black cop: Jus doing what came natural huh?
Vanesa: What’s that suppose to mean?
White cop: Let’s just get back to the questions.
Vanesa: No huh uh.. what’s that suppose to mean? You think being a whore comes natural like being a *****? Oh you don’t like being called a ***** well I don’t like being called a natural born whore so there!
White cop: Vanessa calm down
Vanesa: NO! He’s talking to me the same way that guy did!
Black cop: Is that why you shot him or was it because you wanted what was in his wallet?
Vanesa: I already told you why i shot him you shit skinned mother fucker! (Vanessa slaps the man across the faces and hits him on the back with a chair) Fly you fucking ****! I’ll kick your ass all over this fuckin station.. shithead..
White cop: You ok? Now Vanessa why did you say those things?
Vanesa: Because he didn’t say he was sorry.. and I knew it’d piss him off.