New Private Forum Proposal

Jessica Jade's Avatar
I'm sorry baby, I can come tuck you in and make you feel better ...
Nurse says you're smoking hot ...
Originally Posted by DarthDVader
Awe! She's smoking hot too.
Jessica caring about the Cowboys? Priceless. Always loved that about Tara that she cares about the Cowboys.

For this situation Darth - I'd take the middle - Phildo fumbled. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Hey they are like family that acts badly. Still gotta be there for them.
TinMan's Avatar

Hey they are like family that acts badly. Still gotta be there for them. Originally Posted by Jessica Jade
Thank you for providing me the rationalization I was looking for as to why I still support this team!
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 01-16-2014, 09:53 AM
Looking forward to this!

I'll make you a bet, Romo.

At the six month mark, if the forum proves to be a success, YOU will pay for the next six months.

If it proves to be a failure, I will pay you what it already cost me to have it open for six months.
Originally Posted by thathottnurse

Noisy fuckers ^^^, ain't they?
Has he even been allowed to play at the computer yet today? Whoever is in charge of his hookerboard schedule keeps a pretty short leash on him. One can kinda start to see why he gets so angry.

Either way. I hope we are ALL able to move on and put it behind us. I'm looking forward to seeing how the new forum does, bet or no bet.
OldGrump's Avatar
THN, maybe this could be a stickie as a list of words we can't use in the new forum?

Of course, I don't know what most of them mean. I don't use them. :-)
THN, maybe this could be a stickie as a list of words we can't use in the new forum?

Of course, I don't know what most of them mean. I don't use them. :-) Originally Posted by OldGrump
Fuck yeah, I'm all for that rule and enforcing the shit out of it. Cocksucker got no business talkin' that kind of trash on a civilized whore board. That's just a bunch of talk for cunts. And a motherfucker don't need tits to be a prissy little cunt. Lots of male cunts out there, too. Makes me wanna slap the piss out of 'em.
OldGrump's Avatar
Fuck yeah, I'm all for that rule and enforcing the shit out of it. Cocksucker got no business talkin' that kind of trash on a civilized whore board. That's just a bunch of talk for cunts. And a motherfucker don't need tits to be a prissy little cunt. Lots of male cunts out there, too. Makes me wanna slap the piss out of 'em. Originally Posted by eccienewbie
George? Is that you? I thought you died!

Carlin was one of very few comedians who could make me laugh out loud.
Seeing as how the thread you referred to was posted several months before your meltdown and subsequent quest to prove something to somebody, I fail to see the "Loser" rationale in your post, but then I suppose for you it's better late to the party than not at all, eh? Gotta prove you really didn't take the chum for a value meal after all? A little embare-assed are you? I can see why.

I have made no bets, no commentary on success or failure of your project, I have merely asked (repeatedly) for you to present a prototype or a Beta, or even an outline, with a direct response that isn't you going all defensive psychobabble when pushed for details. Where do you get this stuff, making bets off of a post that has nothing to do with you at all made back in November? Are you going back in time to make things be about you?

All these little attack things, little digs, little speculative bits from your fluffers, that's kind of like bringing a butter knife to the OK corral. I've said my piece, been misconstrued, abused, named called, and you know what, my ass isn't showing here at all. And I like that. Because yours is. Well, yours and your lemming's.

So I'll ask one more time. How many geographic forums, how many short notice forums, how do you propose to monitor the short notice forums, how many geographic locations can a lady post in if she finds the one with her address is too limiting, and how often can she post, how have you defined any of this from a user standpoint other than to show up in non advertising venues advertising what is, at the moment, undefined air-ware? When you have answers instead of redirection, post them. Otherwise you and the lemmings can keep wasting bandwidth while we wait with bated breath for the realized outcome of your verbosity. You have enough attaboys in here for a dozen projects. Where's the beef?
dearhunter's Avatar
This has been an interesting day. Ran into a post that I felt compelled to comment on considering the author:

Which then got me to thinking....

I'll make you a bet, Romo.

At the six month mark, if the forum proves to be a success, YOU will pay for the next six months.

If it proves to be a failure, I will pay you what it already cost me to have it open for six months.

"Success" will be measured two-fold: view count and by public poll.

So what do you say, Romo?? Wanna actually put your money where your mouth is? Or are you gonna backstep outta this like the little whiny biotch you've been acting like all week?? Is it your period??

Time to man-up and have the balls to back up your "beef". Just bc the real Romo failed to deliver doesn't mean you have to too.

I'm game if you are!

Oh btw Romo, if you decide to continue being on your period instead of growing your balls back, it means you have to either find a plug for your hole or go bleed somewhere else. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Both are easily manipulated.........just say WOLVERINE and phildo will be writing a check........ijs
Hell, I hit the RTM button to make some of the Dallas Pocket Mods work for a living, not to get DH out of bed. Is ALL sarcasm lost in modville?

Luv ya Blue, ya know!!!

I'll still fail for Romo's 50 mil. Hell pick a REAL loser, not a clutch-fail multi millionaire with a hot wife, a good golf swing and his own bobble head doll....ijs

Namssa's Avatar
phildo the RTM is not meant for when you get butt hurt in a thread where you were engaged in the same jousting match.

maybe you need a new song.
Maybe you need to realize that I am not butt hurt by the ramblings of the semi literate and misguided, but merely playing the same game the pussies play around here, and to put it all out in the open about how arbitrarily lopsided the mod business is handled in Dallas. I got 5 points for telling Darth that we could give him an enema and dress what was left in a GI Joe outfit (or maybe Barbie)...I just wanted to know, what's he and the ho getting for their little short bus version of Burns and Allen? Or is that like asking you guys to declassify the hunt for freebies or where to find real Mexican food in Dallas?

Use all that free time you have to find some decent music. That shit will rot your teeth. The eighties power slop ballads sucked the first time. You spend less time backin' hookers who listen to Journey, your taste will improve.
I'm sure thn has many reasons for her New Private "elite" Forum but its not for me. But, Im a newbie so what do I know about info exchange? Hope "they" never make her a mod or put her in charge. She has way too much free time to deal with...
We could use us a little SweaterPuppies and some BitchWaffles along in here right about now....or even some PrettyFuckingMarvelous...comed y is so much more fun than them as take this shit seriously.