This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

what is that? Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
I think its something she displays with her venetian masks
TheEccie214's Avatar
Don't get if she's retired why she's on here posting all the time. Think she'd be enjoying the finer things in life like joy riding hobbyists cars, shopping for new stereo equipment, or paying back the money she owes people.
I think its something she displays with her venetian masks Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Makes sense.

Kitty, I still need my money for that stereo, since you are RETIRED.
Kitty: You mean you HAVENT paid for that stereo ???
KittyLamour's Avatar
Look. This is the LAST time I am going to attempt to set this straight.

Dallas Moderators I think it is pitiful the way you all have allowed this to continue. Especially in the case of TheEccie214. Who is responsible for resurrecting a year old thread and perpetuating the deception that I have retired.

TheEccie214, it is obvious that you are following this thread closely, so there is NO excuse for you to continue to post that I am retired after you read this. I AM NOT RETIRED. I HAVE NO PLANS TO RETIRE. I am asking you nicely for the last time. STOP SPREADING INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY. Nobody is as stupid as you are pretending to be, even certain trollettes.

Lookin4boobies and Crashkopf, I have never met either one of you. I do not owe you money for any stereo. The stereo of which you speak I traded a hobbyist a session for and it was paid for in full. That hobbyist was neither one of you. It was stolen from me by BossLadyThick a long, long time ago. So, if anyone is owed any money for a stereo, that person would be myself, Kitty Lamour, and neither one of you.

Quit lying and making insinuations that I owe you money. I have never met either one of you, and I assure you I never will. I prefer my hobbyists to be grown men with the maturity level of grown men not overgrown junior high bullies.

Since it is obvious that the two of you are likewise following this thread closely, I am asking the both of you nicely as well to quit spreading the fabrication that I owe anybody or yourselves any type of money. Continuing to do so will show you are as intelligent as TheEccie214 which would be sub-human if he continues to talk smack after being told for the umpteenth time otherwise.

I worked very hard and saved my money like every other responsible person who owns a vehicle. I do not joyride anyone's car. I have my own that I am quite proud of because I did work for it and did it on my own, responsibly, and nobody can claim otherwise that they gave me anything. Everything I have, I paid for and I own it.

Saying anything contradictory to the above statements is an insult to my hard work and just plain wrong. I deserve to be recognized for my effort not torn down by lies and insinuations.

In the past, my life was in shambles. I couldn't get my head above water and in my desperation, I reached out to the wrong people who only wanted to prey on me not help me.

On my own, I turned my life around and got rid of everything and everyone who was keeping me down. I have gone to great effort to be able to have the comfortable and peaceful existence I now enjoy.

What I do not appreciate, after all my hard work, is juvenile individuals such as you posters on this thread, undermining and destroying all my effort.

What you all are doing is incorrigible and evil. Try to see yourself through my eyes. Imagine yourself in my shoes backed in a corner and fighting for everything you believe in. How would you feel if you had overcome insurmountable odds to overcome a lifetime of being a victim only to have all that you fought against thrown back in your face?

I have overcome my demons and defeated them and my life is my own and nobody else's business.

Get out of my life. Get my name out of your filthy mouths and find something other to do than tearing apart a woman who already has enough to deal with just surviving without having to endure additional pain.

What you are doing hurts. It hurts badly. It is embarrassing it is humiliating and it is degrading. Words hurt more than sticks and stones they create open bleeding wounds on a person's very spirit and little by little even the strongest are defeated.

Please leave me alone. It's not cute, it's not funny and this is my life and I deserve the same happiness as you or anybody else does. I am not an exception so stop the discrimination.
chicagoboy's Avatar
The mods are disinclined to close this thread, but it would probably fall off the first page if Kitty would stop replying to several members' idiotic bumps of it. But, that would require impulse control, wouldn't it? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
See what I mean? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I guess she is RETIRED NOW....

damn my luck, I will never see that cash.
Look. This is the LAST time I am going to attempt to set this straight.

Dallas Moderators I think it is pitiful the way you all have allowed this to continue. Especially in the case of TheEccie214. Who is responsible for resurrecting a year old thread and perpetuating the deception that I have retired.

TheEccie214, it is obvious that you are following this thread closely, so there is NO excuse for you to continue to post that I am retired after you read this. I AM NOT RETIRED. I HAVE NO PLANS TO RETIRE. I am asking you nicely for the last time. STOP SPREADING INFORMATION TO THE CONTRARY. Nobody is as stupid as you are pretending to be, even certain trollettes.

Lookin4boobies and Crashkopf, I have never met either one of you. I do not owe you money for any stereo. The stereo of which you speak I traded a hobbyist a session for and it was paid for in full. That hobbyist was neither one of you. It was stolen from me by BossLadyThick a long, long time ago. So, if anyone is owed any money for a stereo, that person would be myself, Kitty Lamour, and neither one of you.

Quit lying and making insinuations that I owe you money. I have never met either one of you, and I assure you I never will. I prefer my hobbyists to be grown men with the maturity level of grown men not overgrown junior high bullies.

Since it is obvious that the two of you are likewise following this thread closely, I am asking the both of you nicely as well to quit spreading the fabrication that I owe anybody or yourselves any type of money. Continuing to do so will show you are as intelligent as TheEccie214 which would be sub-human if he continues to talk smack after being told for the umpteenth time otherwise.

I worked very hard and saved my money like every other responsible person who owns a vehicle. I do not joyride anyone's car. I have my own that I am quite proud of because I did work for it and did it on my own, responsibly, and nobody can claim otherwise that they gave me anything. Everything I have, I paid for and I own it.

Saying anything contradictory to the above statements is an insult to my hard work and just plain wrong. I deserve to be recognized for my effort not torn down by lies and insinuations.

In the past, my life was in shambles. I couldn't get my head above water and in my desperation, I reached out to the wrong people who only wanted to prey on me not help me.

On my own, I turned my life around and got rid of everything and everyone who was keeping me down. I have gone to great effort to be able to have the comfortable and peaceful existence I now enjoy.

What I do not appreciate, after all my hard work, is juvenile individuals such as you posters on this thread, undermining and destroying all my effort.

What you all are doing is incorrigible and evil. Try to see yourself through my eyes. Imagine yourself in my shoes backed in a corner and fighting for everything you believe in. How would you feel if you had overcome insurmountable odds to overcome a lifetime of being a victim only to have all that you fought against thrown back in your face?

I have overcome my demons and defeated them and my life is my own and nobody else's business.

Get out of my life. Get my name out of your filthy mouths and find something other to do than tearing apart a woman who already has enough to deal with just surviving without having to endure additional pain.

What you are doing hurts. It hurts badly. It is embarrassing it is humiliating and it is degrading. Words hurt more than sticks and stones they create open bleeding wounds on a person's very spirit and little by little even the strongest are defeated.

Please leave me alone. It's not cute, it's not funny and this is my life and I deserve the same happiness as you or anybody else does. I am not an exception so stop the discrimination.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
to whiney and boring to read, but I felt threatened by that video so I RTM'd it to the mods
Sum bich...... The crazy cat lady wants to kill us now?

Kitty..... I know you dig deep for personal info.... Find it... Post it own it.

Don't let that stop you from enjoying your RETIREMENT... I still want the money for the stereo....
TheEccie214's Avatar
We have info on her from a few weeks ago when her TS friend went crazy on her. I just don't get it - she's retired and spending so much time here. Just feel bad for those that she owes money.
Sum bich...... The crazy cat lady wants to kill us now?

Kitty..... I know you dig deep for personal info.... Find it... Post it own it.

Don't let that stop you from enjoying your RETIREMENT... I still want the money for the stereo.... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Possibly, and I think that's banable offense....I know in her retirement shes hanging up rusty trombones and ventian masks.....she's scary and a danger to ECCIE.......
We have info on her from a few weeks ago when her TS friend went crazy on her. I just don't get it - she's retired and spending so much time here. Just feel bad for those that she owes money. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Some of us missed that......could you post a linck or bump that thread? it might shine some light on the ultra violent threatening video she posted.........
KittyLamour's Avatar
You know what? FUCK YOU ALL. I don't owe anybody any money. If I did, what you gonna do? Come collect it? LMAO.

Grown ass men being "catty" on the internet like some high school children, always creating rumors, starting drama and bashing providers and expect me to not address you cowards? I get paid to entertain drama free gentlemen. That you even call me a drama queen goes to show the apple sure doesn't fall from the tree. Each and every one of you I will stand up to who thinks they can tarnish my reputation. You have to resort to lies in your attempts to rile up a bunch of idiots who buy into it.

Hunni I get a thrill out of responding to your attempts to bring me down. LOL it's really quite flattering to know that you all commenting negatively on these forums think it bothers me because facts of the matter each and every one of you is a follower.

Keep it cute or put it on mute because any man disrespecting a woman is a fucking joke to me.

What else you gonna write about me? I have six toes? A wooden leg? A sealed up vagina? I robbed a bank when I was 12? I slept with the president? I'm really a hundred years old? Cause I can go ahead and start those rumors for you since you guys never cease to amaze me with some of the SHIT that pours out your unbrushed mouth. I guess the old saying is true misery loves company so you guys must be very unhappy.

I don't owe anybody a damn thing, so consider yourself blessed for even getting a response out of me. Unlike you all, I receive payment for entertaining you clowns. This train wreck of filth that you guys suck from one another is actually making perfect sense to me cause just like in the wild hyenas never attack by themselves they are too much of a pussy to do so. Just like how none of yall have ever met me and never will and presume to speak on my life.

I pray to god you don't have children of your own cause if you do I will be sure to pray for them and their cowardly dad they have. Their so-called fathers who are nothing but liars and gossipers.

If you want to write something about me make sure it's about an experience and keep it rolling but all this extra shit is childish.

And, if you have the balls bitch pick up the phone and call me and I will gladly answer your questions if you want to speak as an adult. All you've done so far is showed this community how much of a little bitch you all are.

If this is what you do to me? I can't imagine what you do to people you actually do know. With that said, if any of you mother fuckers has anything else to say now is the fucking time because this constant back and forth shit I will start collecting for because I am an entertainer and me responding to all of this bs has been entertainment for free.

Unlike you guys who can't get paid to entertain, no how, no way, wanna be mad and continue this bs... I'll be expecting a check cause I don't work for free so if you can't talk money or any business then you really shouldn't even address me.

You guys all jumping in the mix being nosy wanting to stir the pot that's been cooking for years? You are acting like faggots because you don't fight fair.

Now going back to the originator who bumped this thread Mr Eccie 214, wanna handle your business like a real man should? Let me know. Because this nonsense, your minions and your lies are very fucking tired. Until you mother fuckers admit how pathetic you are, then and only then will I respect you as a person.

Until then, my phone is waiting, come at me correct, with respect and I will gladly do the same but don't ever think that you can spit lies and not have me address your pussy boy antics. I am too grown for this as I hope most of the people here are.

If you have seen me in person and experienced something you didn't like or I didn't fulfill then tell me in person so I don't do it again, however don't be ridiculous like these pussy ass bitches who have never met me, never given me any money and never been graced with my presence... but are probably mad cause I didn't take their low ball attempts.

At the end of the day this can be a never ending Merry Go Round with some of these desperate attempts for my attention. But be advised if ever you want to make accusations... I need mother fucking receipts, because as of now nobody on this post has given me any proof. Now when I say proof, let me reiterate because this is 2016 and what is in the past is in the past.

If you are still living in the past then I don't fuck with you. If you hold on to anything I have said in the past I don't fuck with you. If I offended you in the past and you're still in your feelings, I don't fuck with you. If you find any means to say one more negative thing without month to month proof, then guess what? I don't fuck with you either cause those who do must love your misery.

Happy sucking guys cause I know how you guys love to suck each other off.
KittyLamour's Avatar
chicagoboy's Avatar
... consider yourself blessed for even getting a response out of me. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
It's a Count Your Blessings Friday UITB.