Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 01:30 PM
I've been to a seminar entitled, "How to Spot a Jackass".
Your picture was on the cover of the handout. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

I've been to a seminar in a mirrored room entitled, "How to Spot a Jackass".

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I've been to a seminar in a mirrored room entitled, "How to Spot a Jackass". Originally Posted by CJ7
You made the right choice.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 01:42 PM
LexusLover's Avatar
... for every hour a plane spends in the air it spends an hour going through maintenance, most are scheduled unless someone notices something flaky if someone like an avionics tech wanted to fuck with the plane theres ample time during routine checkups when the bird is getting worked on..

you didn't know that Einstein ? Originally Posted by CJ7
I'm surprised you are not over there straigtening everyone out .. you fall in the same category as BT, who knew BEFORE the invasion in 2003 there were no WMD's hidden in Iraq. I never figured out why he didn't let them know either.

I'm just sort of figuring that a guy with 18,000 hours flying 777's would probably not be as "busy" as you would be flying a 150 ... but maybe that is because he had a simulator in his house to give him an edge.

What do you think? Or do you?

Don't spend so much time trying to appear more knowledgeable than others.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-19-2014, 02:30 PM
I'm surprised you are not over there straigtening everyone out .. you fall in the same category as BT, who knew BEFORE the invasion in 2003 there were no WMD's hidden in Iraq. I never figured out why he didn't let them know either.

I'm just sort of figuring that a guy with 18,000 hours flying 777's would probably not be as "busy" as you would be flying a 150 ... but maybe that is because he had a simulator in his house to give him an edge.

What do you think? Or do you?

Don't spend so much time trying to appear more knowledgeable than others. Originally Posted by LexusLover

to err on the side of logic I believe the varying flight levels indicate the pilot was fighting the plane trying to save it rather than trying to kill its passengers, I also KNOW the plane could sustain 45,000 feet without catastrophic failure or need for oxygen... 40,000 is more of a warning than it is a death sentence... like a reserve fuel situation , .....the cabin is pressurized to maintain an 8000 foot pressure level regardless if the plane is at 45,000 feet ... and I also believe if the plane was in trouble !!! 18000 hours flying time is irrelevant, any pilot would be BUSY applying his trade to save the plane, and logic also tells me the plane is wet notwithstanding suitable landing surfaces within the 7 hours of flight time

I don't try to appear more knowledgeable, Iam, ...more than you anyway,

go buy a jet plane and find out, don't take my word for it.
I hope that once the dust settles on this monkey-fucking-a-fire-plus episode that the ability of a pilot, engineer, passenger, crew member, baggage handler, refueler, mechanic, or just someone wandering around on the tarmac to "DISABLE" locating and status transmission devices on commercial aircraft (carrying passengers and/or cargo) will be ELIMINATED, AND/OR a protocal for "DISCONNECTING and/or DISABLING" communications will be established and enforced ...

... in the meantime don't book any flights on Malaysia Airlines. Originally Posted by LexusLover
In the event the transponder malfunctions and is sending wrong data or shorts out and causes a fire the pilot needs to be able to disengage it. there is a backup but needs to be turned on.
you fall in the same category as BT, who knew BEFORE the invasion in 2003 there were no WMD's hidden in Iraq.. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Uhhh, have you been sippin' on your magic elixir once again? Apparently, you have had much more than a snoot full today!

What I have repeatedly stated on the subject (both before and after the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq) was that we should allow (or should have allowed) the Weapons Inspector's to complete their task and if they were to locate WMD's we could make the decision at that time whether or not a full scale invasion was justified. And quite frankly, I would not have been opposed to an invasion under those circumstances. But that never occurred. Why? Because in their rush to judgement, GW and Cheney made the dreadful decision to not allow the Weapon's Inspectors to complete their assigned MISSION!

In other words, it was Mission NOT Accomplished!

My official statement found above, seems to be dramatically different than the Lexi Liar fabricated statement found in the quoted text.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've been to a seminar in a mirrored room entitled, "How to Spot a Jackass". Originally Posted by CJ7
Huh? Oh.
LexusLover's Avatar
What I have repeatedly stated on the subject (both before and after the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq) was that we should allow (or should have allowed) the Weapons Inspector's to complete their task and if they were to locate WMD's we could make the decision at that time whether or not a full scale invasion was justified. And quite frankly, I would not have been opposed to an invasion under those circumstances.

My official statement MADE IN 2014 found above, seems to be dramatically different than the Lexi Liar fabricated statement found in the quoted text. Originally Posted by bigtex
There I fixed it for you! your version of history ... what was the "task" of "the Weapons Inspector's" ... (which is way off topic) ... but relevant to the the comparison.

It was not to "if they were to locate WMD's" .. it was to INSPECT the facilities and places in which the INSPECTORS thought there might be WMD's or materials and/or components to put them together ... access to which they were being denied by their Iraqi "hosts"! The "INSPECTORS" were historically not allowed to move about the country freely and were restricted as to when and where they could inspect ... that is what the numerous U.N. reports and resolutions were an attempt to resolve. But Iraq chose to ignore.

And will all due respect ... the above quote from you is the first time I have ever seen a post in which you asserted an invasion was even on "your table."
LexusLover's Avatar
...I also KNOW the plane

I don't try to appear more knowledgeable, Iam, ...more than you anyway,

go buy a jet plane and find out, don't take my word for it. Originally Posted by CJ7
Now, I understand why Flight 370 didn't make it ...

.. the pilot didn't know shit because he didn't own a "jet plane"!

I hope CNN is monitoring this thread so they will understand the problem.

(Maybe that's why he built a "simulator" in his house ... he couldn't afford to buy a "jet plane" and he was just doing the best he could to pretend, but that wasn't good enough).

I've been on oxygen at 8,000 to 10,000 feet. Of course, if I bought a "jet plane" maybe I wouldn't have needed any .. didn't think of that.

Keep watching the news "jet jockey"!
Did they find the wreckage? Stay tuned for facts...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-20-2014, 08:39 AM
They have yet to find the wreckage from the plane but they did discover that two passports were stolen and the two men who got on the plane were not them. Many of the experts agree that the destruction of the plane had to be quick as there was no squawk from the transponder or communications from the pilots.

Was he wrong....again? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let us go back to the first post by JD and the title of his thread...

Malaysian airlines: the rise of Al Queada?

Just how fucking wrong was JD? Again....and again and again.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2014, 11:40 AM
Now, I understand why Flight 370 didn't make it ...

.. the pilot didn't know shit because he didn't own a "jet plane"!

I hope CNN is monitoring this thread so they will understand the problem.

(Maybe that's why he built a "simulator" in his house ... he couldn't afford to buy a "jet plane" and he was just doing the best he could to pretend, but that wasn't good enough).

I've been on oxygen at 8,000 to 10,000 feet. Of course, if I bought a "jet plane" maybe I wouldn't have needed any .. didn't think of that.

Keep watching the news "jet jockey"! Originally Posted by LexusLover

y'all believe his shit ?

he needs to be in a nut house and on oxygen right now, that single brain cell of his is starving for blood.
LexusLover's Avatar
y'all believe his shit ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Don't know who "y'all" is .. unless it's all of YR's personalties,

.. but when the internet was new and chat rooms were popular I saw a comment made that there were more airline pilots in the chat rooms than "tickets" had been issued ..... I still believe that.

Is it "brown" shoes, or "black" ones?

As for your expertise on 777's ... that is what this thread is about ,...

.. I have not heard one 777 pilot who agrees with your "assessment"!

Nor any crash investigators for that matter...

as to altitude and/or communications equipment.

I'll take their expertise over "yours"! Keep studying.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

y'all believe his shit ?

he needs to be in a nut house and on oxygen right now, that single brain cell of his is starving for blood. Originally Posted by CJ7
That's the result of not breathing whilst sucking cock.