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offshoredrilling's Avatar
nita can I have your jello shot??????
roscoe14850's Avatar
Which will jiggle more?!?!
qixerotic's Avatar
I heard the Burger King refused to wrap his Whopper
HA!!!Ha!!!Corny eh! was it needed to be posted!great pick osd!!now i want one of them and sure you can have my jello shot!!I wonder who's will jiggle more too!!! hahahahhaha .someone should do a meetngreet and only serve jello shots!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar

well, wonder how he will do behind bars. I here Bubba likes chicken McNuggets
offshoredrilling's Avatar

your's I plan on making a mess. And spill it all over. But will lick ya clean
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmmmmmm Ihop out of this for now Lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
it may not be the end of the story
roscoe14850's Avatar
You got a twisted mind OSD, I like it!
brutusbluto's Avatar
Gotta love them redheads!!
hahah!!!omg!!!right there with ya roscoe!!!! dont worry osd..i got the wetwipes!!! make it messy!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar

So I google Mr jack box. To see if I can find more on his side ot the story. But found this.

mmmmm if you can not be with or get from who you want. Shop eccie. Milking machines for men need more work to be safe.

But will keep looking in Mr Jack Ina Box. There got to be more behind why Ronald McDonald killed the king.

mmmm why do the handles on the machine look like ears to me. MMMMM I rather gab her hair. But some must holdee ears.

ps: if we keep looking into this nita. We will find the ROS!!!!!

Its best to just work the back of her neck. Like a mother cat picks up her kittens. It will relax her. Then when your ready for deep or shoot it down so she can't spit. They will not know its cuming. hehehe
MC's Avatar
  • MC
  • 07-28-2011, 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Hilarious AND terrifying.

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Reminds me of an old Man Show episode where Carolla (sp?) made a blowjob machine by putting a midget (or portable juggie) in a box. I miss that show.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
as he did like mr king's girls. MMMM in the group pic who is the guy between Ronald and the King he may be next. Size in things other than burger's may also matter. Jack better keep a eye over his shoulder also. The Colonel maybe guilty also.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
as they have done some strange things together before. In another land.