerland claiming you offer "quality over quantity" and "cater to the elite" my collegues would roll on the floor laughing and cramping ....
Its like stating "i am so beautiful, can`t you see!! - while being surrounded by only beautiful women"
I mean some things should speak for themselves - we call that UNDERSTATEMENT or DECENCY. Originally Posted by ninasastri
I think many American escorts (more than one might guess) also have a university education and separate career path, regardless of the rates they charge. The stereotype though, is still that we're all dumb, uneducated and going nowhere, and using this money to support addicitions to shopping and/or cocaine, and perhaps an abusive deadbeat boyfriend on the side. The advertising you speak of probably has more to do with distinguishing oneself from the stereotype than from one's peers who may charge less or see more clients.
I think many American escorts (more than one might guess) also have a university education and separate career path, regardless of the rates they charge. The stereotype though, is still that we're all dumb, uneducated and going nowhere, and using this money to support addicitions to shopping and/or cocaine, and perhaps an abusive deadbeat boyfriend on the side. The advertising you speak of probably has more to do with distinguishing oneself from the stereotype than from one's peers who may charge less or see more clients. Originally Posted by Natalie

Now we are getting closer to the topic! Thanks Natalie! You are right! But then again, my personal opinion is that you probably support that stereotype subconsciousnessly by explicitly stating that you differ from the so called "peers" . (i know for a fact that some HDHs really think their collegues are all less smart then they are - and then are surprised to see that everyone is equally smart as them or even smarter. Its not special to be educated and do that business, in fact how can you do any business sucessfully and not be educated?) Political correct it would be just to let the stuff speak for it self.

I do understand that people tend to supress sexworkers in a culture that is demeaning to them. No one seems to bother about criticizing the institution of marriage, just because there happen to be people around that abuse their spouses or the institution of the core family because some are raping their own children. It seems that sexworkers are primarily - and for political purpose - presented in a bad way. To support that view indirectly by stating you differ, is catering to these views. Its saying "i am special, i am NOT the norm" (which means that the norm is offering quantity over quality and is not educated). In my experience this is not the case, ever.

Honestly - I charge 500$ an hour because i simply want more money $ - period!! Quality? I don`t know. As i said we are all no supermodels ...:-) and the real HDHs do not exist in these fores.

with classes i meant the usual: working class and people who define class with their income and jobs and academic titles. the average income is more the same, it does not stray so much. and we have a social system that allows even the poorest to get good educations. In the USA ... so lala... so when someone brags about university educations in europe that is just considered ridiculous, where in the USA this is to show off ? I think in the USA its an expensive privilege to study. In europe everyone can and does. I don`t know any escort that does not have an university education or somehow another full time job or another education. Most of them work two or even three jobs.
So why the need to brag about such things on your homepage? For me that is normal :-)...
Originally Posted by ninasastri
Nina, it's not bragging, it's simply a different culture. Being curious about ones education is not just limited to this world...people are generally much more curious about education here than in Europe. It's a cultural difference. If you are planning to stay here for a length of time, you're not going to be doing yourself any favours by jumping to conclusions by saying it's about bragging. Absorb the culture and ask questions...you might still have the same opinon at the end..but at least give someone a chance to answer a question you haven't even bothered asking. The obvious is not always that obvious.

Nina, it's not bragging, it's simply a different culture. Being curious about ones education is not just limited to this world...people are generally much more curious about education here than in Europe. It's a cultural difference. If you are planning to stay here for a length of time, you're not going to be doing yourself any favours by jumping to conclusions by saying it's about bragging. Absorb the culture and ask questions...you might still have the same opinon at the end..but at least give someone a chance to answer a question you haven't even bothered asking. The obvious is not always that obvious.

C Originally Posted by Camille
Hi Camille. FYI i have already lived in the states at one point, just not on a permanent base. So i know my way around. And - sorry to say - the people that are REALLY educated and have all the careers they state on their webpages - do not speak so much about it. Just my 5 cents. I never heard someone that is Harvard educated constantly talking about the fact that he can read and talk. But i have seen plenty of people having not really so much of a career outside that business writing pages of resumes with mostly no substance to it. Again - i might be biased.
But also, i talked a lot with a lot of providers and sometimes some think its education when you screw a client for getting a job in HIS office! Which is a shame, seriously ;-).
Naomi4u's Avatar
so when someone brags about university educations in europe that is just considered ridiculous, where in the USA this is to show off ? I think in the USA its an expensive privilege to study. In europe everyone can and does. I don`t know any escort that does not have an university education or somehow another full time job or another education. Most of them work two or even three jobs.
So why the need to brag about such things on your homepage? For me that is normal :-)...
Originally Posted by ninasastri
In my country (Nigeria), Everyone is not as privileged to attend university. You are either rich or poor in Nigeria, There is no such thing as middle class so it's either you go to school or you don't. My family was fortunate enough to be able to provide me with proper schooling/good education. It IS "normal" for us fortunate ones to go to school/get an education so YES I do find it ridiculous when escort plaster on their homepage that they attended university and obtained so and so degree. If you are so smart/well-educated/"cultured" you wouldn't have to tell anyone.... isn't that right?

I have always found these "HDH" websites a bit intriguing because it's like one person went around telling these ladies what to plaster on their pages and made all of them look silly in the process. It is like someone that has never had anything. So Nina I do agree with you on this one. I think these HDHs need to come up with something new. If their sessions were anything like their homepage I feel bad for their "patrons", I bet they're bored to death! Just sayin'