Top Reviewed Ladies on ECCIE

Thanks Babe
. very sexy .
Yes.....this thread is old

However....c'mon mods.....make this a STICKY!!!!

You have so many other stickies around here....only a wee bit fair...

A Top hundred list for every state perhaps...

To the OP, you deserve so much props for even thinking of ladies you don't know and creating this list....that's really awesome!!!! Verses providers who go out their way to hate on them.

Bravo my darling, bravo....

Make this a STICKY mods.....please
Lisa Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Thanks babe
I wholeheartedly agree! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Congratulations to the beautiful Annabelle Rose for making it the 100 review mark. What's even more impressive is that she joined Jul 27, 2015 and had a providing gap from Sep 2015 to Feb 2016. She started back providing in Feb with only 17 reviews. So technically, Annabelle received 83 reviews in 3 months! Way to go Annabelle and congratulations again! Originally Posted by cockalatte
Damn she's fine as hell. I can see why she got almost 100 reviews in a quarter year lol. Originally Posted by galaxon00
Just checked and she has 106 reviews in 3 months! Outstanding! Way to go Annabelle! Hurry back to Houston!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Finally managed to claw my way to the bottom rung of the list. Lol--not bad for an old, chunky bird that took a year off
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I am in Austin I have made it to 168 ... all a yes
Seeskylar's Avatar
Can we get another review update I am houston 157 reviews thanks
Promoting business to get clients.
Promoting business to get clients.Not working for free.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
This is a great list with a lot of great providers (although it does need to be updated). I don't get many reviews here and have always wondered why. I do most of my business on eros but eccie is a close second. I hardly ever ask for reviews and when I try to do review specials, clients usually end up paying full price not posting one. It's not because I am a bad provider. How do girls get guys to write reviews?
  • Tiny
  • 06-19-2016, 07:27 PM
How do girls get guys to write reviews? Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan
I stopped posting reviews many years ago when LE in my area used them to arrest a hobbyist. However, the answer is the same as if you owned a hotel, restaurant, or air conditioning service and were looking to get lots of good reviews on Trip Advisor, Yelp or Angies List. Provide great service. Be friendly and responsive. Get back with clients when they make inquiries on a timely basis. Don't cancel appointments without a good reason. Obviously working hard, enjoying your work (or at least not disliking it) and having a lot of customers helps. If you can anticipate what your client wants and provide it you'll do well. My ATF, who has more reviews on here than anyone, has never asked me to write one, and I've never seen her offer a review special. She's just so good she gets lots and lots of them. That said, I suspect asking clients who had good experiences to write reviews could only help.
This is a great list with a lot of great providers (although it does need to be updated). I don't get many reviews here and have always wondered why. I do most of my business on eros but eccie is a close second. I hardly ever ask for reviews and when I try to do review specials, clients usually end up paying full price not posting one. It's not because I am a bad provider. How do girls get guys to write reviews? Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan

If I had a penny - just pennies for each guy promising a review, I'd be able to purchase a car. Therefore, I don't give review incentives anymore...not to mention, I am quite established as are you. Then again, with a body like yours, I'd keep you to myself too Morgan!

Your pics are great, but does no justice to your figure!
I still love reviews even though I'm established.

Only 8 more to go until 400!
MzChloeRae's Avatar
Love this Thread �� Let's Keep the playground Fun!!
Good promoting topic.Top reviewed hookers trying to make money like rest of hookers
Finally managed to claw my way to the bottom rung of the list. Lol--not bad for an old, chunky bird that took a year off Originally Posted by GracePreston
Gracie, I think you mean "A sexxy milfy bird with gorgeous red lips" that flew north for awhile!